Data element |
Definition |
Pk_Fa_User_Defined_Aidy Indexed - yes Format - Varchar2(15) May be Null? N | Primary key for table. Unique by PIDM and Aid Year. |
Usdfa_Aidy_Code Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (4) May be Null? Y | Aid year code for individual student record within table. |
Usdfa_Pidm Indexed - no Format - Number (8) May be Null? Y | Internal Banner identification number for student. |
Usdfa_Penn_Id Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (9) May be Null? Y | Student's Penn ID or university ID. |
Usdfa_Refresh_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | Last date the record was updated in the data warehouse. |
Usdfa_Value_1 Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(20) May be Null? Y | Year at Penn. |
Usdfa_Value_2 Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(20) May be Null? Y | IM Case Complexity. |
Usdfa_Value_16 Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(20) May be Null? Y | User Assignment. FA staff assigned to student. |
Usdfa_Value_57 Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(20) May be Null? Y | Y/N indicator from the IM tool indicating the Quaker 200K initiative eligibility. |
Usdfa_Value_58 Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(20) May be Null? Y | Y/N indicator from the IM tool indicatiing the Quaker home eq eligibility. |