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FA_TR_REQUIREMENTS column definitions . Pennant Financial Aid Home . Data Warehouse Home

Financial Aid Tracking Requirements table



Financial aid tracking requirements for an FA Applicant within a given aid year.


The warehouse Financial Aid Tracking Requirements (dwngss_pf.fa_tr_requirements) table is refreshed in batch mode from the Operational Data Store (ODS), which gets its data from the Banner database. The UPENN_ODS source tables are FAISMGR_RRRAREQ, FAISMGR_RTVTREQ, GENERAL_GOBEACC, FAISMGR_RTVTRST, FAISMGR_RFRBASE, and SATURN_STVSBGI.

Common Uses

  • View outstanding tracking requirements for a given aid applicant. Count how many individuals are tied to a specific tracking requirement.


Primary Key Indexed Data Elements Related Tables



Cautions and notes

  • This table is based on aid year. If you are joining to a table with periods and/or term codes, you may end up duplicating your results. This table also provides one row per tracking requirement per aid applicant. An aid applicant with mulitple tracking requirements for a given aid year will be represented with mulitple rows per aid year. When joining to other tables, if you are considering more than one tracking requirement, make sure that you are not duplicating information in your query output.
FA_TR_REQUIREMENTS column definitions . Pennant Financial Aid Home . Data Warehouse Home

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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania