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FA NEED CSS column definitions . Pennant Financial Aid Home . Data Warehouse Home

Financial Aid Need CSS table



This table provides need, income, and other data from the profile on individual financial aid applicants for a given aid year. This table includes profile information, manual entry, and other none EDE/ISIR loads.


The warehouse Financial Aid Need (dwngss_pf.fa_need) table is refreshed in batch mode from the Operational Data Store (ODS), which gets its data from the Banner database. The UPENN_ODS source tables are FAISMGR_RORSTAT, FAISMGR_RCRAPP1, FAISMGR_RCRAPP2, FAISMGR_RCRAPP3, FAISMGR_RCRAPP4, FAISMGR_RCRIMP1, FAISMGR_ROBUSDF, FAISMGR_RNROVRD, and FAISMGR_ROBNYUD.

Common Uses

  • Identify data points tied to income for a given student especially for institutional methodolgy information.


Primary Key Indexed Data Elements Related Tables



Cautions and notes

  • This table providesinformation by aid year. Use caution when joining to other tables that are period based or term based as results may end up being duplicated. If a student has both a CSS and MANUAL record, the student will have more than one row for that aid year.
FA_NEED_CSS column definitions . Pennant Financial Aid Home . Data Warehouse Home

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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania