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Student Table - Data Element Index

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Student Data

  • Dual Degree Code
  • Dual Degree Concat
  • Dual Degree Desc
  • Home School Code
  • Home School Concat
  • Home School Desc
  • Joint Degree Code
  • Joint Degree Concat
  • Joint Degree Desc
  • Student Name
  • Student PennID
  • Student's Primary Instructional Program Student's Secondary Instructional Program

    Data element


    CER RCR Column

    Indexed - no
    Format - varchar2 (3)
    May be null? no

    A derived value, used to identify Student's Academic Divisions, for backward compatibility to the Course Enrollment and Registered Credit Reports.


    Indexed - no
    Format - varchar2 (3)
    May be null? yes

    The 3-character concentration code associated with the student's major when applicable. Not all majors have concentrations. In Tuition Distribution, concentration is only stored for the Primary Instructional Program.

    See Concentration in the Pennant Student Records for more information.

    Concentration Concat

    Indexed - no
    Format - varchar2 (60)
    May be null? yes

    The concatenation of the Concentration Code and the Concentration Desc

    Concentration Desc

    Indexed - no
    Format - varchar2 (50)
    May be null? yes

    The description of the Concentration Code.


    Dual Degree Code

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (1)
    May be null? no

    Pennant Student Records: the 6-character code on the student's degree term record indicating, if applicable: ZMD = multiple concurrent degrees, ZMDC = coordinated multiple concurrent degrees, ZMDJ = joint degree, ZSUB = submatriculant.

    Legacy collection: the 1-character code on the Student's Degree Term record indicating Dual Degree status. If a student does not have a Dual Degree status, then a "." will appear. D = dual degree, J = coordinated dual degree, formerly known as "joint" degree, S = submatriculant.

    Dual Degree Concat

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (6)
    May be null? no

    The Dual Degree Code concatenated to the Dual Degree description.

    Dual Degree Desc

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (4)
    May be null? no

    The description of the Dual Degree Code.


    Home School Code

    Indexed - no
    Format - varchar2 (2)
    May be null? no

    The 2-character code used by Tuition Distribution to designate the Home School of a Student.

    Home School may be different from the Primary Instructional Program School only when the Student is enrolled in a Joint Degree Program. The Joint Degree Flag will trigger a split in Home School ownership as defined by the Registrar and both Schools administering the Joint Degree Program.

    Home School Concat

    Indexed - no
    Format - varchar2 ()
    May be null? no

    The Home School Code concatenated to the Home School Description.

    Home School Desc

    Indexed - no
    Format - varchar2 (4)
    May be null? no

    The Description of the Home School Code, as stored in the SCHOOL table in the Data Warehouse.

    Joint Degree Code

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (9)
    May be null? yes

    Pennant Student Records: the 10-character code from the student's cohorts, indicating which coordinated multiple concurrent degree program they are in (if applicable). This is found in the Coord Multi Degree code in the ST Degree Term table.

    Legacy collection: The 1-character Joint Degree Flag as stored on the student's Degree Term record. The Joint Degree Flag may be found in the Degree Term table in the Student Data Collection.

    There are only four (4) defined Coordinated Multi Degree Programs at Penn which affect tuition distribution. These are: Nursing and Health Care Management, International Studies, Management & Technology, and the Vagelos Program. The percentage splits are defined in a control table administered by Student Financial Services.

    Joint Degree Concat

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (1)
    May be null? yes

    The Joint Degree Flag concatenated to the Joint Degree Description.

    Joint Degree Desc

    Indexed - yes
    Format - char (3)
    May be null? yes

    The description of the Joint Degree Code.

    Instructional Program

    Indexed - yes
    Format - varchar (13)
    May be null? yes

    Pennant Student Records: The Instructional Program is the concatenation of the Student's Division, Degree, primary Major and in some cases the student's attribute, cohort, or rate codes. This combination helps to determine under which Type of Program the Student will be classified and how tuition will be calculated and distributed. Example: GM_CERT_PR_UTRC_GMETC

    Legacy collection: concatenation of Division, Degree, Major, and Special Program. Example: GASPHDANTH

    Primary Programs are identified by querying for degree_order = 1, major_minor_order = 1, and major_minor_type = MAJOR. The Primary Program is used to bill the student and to receive the tuition distribution for the Home School.

    Secondary Programs use degree_order = 2, major_minor_order = 1, and major_minor_type = M. Secondary Programs have no bearing on Billing or Tuition Distribution.

    Instructional Program Desc

    Indexed - no
    Format - varchar (6)
    May be null? yes

    There are four (4) types of Instructional Programs.

    • Traditional Undergraduate Programs
    • Ph.D. Programs
    • Professional and Other Degree Programs
    • Study Abroad and Non-Degree Programs

    Instr Prog School

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (2)
    May be null? no

    Pennant Student Records: the 1-character School Code from the ST_Degree_Term table.

    Legacy collection: the 2-character School Code loaded from the Degree_Term table.

    Inst Prog Schl Concat

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (40)
    May be null? no

    This is the School Code concatenated to the School description.

    Instr Prog School Desc

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (40)
    May be null? no

    The text description of the School code.

    Instr Prog Division

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (3)
    May be null? no

    Pennant Student Records: the 2-character Division Code, from the ST_Degree_Term table.

    Legacy collection: the 3-character Division code, from the DEGREE_TERM table.


    Instr Prog Div Concat

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (45)
    May be null? no

    The Division Code concatenated to the Division Description

    Instr Prog Division Desc

    Indexed - no
    Format - char(35)
    May be null? no

    The text description of the Division Code


    Instr Prog Degree

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (3)
    May be null? no


    Pennant Student Records: up to 6-character Degree Code from the ST_Degree_Term table.

    Legacy collection: The 3-character Degree code from the DEGREE_TERM table.


    Instr Prog Degree Concat

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (50)
    May be null? no

    The Degree code concatenated to the Degree Description.

    Instr Prog Degree Desc

    Indexed - no
    Format - varchar2 (50)
    May be null? no

    The text description of the Degree code.


    Instr Prog Major

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (4)
    May be null? no

    The Major_Minor code loaded from the Major_Minor_Term table in the Data Warehouse.


    Instr Prog Major Concat

    Indexed - no
    Format - varchar2 (30)
    May be null? no

    The Major code concatenated to the Major description.

    Instr Prog Major Desc

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (30)
    May be null? no

    The description of the Major_Minor code.


    Instr Prog Special Program

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (3)
    May be null? yes

    Pennant Student Records: this field is not part of the new data collection. It will not be found on any Tuition Distribution records in any terms after Spring of 2022.

    Legacy collection: The Special Program code loaded from the Degree_Term table in the Data Warehouse.

    See Special Program in the Student Data Warehouse for more information.

    Instr Prog SpecProg Concat

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (40)
    May be null? yes

    The Special Program code concatenated to the Special Program description.

    Instr Prog SpecProg Desc

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (40)
    May be null? yes

    The description of the Special Program Code, loaded from the Special Program table in the Data Warehouse.

    See Special Program in the Student Data Warehouse for more information.

    Taxable Status

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (20)
    May be null? no

    The description of whether an Instructional Program will have the University Tuition (Tax) applied to the collected deferred income or not. University Tuition is 20% of the collected income.

    Values: Taxable or Non-Taxable

    Student Name

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (50)
    May be null? no

    The Student's Name, in last,first middle format.

    Pennant Student Records: comes from the Student table.

    Legacy collection: comes from the Person table.

    Student PennID

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (8)
    May be null? yes

    The Student's Penn ID.

    The 8-digit identification number assigned to the employee by the Penn Community system.

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    University of Pennsylvania
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