Data element |
Definition |
Fm_Addl_Tax_Credit Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Additional Child Tax Credit |
Fm_Aesa Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | AESA |
Fm_Agi Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Adjusted Gross Income |
Fm_Aidy_Code Indexed - yes Format - Varchar2 (16) May be Null? Y | The aid year code associated with the record. |
Fm_Allow_Med_Den_Exp Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Allowable Medical / Dental Expenses |
Fm_Allow_Med_Den_Exp_Ovr Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Allowable Medical / Dental Expenses Override |
Fm_Allow_Sch_Tuit_Exp Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Allowable School Tuition Expense |
Fm_Allow_Sch_Tuit_Exp_Ovr Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Allowable School Tuition Expense Override |
Fm_Asset_Home_Eqi_Incr Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Assets/Home Equity Increase |
Fm_Asset_Home_Eqi_Redc Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Assets/Home Equity Reduction |
Fm_Bus_Farm_Net_Worth Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Business and Farm Net Worth |
Fm_Bus_Farm_Owed Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Business and Farm Owed |
Fm_Bus_Farm_Worth Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Business and Farm Worth |
Fm_Bus_Income Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Business Income |
Fm_Bus_Owe Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Business Owed |
Fm_Bus_Worth Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Business Worth |
Fm_Cash_Savings_Check Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Cash/Savings/Checking |
Fm_Child_Support_Rcvd Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Child Support Received |
Fm_Combat_Pay Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Combat Pay |
Fm_Cum_Edu_Sav_Allow Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Cumulative Education Savings Allowance |
Fm_Dependency Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (12) May be Null? Y | Dependancy |
Fm_Dividends Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Dividends |
Fm_Divid_Interes_Inc Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Dividend and Interest Income |
Fm_Earned_Income_Credit Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Earned Income Credit |
Fm_Edu_Tax_Credit Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Education Tax Credits |
Fm_Efc Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Estimated Family Contribution |
Fm_Farm_Owe Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Farm Owed |
Fm_Farm_Purchased_Price Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Farm Purchase Price |
Fm_Farm_Worth Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Farm Worth |
Fm_Farm_Yr_Purchased Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Farm Year Purchased |
Fm_Fica Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | FICA |
Fm_Food_Stamps Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Food Stamps |
Fm_For_Inc_Excl Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Foreign Income Exclusion |
Fm_Gross_Need Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Gross Need |
Fm_Health_Savings Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | health savings accounts |
Fm_Home_Owed Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Home Owed |
Fm_Home_Purch_Amt Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Home Purchase Price |
Fm_Home_Purch_Yr Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | HomeYear Purchased |
Fm_Home_Worth Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Home Worth |
Fm_Housing_Adj Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Housing Adjustment |
Fm_Inc_Protect_Allow Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Income Protection Allowance |
Fm_Interest_Income Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Interest Income |
Fm_Ira_Keogh Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | IRA and Keough Account Value |
Fm_Medicad Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Medicaid |
Fm_Med_Den_Exp Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Medical / Dental Expenses |
Fm_Mrtl_Desc Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (100) May be Null? Y | |
Fm_Mrtl_Status Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (4) May be Null? Y | |
Fm_Net_Worth Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Net Worth |
Fm_No_Exempt Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Number of Exemptions |
Fm_No_Fam_Memb Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Number in Household |
Fm_No_In_Coll Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Number from Household in College |
Fm_Other_Assets Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Other Assets as Reported |
Fm_Other_Re_Est_Inv Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Other Real Estate and Investments |
Fm_Oth_Tax_Inc Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Other Taxable Income |
Fm_Oth_Untax_Inc Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Other Untaxed Income |
Fm_Par_1_Dob Indexed - no Format - Date (7) May be Null? Y | Parent 1 Age |
Fm_Par_1_Edu_Levl Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (112) May be Null? Y | Parent 1 Education Level |
Fm_Par_Mrtl_Desc Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (80) May be Null? Y | |
Fm_Par_Mrtl_Status Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (4) May be Null? Y | |
Fm_Par_Untax_Intesest Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Tax-Exempt Interest |
Fm_Penn_Id Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (36) May be Null? Y | Student or applicants Penn ID. |
Fm_Pidm Indexed - yes Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Intern Banner personal idenfication number used to reference individuals throughout different tables. |
Fm_Proj_Inc_Adj Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Projected Income Adjustment |
Fm_Proj_Inc_Adj_2 Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Projected Income Adjustment - Par 2 |
Fm_Report_Agi_Irs Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Reported IRS AGI |
Fm_Re_Est_Owe Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Other Real Estate Owed |
Fm_Re_Est_Worth Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Other Real Estate Worth |
Fm_School_Lunch Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | School Lunch |
Fm_School_Tuition Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | School Tuition |
Fm_Ss_Benefits Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Social Security Benefits |
Fm_State_Local_Tax Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | State and Local |
Fm_Stat_Code_Res Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | State of Residence |
Fm_Summer_Savings Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Summer Savings |
Fm_Tax_Def_Pension Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Tax Deferred Pensions |
Fm_Tax_Filing_Status Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (164) May be Null? Y | Tax Filing Status |
Fm_Total_Avail_Inc Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Total Available Income |
Fm_Total_Income Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Total Income |
Fm_Tui_Fee_Ded Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Tuition and Fees Deduction |
Fm_Untax_Pension Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Untaxed Pensions |
Fm_Us_Tax_Paid Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | US Income Tax Paid |
Fm_Vet_Non_Ed_Ben Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | VA Non-Education Benefits |
Fm_Wages_Salaries_Tips Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Wages, Salaries, and Tips |
Fm_Ward_Of_Court Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Ward of Court |
Fm_Welfare_And_Tanf Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Welfare and TANF |