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University of Pennsylvania
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ST_ADDL_ID Table . Pennant Student Records Home . Data Warehouse Home

ST_ADDL_ID Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.

Data element Definition

Indexed - no
Format - Date
May be Null? Y

Last date any part of this record was updated in the source. Source field: GORADID_ACTIVITY_DATE.


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(50)
May be Null? Y

Additional identification value. Source field: GORADID_ADDITIONAL_ID.


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(4)
May be Null? Y

Code identifying the type or source of the additional ID in this record. Additional IDs can come from admissions systems, or other systems at Penn that maintain student information. Students can have zero, one, or multiple additional IDs.

Source field GORADID_ADID_CODE. Source validation table: GTVADID. Warehouse validation table: V_ADDITIONAL_ID


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(9)
May be Null? Y

Penn's identity management system identification number. Source field: SPRIDEN_ID


Indexed - no
Format - Number
May be Null? Y

Internal unique person identifier. Source field: GORADID_PIDM.


Indexed - no
Format - Date
May be Null? Y

Date the record was last refreshed in the warehouse


Indexed - yes
Format - Varchar2(76)
May be Null? N

Internal warehouse primary key: based on PIDM, Addl_ID_Type, and Addl_ID

ST_ADDL_ID Table . Pennant Student Records Home . Data Warehouse Home

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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania