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WORKDAY_ROLE_SECURITY Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.

Data element Definition


Format DATE

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The effective date on which the person was assigned the role in Workday.


Format DATE

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The date on which the record was extracted from Workday and loaded to the Data Warehouse.


Format VARCHAR2(200)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? No

The 8-digit identification number assigned to an individual by Penn Community system. For example: 77777777. No two persons have the same Penn ID. Note that Penn IDs created in and assigned by Penn Community begin at 10000000. Within the Data Warehouse, the numeric range from 00000000-00999999 is used for individuals who do not yet have a Penn ID in Penn Community, to allow for reliable joins between tables using the PENN_ID column. When a Penn ID appears for the individual appear in Penn Community, it will replace the assigned value throughout the Data Warehouse.


Format VARCHAR2(200)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? No

The 4-digit number for the Penn Cost Center associated with the primary position. This field is only populated for workers with a current position.


Format VARCHAR2(200)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? No

The 2-digit number used to identify the school or center for the Penn Cost Center associated with the primary position. This field is only populated for workers with a current position.


Format VARCHAR2(200)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? No

The system ID representing the Academic Unit associated with the security role.


Format VARCHAR2(200)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? No

The system ID representing the Supervisory Organization associated with the security role.


Format VARCHAR2(200)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? No

The descriptive name representing the security role.


Format VARCHAR2(200)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? No

The system ID representing the security role.


Format VARCHAR2(200)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? No

The unique ID for a worker in Workday. Although 8 digits long, it is distinct from and should not be confused with the Penn ID.

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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania