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Computing News
Microsoft Office 2000 registration (all versions)
In an effort to hinder software piracy, Microsoft has made it a requirement that all users of Office 2000 register the product. Should you choose not to register Office upon installation, you will be given the opportunity to do so each time you start any Office program (Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, etc.). The MS Office programs will only start 50 times while unregistered. Upon the 50th time and subsequent attempts to start Office, you will be given the opportunity to register the product, but no Office programs will open. The number of times remaining before Office will be disabled is circled in red on the following illustration.
In order to ensure the continued funtionality of Office, please register the product as soon as possible.
How to register your copy of Office 2000
To begin Internet registration of your Microsoft product, click on the "Next>" button on the bottom of the Office 2000 Registration Wizard Screen.
If you do not have access to an Internet connection, click the "More Options..." button. This will give you instructions on how to register by phone, fax, post, or e-mail.
--Andrew Riley, IT Support Specialist, ISC Client Services Group
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