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Metrics Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.

Metrics Data

  • Weighted Course Unit
  • Headcount
  • Penn ID Count
  • Applied Home $
  • Applied Teaching $
  • Applied University Tax $
  • Applied Total
  • Billed Home $
  • Billed Teaching $
  • Billed Univesity Tax $
  • Billed Total

  • Data element


    Applied Home $

    Indexed - no
    Format - number
    May be null? no

    Applied Home $ uses Paid Applied Tuition, and is the net paid cash amount assigned to the Home School of the Student.

    Calculating Home $ is a two step process.

    1. The Weighted Course Unit is multiplied by the Tuition Export Rate for the Primary Instructional Program of this Student. (applied export rate * weighted course unit)
    2. The resulting number is then multiplied by either 20% for taxable instructional programs or 25% for non-taxable programs.

    See also Applied Tuition and Billed Export Rate in the TD_INSTR_PROGRAM_TUITION_FACT table.

    Applied Teaching $

    Indexed - no
    Format - number
    May be null? no

    Applied Teaching $ uses Paid Applied Tuition.

    Calculating Teaching $ is a two step process.

    1. The Weighted Course Unit is multiplied by the Tuition Export Rate for the Primary Instructional Program of this Student.
    2. The resulting number is then multiplied by either 60% for taxable instructional programs or 75% for non-taxable programs.

    Applied University Tax $

    Indexed - no
    Format - number
    May be null? no

    Applied University Tax $ uses Paid Applied Tuition.

    Calculating Tax $ is a two step process.

    1. The Weighted Course Unit is multiplied by the Tuition Export Rate for the Primary Instructional Program of this Student.
    2. The resulting number is then multiplied by either 20% for taxable instructional programs or 0% for non-taxable programs.

    Applied Total $

    Indexed - no
    Format - number
    May be null? no

    The Applied Total $ adds the Applied Home, Teaching, and Tax values into one result.


    Billed Home $

    Indexed - no
    Format - number
    May be null? no

    Billed Home $ uses Billed Tuition.

    Calculating Home $ is a two step process.

    1. The Weighted Course Unit is multiplied by the Tuition Export Rate for the Primary Instructional Program of this Student.
    2. The resulting number is then multiplied by either 20% for taxable instructional programs or 25% for non-taxable programs.

    Billed Teaching $

    Indexed - no
    Format - number
    May be null? no

    Billed Teaching $ uses Billed Tuition.

    Calculating Teaching $ is a two step process.

    1. The Weighted Course Unit is multiplied by the Tuition Export Rate for the Primary Instructional Program of this Student.
    2. The resulting number is then multiplied by either 60% for taxable instructional programs or 75% for non-taxable programs.

    Billed University Tax $

    Indexed - no
    Format - number
    May be null? no

    Billed University Tax $ uses Billed Tuition.

    Calculating Tax $ is a two step process.

    1. The Weighted Course Unit is multiplied by the Tuition Export Rate for the Primary Instructional Program of this Student.
    2. The resulting number is then multiplied by either 20% for taxable instructional programs or 0% for non-taxable programs.

    Billed Total $

    Indexed - no
    Format - number
    May be null? no

    The Billed Total $ adds the Billed Home, Teaching, and Tax values into one result.



    Indexed - no
    Format - number (5,4)
    May be null? no

    Headcount is solely used for the Course Enrollment Report. It reflects one student in one course in one term. This field should not be used to count unique students.

    Penn ID Count

    Indexed - no
    Format - number
    May be null? no

    Counts Distinct Penn ID

    Weighted Course Unit

    Indexed - no
    Format - number (7,4)
    May be null? no

    The course unit weighted for the dissertation and masters courses. After the course weight is applied, then the Joint Degree percentages, Teaching School percentages, and Instructor Load percentages are applied.

    Weighted Course Unit originates as a calculation from operative credits in the Enrollment table. Operative credits are calculated by taking the Banner credit hours of the registered section unless the Banner credit hours are equal to 0 and the Banner billing hours are greater than 0. When the billing hours are greater than 0 but the credit hours are less than 0 then billing hours are used as the operative credits.

    The value of the operative credit is adjusted (weighted) based on the dissertation or masters course.

    If the student is on dissertation with a degree code of PHD and a rate code of PHDL then the operative credits are multiplied by 0.375.

    If the student is on dissertation with a degree code of PHD and a rate code of PHDH then the operative credits are multiplied by 3.

    If the student is part of school code L and on dissertation but less than 6 terms for the dissertation count then the credits are multiplied by 0.667. If the student part of school code L has more than 6 terms for dissertation and currently on dissertation, the credits are multiplied by 0.15.

    If the student is part of school code G and on dissertation but less than 11 terms for the dissertation count then the credits are multiplied by 0.667. If the student part of school code G has more than 11 terms for dissertation and currently on dissertation, the credits are multiplied by 0.15.

    If the student does not follow any of the rules above, their WCU should reflect their operative credits.

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    University of Pennsylvania
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