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General Ledger Tutorial

Most of the reading activities in this tutorial are comprised of and linked to the existing online documentation for the General Ledger Data Collection. This will be your reference materials for the data collection so becoming familiar with them now is essential!

Lesson 1. Security, Etiquette, and Ethics - Learn the disclosure rules for releasing General Ledger data within and outside Penn and the ways in which you can secure the data on your desktop.

Lesson 2. General Ledger Data Diagrams - Become familiar with the data diagrams that make up the General Ledger Data Collection.

Lesson 3. Table and Data Element Documentation - Learn the components of table and data element help, and then strengthen your understanding of General Ledger tables. Particular emphasis is placed on the FINQUERY Universe.

Lesson 4. Questions to Ask Before Writing a General Ledger Query - Focuses on recalling the types of questions, with explanations, that you should ask before you write a General Ledger query. For example, "What accounting period do you want?" Also includes a link to the document General Guidelines for Executing Queries.

Lesson 5. Evaluating Query Results - Introduces you to methods that you can use to help you determine if your query results are correct.

Lesson 6. Getting General Ledger Help - Learn how to use the listserv when needing help with a General Ledger query.

If you have any questions, please e-mail them to the listserv. When you are granted access to the General Ledger data in the Warehouse, a subscription is automatically set up for you to participate in an E-mail listserv called FINQUERY-WH@LISTS.UPENN.EDU.


Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
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Penn Computing University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania