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PennNames Web Client - Search


After PennKey authenticating yourself, an authorized user can use the PennNames Web Client to search the PennNames database. A user can search the PennNames database using either a PennName, PennID or SSN. To request access to the PennNames Web Client, please send mail to ISC Client Care at

Whether you choose to search by either the PennName, PennID, or SSN, the search results will try to include all information about the PennName and a person that may be associated with that PennName, including additional PennNames that may have belonged to that person and are now expired or PennNames that are being held for that person. The search results will also include all sponsor information that is available for the PennName(s).

For example, one could search for the PennName "testuser" and find that it belongs to a person with the PennID, "12345678". The search also finds that "oldtest" had been assigned to "12345678" but is now expired. The search results will include information not only on "testuser" but also the archival information available for "oldtest".

You searched for: testuser

PennNames information:
PennName StatusSponsor Sponsor StatusTimestamp
testuserActiveIscNetActive2004-06-12 01:42:27
oldtestExpiredPASExpired2004-06-12 01:35:58
  IscNetExpired2004-06-12 01:35:34
  WHOISExpired2004-06-12 01:36:42
  PennCommunity information:
Last NameUSER
First NameTEST
Middle NameM
School Code 

Conversely one could have searched for the PennID "12345678" or the SSN for this person and received the same search results.

PennNames Information

The PennNames information that is displayed includes:

  • PennName - list of all associated PennNames.
  • Status - status of the PennName. Possible statuses are:
    • Active
    • Expired
    • Reserved
    • Held
  • Sponsor - list of all sponsors for the PennNames.
  • Sponsor Status - status of the sponsorship for the PennName. Possible sponsor statuses are:
    • Active
    • Expired
    If the PennName is being held by the sponsor, this field will display the type of hold in place, either:
    • 15 minute hold
    • 3 hour hold
    If the hold is still active, this string will appear in red.
  • Timestamp - the time of the last activity by the sponsor. The format of the timestamp is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.

PennCommunity Information

We query PennCommunity and the Directory to present information about the user. While we allow you to search by the SSN, we do not return any part of the SSN in our search results.

The PennCommunity information that is displayed includes:

  • PennID
  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Address1
  • Address2
  • Address3
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Affiliation - PennCommunity can store multiple affiliations for a person. We display the list of affiliations separated by commas. The first affiliation displayed is the "primary" affiliation for Directory listing purposes only. If the person has a student affiliation (STU), we also display whether the person is a full-time (F) or part-time (P) student as determined by the PennCommunity affiliation.srs_ftpt_code data element and the SRS student classification, as determined by the PennCommunity affiliation.srs_student_class data element. For example:
    STU P FR
  • Expiration - If the person has a student affiliation, this field will display the expected date of graduation otherwise this field will display either "Active" or "Inactive".
  • School Code - Taken from the PennCommunity affiliation.srs_school_division data element. This only displays for students.

If you need additional information for a user, please check with your PennKey administrator for more possible information that may be available in PennCommunity.

Reserved PennNames

If a PennName is reserved, you will see a list of all sponsorhips for that PennName, whether active or expired.

You searched for: root

PennNames information:
PennName StatusSponsor Sponsor StatusTimestamp
rootReservedACSExpired2004-06-09 03:25:05
  DevActive1995-06-25 00:00:00
  PoboxActive1995-06-26 00:00:00
  SASActive1997-06-16 00:00:00
  SEASActive1996-06-21 00:00:00
  WWWActive2001-11-19 00:00:00

Held PennNames

If a PennName is held, you will see search results like:

You searched for: testing8

testing8 is not currently an active PennName.

PennNames information:
PennName StatusSponsor Sponsor StatusTimestamp
testing8HeldACS15 minute Hold2004-06-12 01:38:13

PennNames that are held are not active PennNames because they have not yet been assigned to a person. In the case of "testing8", the sponsor ACS has put a hold on the name. While the hold is in place, no other sponsor can assign "testing8" to a user. Since this was a hold placed by the sponsor and not for an individual, there is only a 15 minute hold on "testing8". You can determine if the hold is still in place by looking at the timestamp on the hold.

If you search for a PennNames that is being held for an individual, the search results will include not only information on the held PennName but all information about the individual.

You searched for: testing7

testing7 is not currently an active PennName.

PennNames information:
PennName StatusSponsor Sponsor StatusTimestamp
testing7HeldPobox3 day Hold2024-07-04 23:59:59
testuserActiveIscNetActive2004-06-12 01:42:27
oldtestExpiredPASExpired2004-06-12 01:35:58
  IscNetExpired2004-06-12 01:35:34
  WHOISExpired2004-06-12 01:36:42
  PennCard information:
Last NameUSER
First NameTEST
Middle NameM
School Code 

In this example, "testing7" has been held for the user with the PennID of "12345678" by the Pobox sponsor. When you search for "testing7", you will see all information about the user with the PennID of "12345678" and you will see that the hold on "testing7" is a 3 day hold since the hold was placed for an individual. Please note that the term "3 day hold" appears in red since the hold is still active. While the hold is in place no sponsor can assign "testing7" to a user other than the user with the PennID of "12345678" including Pobox even though Pobox created the hold. The name can only be assigned to the user with the PennID of "12345678" and it can be assigned by any sponsor. You can determine if the hold is still in place by looking at the timestamp on the hold.

Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
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Penn Computing University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania