Help for Sponsored Projects Queries
Overview. Sponsored Projects data is complex, and a listserv is
available to help you query the Warehouse and retrieve Sponsored Projects
data efficiently and effectively.
Subscription to the listserv. When you are granted access to the
Sponsored Projects data in the Warehouse, a subscription is automatically
set up for you to participate in an E-mail listserv called SPONPROJ-WH@LISTS.UPENN.EDU.
(Those with subscriptions to the list are called list members. If any
member sends an E-mail note to the list, every member of the list receives
a copy.)
When you have a question. If you have a question about the Sponsored
Projects data, please send E-mail to the list -- and if you have the answer
to a list member's question, please E-mail your reply to the list so all
the members can benefit from the discussion.
The list is also the place to send E-mail if you notice that some documentation
needs updating. For documentation published on the Web, please specify
the URL for the documentation that needs to be updated. For Business Objects
documentation (help for Objects), please specify the Universe, Class,
and Object.