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COURSE Table . Pennant Student Records Home . Data Warehouse Home

COURSE Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.

  • Long_Title
  • Max_Credit
  • Max_Credit_Bu
  • Min_Credit
  • Min_Credit_Bu
  • Num_Duration_Unit_Ext
  • Oth_Max_Credit
  • Oth_Max_Cred_Bu
  • Oth_Min_Cred
  • Oth_Min_Credit_Bu
  • Oth_Var_Cred_Ind
  • Prereq_Check_Method
  • Prereq_Check_Method_Desc
  • Prereq_Waiv_Code
  • Pri_Sec_Ind
  • Refresh_Date
  • Repeat_Limit
  • Repeat_Status
  • Sched_Priority_Rule
  • Sched_Priority_Rule_Desc
  • School
  • Subject
  • Supp_Activity_Date
  • Syln_Activity_Date
  • Term
  • Terms_Offered
  • Terms_Offered_Desc
  • Title
  • Topics_Course_Flag
  • Tuition_Exempt_Ind
  • Var_Credit_Ind
  • Xlist_Family
  • Data element Definition

    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    Flag indicating whether a course record is currently active. A=Active, I=Inactive. Source field: SCBCRSE_CSTA_CODE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    Indicates additional fees, outside of SFARGFE assessment rules, can be assessed on this course. Source field: SCBCRSE_ADD_FEES_IND.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    For billing purposes, the maximum number of credits, converted into Penn currency, based on the CREDIT_TYPE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    For billing purposes, the maximum number of credits, stored in Banner Units (BU). If the VAR_FIXED_CREDIT value is Fixed, the MIN_CREDIT will be the same as the MAX_CREDIT. Source field: SCBCRSE_BILL_HR_HIGH.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    For billing purposes, the minimum number of credits, converted into Penn currency, based on the CREDIT_TYPE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    For billing purposes, the minimum number of credits, stored in Banner Units (BU). If the VAR_FIXED_CREDIT value is Fixed, the MIN_CREDIT will be the same as the MAX_CREDIT. Source field: SCBCRSE_BILL_HR_MIN.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2)
    May be Null? Y

    For credit that is part of the billing calculation, this field indicates whether the course will be offered for a fixed number of credits, or a variable number of credits, or any number of credits within a defined range. Source field: SCBCRSE_BILL_HR_IND.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(6)
    May be Null? Y

    This is the To Term of the latest version of the course. If changed to an earlier or later term, all To Terms for all versions of this course will change to end in this term. It cannot be earlier than a term where sections are scheduled. Source field: SCBCRKY_TERM_CODE_END.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    Indicates whether or not the course should appear in the public view of the Course Catalog. Values are Y = Print in the catalog, N = Do not print in the catalog. Source field: SCBSUPP_CUDE. Source validation table: STVCUDE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(6)
    May be Null? Y

    This is the From Term of the earliest version of the course. If changed to earlier or later term, all From Terms change for all versions of this course to begin in this term. It cannot be later than a term where sections are scheduled. Source field: SCBCRKY_TERM_CODE_START.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This column contains the sum of high lecture, lab and others hours columns. It functions the same as the cont_hr_low column. A value may only be entered if the OR/TO field is entered and must be greated than contact hours low. Stored in this field in native Penn currency, based on the CREDIT_TYPE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2)
    May be Null? Y

    This column contains the literal TO or OR to define the relationship between the low and high contact hours. Source field: SCBCRSE_CONT_HR_IND.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This column contains the sum of low lecture, lab and others hours columns. Contact hours divided by 10 are the continuing education units for a continuing ed course. This calculated value is stored in the credit hour field when the ceu_ind = Y. Stored in this column in Banner Units (BU). Source field: SCBCRSE_CONT_HR_LOW.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    Flag indicating whether the course can count as a Continuing Education unit. Source field: SCBCRSE_CEU_IND.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(15)
    May be Null? Y

    This field is derived from a course attribute that contains "-ADMIN-" in the lookup table of the attribute code. Identifies administrative units associated with a course. Currently used by only some schools at Penn. Source field: SCRATTR_ATTR_CODE


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Description of the Course Admin (attribute) code. Source: STVATTR_DESC


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2)
    May be Null? Y

    The group level or classification to which the course belongs, for example, 1=Introductory, 2=Intermediate, 3=Advanced, 4=Graduate. Caution: This should not be confused with the Level at which the course is offered (see CRSE_LEVEL table) . Source field: SCBSUPP_CCSL_CODE. Source validation table: STVCCSL. Data Warehouse validation table: V_CRSE_CCSL


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Description of the Course Clasif Level code.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(9)
    May be Null? Y

    Subject area and course number put together in one field (no spaces added).


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(5)
    May be Null? Y

    Part of the unique identifer of a course: the course number and subject area, along with the effective term, uniquely identify a course. Most course numbers consist of 4 digits. Courses that are multi-term will also have an alpha character following the number. Source field: SCBCRSE_CRSE_NUMB.


    Indexed - yes
    Format - Varchar2(15)
    May be Null? N

    Internal warehouse primary key, based on the subject code, course number, and term.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(15)
    May be Null? Y

    Derived field, indicating the Penn course currency. All courses in Banner will be stored in Banner units, but Penn recognizes different "native" currencies: CU (credit unit: 1 CU = 1 Banner unit, CR (credits, used by Dental School): 6 CR = 1 Banner unit, and SH (semester hours, used by Law School): 3 SH = 1 Banner unit. Data Warehouse validation table: V_NATIVE CURRENCY.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    The latest date the course information was updated in the source table SCBCRKY


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    The latest date the course information was updated in the source table SCBCRSE


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(4)
    May be Null? Y

    Four character code for the department that administers the course. Source field: SCBCRSE_DEPT_CODE. Source validation table: STVDEPT. Data Warehouse validation table: V_DEPARTMENT.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(4)
    May be Null? Y

    Indicates the type of duration the course is offered for, for example weeks, or months. Source field: SCBCRSE_DUNT_CODE. Source validation: STVDUNT.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(6)
    May be Null? Y

    First term of this version of this course record. In the source system, courses are stored by effective term. In the warehouse, courses are stored term-by-term, and we also include the effective term for reference. Source field: SCBCRSE_EFF_TERM. Source validation table: STVTERM. Data Warehouse validation table: V_TERM.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    Catalog Approval code. At Penn, this is used to indicate a course is approved as "First Time Offered" with a value of 'F' in this column. Source field: SCBCRSE_APRV_CODE. Source validation table: STVAPRV.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Maximum number of credits that can be earned by taking the lab section of this course (if exists), converted into Penn currency, based on the CREDIT_TYPE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The maximum number of credits that can be earned by taking the lab section of this course (if exists), stored in Banner Units (BU). If the VAR_FIXED_CREDIT value is Fixed, the MIN_CREDIT will be the same as the MAX_CREDIT. Source field: SCBCRSE_LAB_HR_HIGH.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Minimum number of credits that can be earned by taking the lab section of this course (if exists), converted into Penn currency, based on the CREDIT_TYPE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The minimum number of credits that can be earned by taking the lab section of this course (if exists), stored in Banner Units (BU). If the VAR_CREDIT_IND value is Fixed, the MIN_CREDIT will be the same as the MAX_CREDIT. Source field: SCBCRSE_LAB_HR_LOW.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2)
    May be Null? Y

    Indicates whether the lab section of this course (if exists) will be offered for a fixed number of credits, or a variable number of credits, or any number of credits within a defined range. Source field: SCBCRSE_LAB_HR_IND.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Maximum number of credits that can be earned by taking the lecture section of this course (if exists), converted into Penn currency, based on the CREDIT_TYPE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The maximum number of credits that can be earned by taking the lecture section of this course (if exists), stored in Banner Units (BU). If the VAR_FIXED_CREDIT value is Fixed, the MIN_CREDIT will be the same as the MAX_CREDIT. Source field: SCBCRSE_LEC_HR_HIGH.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Minimum number of credits that can be earned by taking the lecture section of this course (if exists), converted into Penn currency, based on the CREDIT_TYPE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The minimum number of credits that can be earned by taking the lecture section of this course (if exists), stored in Banner Units (BU). If the VAR_CREDIT_IND value is Fixed, the MIN_CREDIT will be the same as the MAX_CREDIT. Source field: SCBCRSE_LEC_HR_LOW.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2)
    May be Null? Y

    Indicates whether the lecture section of this course (if exists) will be offered for a fixed number of credits, or a variable number of credits, or any number of credits within a defined range. Source field: SCBCRSE_LEC_HR_IND.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(100)
    May be Null? Y

    Text of the long title for the course. Source field: SCRSYLN_LONG_COURSE_TITLE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Maximum number of credits that can be earned by taking this course, converted into Penn currency, based on the CREDIT_TYPE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The maximum number of credits that can be earned by taking this course, stored in Banner Units. If the VAR_CREDIT_IND value is Fixed, the MIN_CREDIT will be the same as the MAX_CREDIT. Source field: SCBCRSE_CREDIT_HR_HIGH.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Minimum number of credits that can be earned by taking this course, converted into Penn currency, based on the CREDIT_TYPE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The minimum number of credits that can be earned by taking this course, stored in Banner units. If the VAR_FIXED_CREDIT value is Fixed, the MIN_CREDIT will be the same as the MAX_CREDIT. Source field: SCBCRSE_CREDIT_HR_LOW.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Indicates the total number of times the duration unit extends. Source field: SCBCRSE_NUMBER_OF_UNITS.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Maximum number of credits that can be earned by taking sections of this course that are something other than lecure or lab, converted into Penn currency, based on the CREDIT_TYPE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The maximum number of credits that can be earned by taking the sections of this course that are something other than lecure or lab, stored in Banner Units (BU). If the VAR_FIXED_CREDIT value is Fixed, the MIN_CREDIT will be the same as the MAX_CREDIT. Source field: SCBCRSE_OTH_HR_HIGH.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Minimum number of credits that can be earned by taking sections of this course that are something other than lecure or lab, converted into Penn currency, based on the CREDIT_TYPE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The minimum number of credits that can be earned by taking the sections of this course that are something other than lecure or lab, stored in Banner Units (BU). If the VAR_CREDIT_IND value is Fixed, the MIN_CREDIT will be the same as the MAX_CREDIT. Source field: SCBCRSE_OTH_HR_LOW.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2)
    May be Null? Y

    Indicates whether the sections of this course that are something other than lecure or lab will be offered for a fixed number of credits, or a variable number of credits, or any number of credits within a defined range. Source field: SCBCRSE_OTH_HR_IND.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    Indicates type of prerequisite checking. B = Banner basic, C = CAPP, D = Degree Works


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Description of the prerequisite checking method code.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    Code for the type of approval required to waive a pre-requisite. Source field: SCBCRSE_PWAV_CODE. Source validation table: STVPWAV.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    Indicates whether the course is the primary (P) or the secondary (S) of the cross-listed relationship. If a course is not cross-listed, there will still be a 'P' in this field (making it the primary in a "family" of one). Parsed from the first character in the source field: SCBSUPP_PERM_DIST_IND.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    The latest date this warehouse table was refreshed.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Identifies the maximum number of times the course may be re-taken by the student. Source field SCBCRSE_REPEAT_LIMIT.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2)
    May be Null? Y

    Code indicating whether the course may be repeated. Source field: SCBCRSE_REPS_CODE. Source validation table: STVREPS.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2)
    May be Null? Y

    One character code for the school that is considered the Home School of the course. Source field: SCBCRSE_COLL_CODE. Source validation table: STVCOLL. Data Warehouse validation table: V_SCHOOL.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(4)
    May be Null? Y

    Subject area of the course. Source field: SCBCRSE_SUBJ_CODE. Source validation table: STVSUBJ. Data Warehouse validation table: V_SUBJECT.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    The latest date the course information was updated in the source table SCBSUPP


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    The latest date the course information was updated in the source table SCRSYLN


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(6)
    May be Null? Y

    A term in which this course version is in effect. The term-effective records in the source are turned into term-by-term records in the Data Warehouse extract/load process.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(15)
    May be Null? Y

    Code for the term or terms in which the course is typically offered. Source field: SCBSUPP_CUDE. Source validation table: STVCUDE. Data Warehouse validation table: V_CRSE_TERMS_OFFR.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Description of the Terms Offered code. Source: STVCUDE_DESC.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Text of the course title, also sometimes called "Short Title." Source field: SCBCRSE_TITLE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(15)
    May be Null? Y

    Code indicating whether or not the course is a "topics course." Values are T = Topics, U = No topics. Source field: SCBSUPP_CUDC. Source validation table: STVCUDC.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    Definition tbd. Source field: SCBCRSE_TUIW_IND.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2)
    May be Null? Y

    Indicates whether the course will be offered for a fixed number of credits, or a variable number of credits, or any number of credits within a defined range. Source field: SCBCRSE_CREDIT_HR_IND.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(12)
    May be Null? Y

    Code that identifies the group, or "family" of cross-listed courses. If a course is not cross-listed, there will still be a value in this field (making it a "family" of one). Parsed from the source field: SCBSUPP_PERM_DIST_IND.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(15)
    May be Null? Y

    Code that identifies the prioritization rule that will be applied to student requests for a scheduled section of the course during advance registration. Source: SCBSUPP_CUDF_CODE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Description of the Sched_Priority_Rule code. Source: STVCUDF_DESC.

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    University of Pennsylvania
    Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania