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CRSE_SECTION Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.

  • Pri_Sec_Ind
  • Primary_Course_ID
  • Primary_Course_Num
  • Primary_CRN
  • Primary_Section_Id
  • Primary_Section_Num
  • Primary_Subject
  • Prior_Enrolled
  • Projected_Enrlmt
  • Ptrm_End_Date
  • Ptrm_Start_Date
  • Ptrm_Weeks
  • Refresh_Date
  • Reg_Auth_Override
  • Reg_End_Date
  • Reg_Start_Date
  • Reserved_Ind
  • Schedule_Type
  • Sched_With_Group
  • School
  • Section_Description
  • Section_Description_Part2
  • Section_ID
  • Section_Num
  • Section_Status
  • Section_Syllabus_URL
  • Sect_Print_Ind
  • Session_Code
  • Special_Approval
  • Special_Approval_Desc
  • Subject
  • Term
  • Title
  • Total_Credit_Hours_Bu
  • Total_Cred_Hrs
  • Total_Enrlmt
  • Total_Registered
  • Tuit_Assess_Exmpt
  • Var_Credit_Ind
  • Wait_Avail
  • Wait_Capacity
  • Wait_Count
  • Xlist_Enrlmt
  • Xlist_Family
  • Data element Definition

    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    Not currently used. (Source field was: SSBSECT_ACAD_CUT_OFF_DATE.)

    See instead: Enrl_Cutoff_Date



    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    The latest date the Course Section information was updated in the source table SSBSECT.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This field displays a calculated total of remaining available seats in the section by subtracting the actual enrollment field (Total_Enrlmnt) from the maximum enrollment field (Max_Enrlmt) defined for this section. Source field: SSBSECT_SEATS_AVAIL.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This field can be used to restrict a section to a single billing hour value when the course was defined with variable billing hours on the COURSE table. Value is stored in Penn "native" currency, based on the credit type of the course. This value must fall between the variable values.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This field can be used to restrict a section to a single billing hour value when the course was defined with variable billing hours on the COURSE table. Value is stored in Banner Units (BU) This value must fall between the variable values. Source field: SSBSECT_BILL_HRS.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(3)
    May be Null? Y

    There are several potential campus codes that can be on a course section; each section has exactly one code. Online campus (ONL) code is used for sections of courses that support online programs; the Philadelphia (PHL) or San Francisco (SFO) campus codes are for class sections that are being taught online in a given term that support traditional, in-person programs. In both cases, the Instructional Method should be Online (OL).
    Source field: SSBSECT_CAMP_CODE. Source validation table: STVCAMP. Data Warehouse validation table: V_CAMPUS.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    This field is defined in the Census field in the Base Part of Term Block on the Term Control Form - SOATERM, and will default to this field based on the Key Block Term and Part/Term field in the Section Block of this form. Source field SSBSECT_CENSUS_ENRL_DATE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This field is system maintained. It will display the running total of students registered for the section prior to the census date defined for the part of term. Source field: SSBSECT_CENSUS_ENRL.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This field is the column that contains the sum of low lecture, lab and others hours. Contact hours divided by 10 are the continuing education units for a continuing education section. This calculated value is stored in the credit hour field in Banner. Source field: SSBSECT_CONT_HR.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(9)
    May be Null? Y

    Subject and Course Number concatenated together. Can be used, along with the Term, to join to the COURSE table.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(5)
    May be Null? Y

    Number (stored as character) that identifies the course in the subject. The Subject and Course Number come from the COURSE table, no course section can have a Course Num that is not defined in COURSE. Source field: SSBSECT_CRSE_NUMB.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(5)
    May be Null? Y

    The internal Banner Course Reference Number (CRN) assigned to this course section, this uniquely identifies a course section in a term, in the source system. Source field: SSBSECT_CRN.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(4)
    May be Null? Y

    This field comes from a course section attribute, where the attribute is described as an "-ADMIN-" attribute. Used by schools to identify administrative units that are associated with courses. See also CRSE_SECT_ATTRIBUTE. Source field: SSRATTR_ATTR_CODE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This field can be used to restrict a section to a single credit hr. value when the course is defined with variable credit hoursin the COURSE table. Value is stored in Penn "native" currency, based on the credit type of the course. This value must fall between the hi/low variable values.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This field can be used to restrict a section to a single credit hr. value when the course is defined with variable credit hoursin the COURSE table. Value is stored in Banner Units (BU). This value must fall between the hi/low variable values. Source field: SSBSECT_CREDIT_HRS.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(4)
    May be Null? Y

    Identifies the Penn course currency. All courses in Banner will be stored in Banner units, but Penn recognizes different currencies: CU (credit unit), CR (credits, used by Dental School) and SH (semester hours, used by Law School) 1 CU = 1 Banner unit 6 CR = 1 Banner unit 3 SH = 1 Banner unit Source field: SCBSUPP_CUDA_CODE. Source validation table: STVCUDA.


    Indexed - yes
    Format - Varchar2(11)
    May be Null? N

    Internal warehouse primary key: based on TERM_CODE and Course Reference Number (CRN).


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(4)
    May be Null? Y

    Code for the department that manages the course. Source field: SCBCRSE_DEPT_CODE. Source validation table: STVDEPT. Data Warehouse validation table: V_DEPARTMENT.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2)
    May be Null? Y

    Most courses are Penn are owned and administered by a school. For courses being administered by a specific division within a school, this is the two-character code for the division. Source field: SSBOVRR_COLL_CODE. Source validation table: STVCOLL. Data Warehouse validation table: V_DIVISION.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    The last date on which students may drop a course without assessing a penalty. Source field: SFRRSTS_END_DATE where the SFRRSTS_RSTS_CODE = 'DH'


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Duration Number of Units. The number of units the student will be given to complete the course. Source field: SSBSECT_NUMBER_OF_UNITS.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(4)
    May be Null? Y

    Duration Unit Code. The duration unit code assigned to the section. Source field: SSBSECT_DUNT_CODE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    The last date on which students may enroll for the academic calendar type and registration status. Source field: SFRRSTS_END_DATE where the SFRRSTS_RSTS_CODE = 'RW'


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Number of Extensions. The maximum number of extensions permitted for this section. Source field: SSBSECT_NUMBER_OF_EXTENSIONS.

    Final Grade Ind

    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2 (1)
    May be Null? Y

    Final Grade indicator: When this column is set to 'Y' it indicates that the course section is in a part of term where grading has begun, i.e., grading is allowed.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    This field is used to specify whether or not the section is gradable. It is a required field and "Y" - Yes, Gradable, is the default value. Source field: SSBSECT_GRADABLE_IND.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    Not currently used at Penn. Course Sections have multiple grade modes. See the CRSE_SECT_GRADE_MODE table


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(5)
    May be Null? Y

    Instructional Method Code. The instructional method code assigned to the section. Source field: SSBSECT_INSM_CODE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(5)
    May be Null? Y

    Code defined on GORINTG that associates the course section with the User Integration Code. Source field: SSBSECT_INTG_CODE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This field is used to specify the lab hours specific to this section, if it is a SCHEDULE_TYPE of 'LAB' Source field: SSBSECT_LAB_HR.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    Learner Registration Start Date. When registering for the course, the first date that the learner can start taking the course. Source field: SSBSECT_LEARNER_REGSTART_FDATE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    Learner Registration To Date. When registering for the course, the last date that the learner can start taking the course. Source field: SSBSECT_LEARNER_REGSTART_TDATE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This field is used to specify the lecture hours specific to this section, if it is a SCHEDULE_TYPE of 'LEC' Source field: SSBSECT_LEC_HR.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2)
    May be Null? Y

    This field can be used to link other sections of the same course which must be taken concurrently, for example a Lecture (LEC) and the associated Recitations (REC). The LINK_ID of a course section will appear in the LINK_CONN field of the linked section. Source field: SSBSECT_LINK_IDENT.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2)
    May be Null? Y

    This field can be used to link other sections of the same course which must be taken concurrently, for example a Lecture (LEC) and the associated Recitations (REC). The LINK_CONN of a course section will appear in the LINK_ID of the linked section. If a course section is linked to more than one other type of section (for example, a lecture can be linked to both the lab and the recitation sections), then the multiple LINK_CONN codes will all be listed together in this field, separated by commas. Source field: SSRLINK_LINK_CONN.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Maximum number of credits that can be earned by taking this course, converted into Penn "native" currency, based on the CREDIT_TYPE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The maximum number of credits that can be earned by taking this course, stored in Banner Units (BU). If the VAR_FIXED_CREDIT value is Fixed, the MIN_CREDIT will be the same as the MAX_CREDIT. Source field: SCBCRSE_CREDIT_HR_HIGH.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This field is used to set the maximum enrollment for a section. When the Capacity severity switch is set to 'W' or 'F' on the Term Control Form - SOATERM, the system issues warnings when enrollment exceeds this number. Source field: SSBSECT_MAX_ENRL.

    Note that for sections that are scheduled-with each other ("cross-listed" sections), the Maximum Enrollment is for the all sections in the scheduled-with group, not each individual section.

    When cross-listed sections need to control the number of people in each member of the group, the administering department uses the reserved seating functions: see CRSE_SECT_RESERVE_SEAT table


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Minimum number of credits that can be earned by taking this course, converted into Penn "native" currency, based on the CREDIT_TYPE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The minimum number of credits that can be earned by taking this course, stored in Banner Units (BU). If the VAR_CREDIT_IND value is Fixed, the MIN_CREDIT will be the same as the MAX_CREDIT. Source field: SCBCRSE_CREDIT_HR_LOW.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This field is used to specify the other hours specific to this section. Other hours is defined by the institution. Source field: SSBSECT_OTH_HR.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(3)
    May be Null? Y

    The part-of-term in which the section is offered. A Term can have multiple parts-of-term, each having their own range of dates within the term. The value entered here must be valid as defined for the term on the Term Control Form - SOATERM. The default is "1". Source field: SSBSECT_PTRM_CODE. Banner validation table: STVPTRM. Data Warehouse validation table: V_PART_OF_TERM.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    The description for the Part of Term code. Source: STVPTRM_DESC


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    Indicates type of prerequisite checking. B=Banner Basic, C=CAPP, D=DegreeWorks. Source field: SSBSECT_PREREQ_CHK_METHOD_CDE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    When the course section is created by the roll process, this will contain the final total enrollment from the last time the same course section was offered. Source field: SSBSECT_PRIOR_ENRL.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This field is used to record the anticipated enrollment in the section for the term. It is an optional field which defaults to "0" when a section is added, and it controls no system processing. Source field: SSBSECT_PROJ_ENRL.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    The end date for the part-of-term of this course section. If the course section is offered for the entire term, the end date will be the end of the term. This field is defined in the End field in the Base Part of Term Block on the Term Control Form - SOATERM, and will default to this field based on the Key Block Term and Part/Term field in the Section Block of this form. (Note: the actual end date for a section can be individually set in the SSRMEET table. When that happens, the section meeting dates override the part-of-term dates. -- see CRSE_SECT_MEETING.END_DATE.)
    Source field: SSBSECT_PTRM_END_DATE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    The start date for the part-of-term of this course section. If the course section is offered for the entire term, the start date will be the start of the term. This field is defined in the Start field in the Base Part of Term Block on the Term Control Form - SOATERM, and will default to this field based on the Key Block Term and Part/Term field in the Section Block of this form. (Note: the actual start date for a section can be individually set in the SSRMEET table. When that happens, the section meeting dates override the part-of-term dates. -- see CRSE_SECT_MEETING.START_DATE.) Source field: SSBSECT_PTRM_START_DATE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This field is defined in the 'Wks' field in the Base Part of Term Block on the Term Control Form - SOATERM, and will default to this field based on the Key Block Term and Part/Term field in the Section Block of this form. Source field: SSBSECT_PTRM_WEEKS.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    The latest date this warehouse table was refreshed.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    Registration authorization active code: allows user to override authorizations for this specific CRN. Source field: SSBSECT_REG_AUTH_ACTIVE_CDE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    Registration To Date. The last date that registrations will be accepted for this section. Source field: SSBSECT_REG_TO_DATE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    Registration From Date. The first date that registration will be open to the learner for this section. Source field: SSBSECT_REG_FROM_DATE


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    This field indicates whether reserved seats are defined for the section. Source field: SSBSECT_RESERVED_IND.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(3)
    May be Null? Y

    The instructional activity type of the section being scheduled, for example: CLN = Clinical, DIS = Dissertation, LEC = Lecture Source field: SSBSECT_SCHD_CODE. Source validation table: STVSCHD. Data Warehouse validation table: V_SCHED_TYPE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2)
    May be Null? Y

    One character code for the School that owns the course. Source field: SCBCRSE_COLL_CODE. Source validation table: STVCOLL. Data Warehouse validation table: V_SCHOOL. Note: in Banner, school codes and division codes can both be found in the validation table, STVCOLL. School codes a one-character, division codes are two-character.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(4000)
    May be Null? Y

    Section-specfiic Description (first 4000 characters). Note: For many sections this will be blank. Source field: SSBDESC_TEXT_NARRATIVE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(4000)
    May be Null? Y

    Section-specfiic Description, Part 2 (continued). Note: For many sections this will be blank. Source field: SSBDESC_TEXT_NARRATIVE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(12)
    May be Null? Y

    Subject, Course Number, and Sequence number concatenated together.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(3)
    May be Null? Y

    Number (stored as character) that identifies the section of a course, associated with the Subject/Course Num. A Section number can only be used once to identify a Subject/Course Num combination in a term. (Note, however, multiple sections of a course can share a 0 section number.) Source field: SSBSECT_SEQ_NUMB.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    The status of a section, for example: 'A' = Active, 'I' = Inactive, 'C' = Cancelled. The 'Allow Registration' switch on the Section Status Validation Form - STVSSTS determines whether the status entered will prevent or allow registration for this section. Source field: SSBSECT_SSTS_CODE. Source validation table: STVSSTS. Data Warehouse validation table: V_SCHED_STATUS.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(100)
    May be Null? Y

    The address, stored as the URL, of the online syllabus for the course section. Source: SSRSYLN_SECTION_URL


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    This field is used to specify whether the section should be printed in the Schedule Report - SSRSECT. "Y" - Yes, print section is the default value. Source field: SSBSECT_PRINT_IND.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    This field can be used to identify the session in which the section is scheduled. This is an optional field, and can be null. Source field: SSBSECT_SESS_CODE. Source validation table: STVSESS.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2)
    May be Null? Y

    Code for the type of Special Approval required to register for this course section (if any). Example of values: DE = Dean IN = Instructor's Signature DP = Department AA = Advisor HA = Honor's Advisor. Source field: SSBSECT_SAPR_CODE. Source validation table: STVSAPR.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Description of the Special Approval code. Source: STVSAPR_DESC


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(4)
    May be Null? Y

    Code for the Subject Area associated with the course section. The Subject and Course Number come from the COURSE table, no course section can have a Subject that is not defined in COURSE. Source field: SSBSECT_SUBJ_CODE. Source validation table: STVSUBJ. Data Warehouse validation table: V_SUBJECT


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(6)
    May be Null? Y

    Code for the term in which the course section is offered. Source field: SSBSECT_TERM_CODE. Source validation table: STVTERM. Data Warehouse validation table: V_TERM.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(100)
    May be Null? Y

    Text title of the course section. This originates from COURSE, but can be modified at the section level. Source field: SSRSYLN_LONG_COURSE_TITLE


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This field is system maintained. It will display a running total of all enrolled credit hours in the section. Value stored in Banner Units (BU). Source field: SSBSECT_TOT_CREDIT_HRS.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Running total of enrolled credit hours, converted to the Penn currency. See also TOTAL_CRED_HRS_BU


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The total number of people whose enrollment in the course section with a registration status code flagged as "Count in Enroll". This includes all reg status category 'R' (Registration) and 'W' (Withdraw) records; It does NOT include reg status category 'D' (Drop) records. More precisely, it includes anyone where the enrollment has a registration status with a 'Count in Enroll' flag of 'Y' in the Registration Status Code validation table. Refer to V_REG_STATUS for details. Source field: SSBSECT_ENRL

    Webi universe object name: Total Enrollment

    For the count of people enrolled in all sections in a cross-listed group, see Xlist_Enrlmt.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This field is a running count of the number of people who were ever registered, including people who are no longer enrolled because they dropped the section. Source field: SSBSECT_REG_ONEUP.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    This field can be used to specify that this section be exempt from the assessment of tuition and fees as defined on the Registration Fees Process Control Form - SFARGFE. Source field: SSBSECT_TUIW_IND.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2)
    May be Null? Y

    Indicates whether the course can be offered for variable credits. Null indicaes a Fixed number of credits. Other valid values are 'TO', 'OR'. OR/TO is used to specify the relationship between min and max credit hours. An OR/TO value must exist to enter Credit Hours High. Source field: SCBCRSE_CREDIT_HR_IND.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This field is system maintained. It displays a running total of remaining available waitlist seats by subtracting the waitlist actual enrollment from the maximum waitlist enrollment for the section. Source field: SSBSECT_WAIT_AVAIL.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This field is used to set the maximum waitlist enrollment for a section. Source field: SSBSECT_WAIT_CAPACITY.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This field is system maintained. It displays a running total of enrollments in the section which have course status with a waitlist flag set to Y on the Registration Status Code Validation Form - STVRSTS. Source field: SSBSECT_WAIT_COUNT.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(15)
    May be Null? Y

    This field is used to identify course sections that are scheduled with each other in a term. Sections scheduled with each other meet at the same time and place, and are taught by the same instructor. Sections that are "also offered as" each other in the course catalog always share a Sched_With_Group code. In addition, sections not identified as "also offered as" can sometimes be scheduled with other sections. See also the CRSE_SECT_SCHED_WITH table.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(12)
    May be Null? Y

    This field calculated from the value for subject area, course number, and section number for the primary section of a group of course sections that are scheduled with each other. For stand-alone course sections, this is the same as the SECTION_ID. For Scheduled-With course sections where the section is the primary section, this is the same as the SECTION_ID. For Scheduled-With courses where the section is not the primary section, this is the section_ID of the primary member of the Scheduled-With group.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    This field is calculated based on business rules that determine the primary section for a group of course sections that are scheduled with each other in a term. For stand-alone course sections, this column will default to 'P'. For Scheduled-With course sections where the section is the primary section, this column will be 'P'. For Scheduled-With course sections where the section is not the primary section, this column will be 'S'.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(5)
    May be Null? Y

    The Course Reference Number of the primary section, in a group of Scheduled-With sections. For stand-alone course sections, this is the same as the COURSE_REF_NUM. For Scheduled-With course sections where the section is the primary section, this is the same as the COURSE_REF_NUM. For Scheduled-With courses where the section is not the primary section, this is the course reference number of the primary member of the Scheduled-With group.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(9)
    May be Null? Y

    The Course ID (Subject+Course Number) of the primary section, in a group of Scheduled-With sections. For stand-alone course sections, this is the same as the COURSE_ID. For Scheduled-With course sections where the section is the primary section, this is the same as the COURSE_ID. For Scheduled-With courses where the section is not the primary section, this is the Course ID of the primary member of the Scheduled-With group.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(5)
    May be Null? Y

    The Course Number of the primary section, in a group of Scheduled-With sections. For stand-alone course sections, this is the same as the COURSE_NUM. For Scheduled-With course sections where the section is the primary section, this is the same as the COURSE_NUM. For Scheduled-With courses where the section is not the primary section, this is the Course NUM of the primary member of the Scheduled-With group.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(3)
    May be Null? Y

    The Section Number of the primary section, in a group of Scheduled-With sections. For stand-alone course sections, this is the same as the SECTION_NUM. For Scheduled-With course sections where the section is the primary section, this is the same as the SECTION_NUM. For Scheduled-With courses where the section is not the primary section, this is the Section Number of the primary member of the Scheduled-With group.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(4)
    May be Null? Y

    The Subject area of the primary section, in a group of Scheduled-With sections. For stand-alone course sections, this is the same as the SUBJECT. For Scheduled-With course sections where the section is the primary section, this is the same as the SUBJECT. For Scheduled-With courses where the section is not the primary section, this is the Subject area of the primary member of the Scheduled-With group.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This field comes from the value found in CRSE_SECT_SCHED_WITH_GRP for the total group's enrollment. For scheduled-with course sections, this is the sum of the enrollments for all sections in the scheduled-with group.
    For stand-alone course sections (sections that are not scheduled with any other sections in the term), this is the same as the Total_Enrlmt for just that one section.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This field is derived from the code for the Also-Offered-As family, for courses that are also offered as each other in the Course Catalog.

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