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REQUIREMENT Table - Data Element Index

Catalog Term

The unique term, or pseudo-term, that along with Division, Degree, Major and Concentration, identifies a set of requirements in a component. If there are two sets of requirements for the same Division, Degree, Major, Concentration, then Catalog Term is used to distinguish between them. For example, if a school updates its degree requirements for new students, but wants to keep the old requirements for continuing students, each set of requirements has a unique Catalog Term. In most cases, Catalog Term is the term, in YYYYT format, when the set of requirements went into effect.

Component Line ID

A system-generated number, used to uniquely identify a line in a Component. Each Requirement in a Component is a separate line.

Component Line Type

A 2-character code used to identify the type of line that should be produced in the online worksheet in Advisor InTouch. NOTE: at this time, only lines of type RQ are stored in the Data Warehouse.


H1 - Larger Header line
H2 - Small Header line
RQ - Requirement
RC - Requirement Comment

Component Type

A one-character code whose value describes the group of requirements contained in a component.


D - Division-wide requirements ("everyone getting this degree in this division must do these things")
M - Major requirements ("everyone taking this major must do these things")
N - Minor requirements ("everyone completing this minor must do these things")


Further defines a Major. In SRS, majors can be associated with concentrations. Concentrations cannot exist without majors. Minors do not have concentrations. Majors with different concentrations will have different and separate Components, one for each major/concentraiton combination.


Refer to the CONCENTRATION table for values.


The SRS degree whose requirements are defined by a Component.


Refer to the DEGREE table for valid values.


The SRS Division whose degree requirements are defined in a Component.


Refer to the DIVISION table for valid values.

External Credit

Indicates whether or not External Credit is allowed for this requirement.


A = exclude AP credit.
T = exclude Transfer credit.
X = exclude both AP and Transfer credit.

Major Minor

The 4-charcters SRS Major (or Minor) code whose requirements are defined in a Component.


Refer to theMAJOR_MINOR table for valid values.

Min CU

The minimum credits that must be completed to successfully fulfill this requirement.

See also Credit_Type in the COURSE_SECTION table.

Min Grade Alpha

The minimum grade, represented in an alphabetical character (A through F) that must be obtained in order to fulfill this requirement.


             A*  - EXCELLENT

             A+  - EXCELLENT

             A   - EXCELLENT

             A-  - EXCELLENT

             B+  - ABOVE AVERAGE

             B   - ABOVE AVERAGE

             B-  - ABOVE AVERAGE

             C+  - AVERAGE

             C   - AVERAGE

             C-  - AVERAGE

             D+  - BELOW AVERAGE

             D   - BELOW AVERAGE

             D-  - BELOW AVERAGE

             F   - FAILING

             O   - OUTSTANDING

             P   - PASS

             S   - SATISFACTORY

             U   - UNSATISFACTORY

             DD  - DISTINGUISHED

             DS  - DISTINGUISHED

             HP  - HIGH PASS

             NC  - NO CREDIT

             NCR - NO CREDIT

             CR  - CREDIT

             E   - EXCELLENT/EXEMPT

             G   - GOOD

             Q   - QUALIFIED

             QC  - QUALIFIED CREDIT


             CRD - UNGRADED CREDIT

             H   - HONORS


             F/P - FAIL THEN PASS

             FNC - FAIL - NO CREDIT

Min Grade Num

The minimum grade, represented in a numerical equivalent (0.0 through 4.0) that must be obtained in order to fulfill this requirement.

Pass Fail Ind

The Pass-Fail Ind indicates whether or not the rules allow a student to take a course "Pass/Fail" and use it to fulfill the requirement.


Y - students may count courses towards this requirement, even if they take the course "pass/fail"

N - students may nor count any course taken "pass/fail" towards this requirement

Req Category

Used to group requirements into categories, for summarizing purposes. (Not currently used at Penn.)


The text that appears on the online worksheet in Advisor InTouch for the requirement line. This is entered by the person creating the Component Lines in REQBUILD, and is used to label the requirement for Advisor InTouch users.

Update Date

The last date this Requirement was updated in the administrative mainframe application REQBUILD.

Update Inits

The initials of the administrative mainframe users who last updated this Requirement in REQBUILD. These initials are maintained in the SRS Security Module by the SRS System Administrator. Initials are assigned to a user when he or she first gets an account. CAUTION: if the user has an account to use the mainframe SRS application and an account to use Advisor InTouch, their initials will not be the same in both applications.

Note: there is currently no mapping of initials to a person's name available in the Data Warehouse. To investigate the full name of a person associated with Update Inits, please contact the Office of the University Registrar.


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University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania