Data element
Activity Type
Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (3)
May be null? no
The 3-character Activity code, also known as Schedule type or Section Schedule code in Pennant.
Pennant Student Records: comes from the CRSE_SECTION.SCHEDULE_TYPE. Record is source from Banner.
Legacy collection: comes from the COURSE_SECTION.ACTIVITY_TYPE. Record is sourced from SRS.
Course Number
Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (5)
May be null? no
Pennant Student Records: the 4 or 5 char code for Course Number on the CRSE_SECTION record.
Legacy collection: the 3-digit Course Number on the COURSE_SECTION record.
Section Department
Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (4)
May be null? no
The 4-character Department code.
Pennant Student Records: from CRSE_SECTION.
Legacy collection: from COURSE_SECTION.
Section Division
Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (3)
May be null? yes |
Pennant Student Records: the 2-character Division code, denoting the administrative division offering the course in cases where a division and not a school is managing the course.
Legacy collection: the 3-character SRS Division code, denoting the administrative
division offering the course.
Note the difference between Section Division and Teaching
School Section Division |
Section Division
Indexed - no
Format - char (40)
May be null? yes |
The Section Division code concatenated with the Division
description |
Section Division
Indexed - no
Format - char (150)
May be null? yes |
The description of the Section Division code. |
Section ID
Indexed - no
Format - char (12)
May be null? no |
The Section ID is composed of Subject Area-Course Number-Section
Number. |
Section Number
Indexed - no
Format - char (3)
May be null? no |
Pennant Student Records: The 3-digit Section Number of the Section ID from the CRSE_SECTION table
Legacy collection: The 3-digit Section Number of the Section ID from the COURSE_SECTION table |
Section School
Indexed - no
Format - char (2)
May be null? no |
Pennant Student Records: the 1 character School code from the CRSE_SECTION table
Legacy collection: the 2-character SRS Section School from the COURSE_SECTION table |
Section School Concat
Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (30)
May be null? no |
The Section School code concatenated with the school description.
Section School Desc
Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (25)
May be null? no |
The description of the Section School. |
Section Title
Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (70)
May be null? no |
The Title of the Course Section. |
Session Code
Indexed - no
Format - char (1)
May be null? yes |
A Session Code which differentiates between the full term and the parts of term, (fka term sessions).
Values for Pennant:
Values from the legacy SRS system (for terms prior to Summer 2022):
- 1=First Session
- 2=Second Session
- .=Summer 12-week
- F=Regular Semester
Indexed - no
Format - char (20)
May be null? no |
The description of the Session Code. |
Subject Area
Indexed - no
Format - varchar (4)
May be null? no |
The 4-character Subject Area of the Course. |
Subject Area Concat
Indexed - no
Format - varchar (50)
May be null? no |
The Subject Area concatenated with the Subject Area Description.
Subject Area Desc
Indexed - no
Format - char (30)
May be null? no |
The description of Subject Area code. |
Teaching School
Indexed - no
Format - char (2)
May be null? no |
Pennant Student Records: the 1 character Teaching School code. For course sections that do not have a shared teaching percentage, the teaching school is the same as the section school, from the
CRSE_SECTION table. For course sections with shared teaching, the teaching school is from the DWST.TD_SHARED_SCHOOL_PERCENTAGE table.
Legacy collection (for terms prior to Summer 2022): the 2-character Teaching School values are loaded from the
COURSE_SECTION_TUIT_SCHOOL table. For terms prior to Summer of 2022, this was sourced from the SRS
Screen 132.
There are a maximum of 13 distinct Teaching Schools, including
PV (Legacy) and P (Pennant) for Provost courses. |
Teaching School Concat
Indexed - no
Format - char (50)
May be null? no |
The Teaching School code concatenated with the school description. |
Teaching School
Indexed - no
Format - char (45)
May be null? no
The Teaching School description. |
Teaching School
Section Division
Indexed - no
Format - char(3)
May be null? yes |
The Teaching School Section Division is only populated when
the Section Division of a course contains one of the following:
Pennant: divisions AL and AS
Legacy data collection: divisions CGS and SS
This ensures that the Tuition Distribution process routes the
income directly to those two financial centers. |
Teaching School Division
Indexed - no
Format - char (50)
May be null? yes |
The Teaching School Section Division code concatenated with
the division description. |
Teaching Schl Section
Division Desc
Indexed - no
Format - char (50)
May be null? yes |
The Teaching School Division description. |
Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (1)
May be null? yes |
The Xlist column identifies whether the course is P (Primary) or S (Secondary).
For Pennant courses (course sections from Summer 2022 and going forward), this column is populated for all sections. Even if a course section is a stand-alone course, it is the "primary" for a group of one.
For legacy SRS courses (course sections from terms prior to Summer 2022): if a course section is a stand-alone section (not crosslisted) the value in this column will be null. Xlist Primary field, however, will be populated for stand-alone course sections. See below for the definition of Xlist Primary. |
Xlist Primary
Indexed - no
Format - char (10)
May be null? no |
The Primary Crosslisted Section ID for this course section. If the section is the primary, then the Xlist Primary will be the same as the value in Section ID. If the section is a secondary section, then the Xlist Primary will tell you what Section_ID is the primary for the crosslisted group to which the section belongs. Cross listed groups will only ever have one primary; they can have multiple (one or more) secondaries.
If there is no crosslisting for the section in the term, then the Xlist Primary column will contain the same
value as Section ID.
Course_Admin_Code Indexed - no
Format - char (4)
May be null? no |
Pennant Student Records: This code comes from the Course Section Attributes where the attribute code is described as an '-ADMIN-' type code.
Legacy collection: This code was loaded from the EAS Credit Factor code field in SRS Course Inventory (screen 125). SAS used codes starting with 2s; Nursing used 6s.
The field is used to identify administrative sub-units within a school that have budgetary and academic responsibility for courses. This is most notably used in Schools which in all courses are one subject area, (i.e. NURS, EDUC). School of Arts and Sciences uses the field to identify groups of courses.
Course_Admin_Desc Indexed - no
Format - char (80)
May be null? no |
The descriptive name associated with the Course Admin Code. |