Penn Computing
Frequently Asked Questions:
List Owners
List Members
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Other Documentation:
LSoft Online Listowner Manual
Table of PennNet Mailing Lists Options
List Owners
How do I administer my Mailing List?
How do I make my Mailing List more secure?
How do I transfer ownership of a Mailing list?
Why are users being unsubscribed from my mailing list?
How do I add and/or delete users to/from my Mailing List?
How do I add members in bulk?
How do I control who can send to my list?
How do I set the Reply-To address for my list?
How do I control the maximum number of postings to my list per day?
How do I control subscriptions to my list?
How do I control who can review the subscribers of my list?
How do I keep my list hidden from other PennNet Mailing List users?
How do I prevent mail from being distributed during certain periods of time?
How do I turn off the prevention of duplicate messages?
What does it mean when a list is "held"?
Why do messages have a different From: and CC: header?
How do I deal with Bounced mail?
Why can't I delete this subscriber?
How do I change my Login Cookie Expiration for the Web Interface?
What are Newsletter preferences?
What are Report Formats?
What does it mean when a subscriber is "served out"?
How do I receive a copy of emails that I send to the list?
DMARC and it's effect on Listserv
List Members
How do I subscribe/unsubscribe from a list?
What are the basic subscriber commands?
How do I contact the Owner of a list?
Why was I automatically removed from a list?
Why can I no longer use a password with a space character?
Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Comments & Questions
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania