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Instructor Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.

Instructor Data

  • Instructor Name
  • Instructor PennID
  • Primary Appointment Primary Academic Appointment

    Data element


    Instructor Name

    Indexed - no
    Format - varchar2 (35)
    May be null? no

    Pennant Student Records: Instructor names come from the Pennant person record, found in Banner SPAIDEN.

    Legacy collection: Instructor Names were loaded from the Email_Penn_ID table.

    Instructor PennID

    Indexed - no
    Format - varchar2 (8)
    May be null? yes

    The 8-character Penn ID for the Instructor.

    Dept Org

    Indexed - no
    Format - varchar2 (4)
    May be null? yes

    The 4-digit financial organization code which describes the primary payroll department of the instructor.

    An organization is a subdivision of the University created for management purposes. An organization belongs to only one Responsibility Center, and its ORGANIZATION_CODE is unique. That is, no two organizations will have the same value for ORGANIZATION_CODE.

    See Organization Code in the Financial Warehouse documentation.

    Dept Org Concat

    Indexed - no
    Format - varchar2 (65)
    May be null? yes

    The concatenation of the Organization Code and the description.

    Dept Org Desc

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (60)
    May be null? no

    The description of the Organization Code from the Org_Codes table

    Center Code

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (2)
    May be null? no

    The two character code that represents the specific school or center to which the ORGANIZATION_CODE belongs.

    Center Concat

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (74)
    May be null? no

    The concatenation of the center code with the description.

    Center Name

    Indexed - no
    Format - varchar2 (70)
    May be null? no

    The name of the school or center to which the ORGANIZATION_CODE belongs.

    Parent Org Code

    Indexed - no
    Format - varchar2 (4)
    May be null? no

    An organization is a subdivision of the University created for management purposes. The ORGANIZATION_CODE represents an organization at one level of the subdivision hierarchy, and the PARENT_ORG_CODE represents the organization at the next level up in the subdivision hierarchy.

    See Organization Code in the Financial Warehouse documentation.

    Job Class

    Indexed - no
    Format - varchar2 (6)
    May be null? no

    The 6-digit code indicating a job classification. See Job Class in the Salary Management documentation.

    Job Class Concat

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (35)
    May be null? yes

    The concatenation of the job class with the job title.

    Job Title

    Indexed - no
    Format - char (25)
    May be null? yes

    The title currently associated with the Job Class. See Job Title in the Salary Management documentation.

    Personnel Class

    Indexed - yes
    Format - char (2)
    May be null? yes

    The Personnel Class is loaded from the Job_Class_General table for each Job_class. See Personnel Class in the Salary Management documentation.

    Faculty Class

    Indexed - yes
    Format - varchar (3)
    May be null? no

    The Faculty Class is loaded from the Job_Class_General table for each Job_Class. See Faculty Class in the Salary Management documentation.

    Standing Faculty Rank

    Indexed - no
    Format - varchar (4)
    May be null? yes

    There are four (4) types of Standing Faculty Rank in the Warehouse. See Standing Faculty Rank in the Salary Management documentation.

    • FULL - Full Professor
    • ASSO - Associate Professor
    • ASST - Assistant Professor
    • NULL - Not Standing Faculty
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    University of Pennsylvania
    Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania