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FA NEED EDE column definitions . Pennant Financial Aid Home . Data Warehouse Home

Financial Aid Need EDE table



This table provides need, income, and other data from the profile on individual financial aid applicants for a given aid year. This table includes from the EDE/ISIR load that includes FAFSA information. The must current record for the aid year is displayed. One row, per financial aid applicant per aid year.


The warehouse Financial Aid Need EDE (dwngss_pf.fa_need_ede) table is refreshed in batch mode from the Operational Data Store (ODS), which gets its data from the Banner database. The UPENN_ODS source tables are FAISMGR_RORSTAT, FAISMGR_RCRAPP1, FAISMGR_RCRAPP2, FAISMGR_RCRAPP3, FAISMGR_RCRAPP4, FAISMGR_RCRIMP1, FAISMGR_ROBUSDF, FAISMGR_RNROVRD, and FAISMGR_ROBNYUD.

Common Uses

  • Identify data points tied to income for a given student especially for federal methodolgy information.


Primary Key Indexed Data Elements Related Tables



Cautions and notes

  • This table providesinformation by aid year. Use caution when joining to other tables that are period based or term based as results may end up being duplicated.
FA_NEED_EDE column definitions . Pennant Financial Aid Home . Data Warehouse Home

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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania