CN Graduate Admissions - Corporate Reports
The Business Objects InfoView Public Folders area provides access to pre-defined,
prompt-driven reports that you can run to retrieve a standardized perspective
on your data.
Using InfoView:
The InfoView web page allows you to view the list of corporate documents
in the Business Objects repository and refresh and download those documents
via the web. To access the corporate documents using InfoView (Business
Objects users only):
- Point your browser to
- Enter your Business Objects
ID and password in the User Name and Password fields that appear.
Click OK to continue to the InfoView Welcome page.
- The InfoView web portal allows you to view the list of reports in the Business Objects
'Public Folders', refresh those documents via the web, and if desired, save them to your desktop as
Excel or pdf files. The 'Public Folders' are listed in InfoView when you navigate to 'Document List.' You will only
be able to view or use reports in the public folders that you have access to. Documents should be
renamed and saved to your own 'My Favorites' folder on the portal if you need to edit them using Webi. Documents can only be edited in Webi when placed in your 'My Favorites' folder.
Corporate Reports
There are no Corporate reports for the CN Graduate Admisions data collection.
Collection Information: