Data element |
Definition |
Agg_Sub_Principal_Bal Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Aggregate subsidized principal balance: The total outstanding principal balance for subsized loan types, including the calculated share of a Consolidation Loan that is considered subsidized. |
Agg_Unsub_Principal_Bal Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Aggregate unsubsidized principal balance: The total outstanding principal balance for unsubsidized loan types, including the calculated share of a Consolidation Loan that is considered unsubsidized. |
Aidy_Code Indexed - yes Format - Varchar2 (16) May be Null? Y | Financial aid year associated with financial aid applicant. |
Calc_Par_Ctrb_For_Stdt Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Effective calculated parent contribution for student. |
Coa Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Calculated cost of attendance for the aid year. |
Fm_Dependency Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (12) May be Null? Y | Federal methodology indicator that indicates if student is considered a dependent or independent. |
Fm_Efc Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Federal methodology expected family contribution. |
Fm_Gross_Need Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Federal methodology gross need. |
Fm_Unmet_Need Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Federal methodology unmet need. |
Im_Case_Complexity Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (16) May be Null? Y | Case complexity code for institution. |
Im_Dependency Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (12) May be Null? Y | Institutional methodology/Penn indicator if student is considered a dependent or independent. |
Im_Efc Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Institutional methodology/Penn expected family contribution. |
Im_Gross_Need Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Institutional methodology/Penn gross need. |
Im_Unmet_Need Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Institutional methodology/Penn unmet need. |
Interface_Tape_Code Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (24) May be Null? Y | A code from the Interface Tape Table indicating the source and format of the application record. EXAMPLES: CSS, EDE, etc. |
Mrtl_Desc Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (240) May be Null? Y | Maritial status description. |
Mrtl_Status Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (4) May be Null? Y | Indicates maritial status. |
Need_Base_Ind Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Need-based recipients are students who were found to demonstrate need beyond their expected family contribution. Students with an EFC greater than their budget have a negative need, and they will therefore receive no institutional aid. |
Non_Cust_Par_Ctrb Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Contribution from non-custodian parent. |
Nslds_Agg_Comb_Total Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | NSLDS aggregated combined total. |
Nslds_Unllctd_Cnsldatd_Bal Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | NSLDS unallocated consolidated outstanding principal balance. |
Othr_Src_Ctrb Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Contribution from other family soucres (ie - other relatives, etc). |
Outside_Aid_Im_Need Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Incidates if outside aid that the student is receiving covers the students unmet need. |
Par_Addtnl_Medicare_Tax Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent additional medicare taxes paid. |
Par_Add_Child_Tax_Credit Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent additional child tax credit. |
Par_Adjustments_To_Income Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Adjustments to parent income. |
Par_Aesa Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent AESA. |
Par_Agi Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Annual gross income for parent. |
Par_Bus_Debt Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent business debt. |
Par_Bus_Or_Farm_Income Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent business income from farms, business, and/or rental properties. |
Par_Bus_Val Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent busines value. |
Par_Cash_Amt Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parents cash assets amount. |
Par_Child_Support_Recieved Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent child support received. |
Par_Combat_Pay Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent combat pay. |
Par_Cost_Of_Living Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent cost of living index. |
Par_Ctrb Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | The parent's contribution toward educational expenses. |
Par_Ctrb_Frm_Assets Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent contribution from assets. |
Par_Ctrb_Frm_Income Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent contribution from income. |
Par_Deductions Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | The itemized deductions reported by the parents. |
Par_Dividends Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent income from dividends. |
Par_Earned_Income_Credit Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent earned income credit. |
Par_Exemptions Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Number of exemptions claimed by parent. |
Par_Family_Support_Income Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent family support income. |
Par_Farm_Debt Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent farm debt. |
Par_Farm_Purchased_Price Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent farm purchase price. |
Par_Farm_Val Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent farm value. |
Par_Farm_Yr_Purchased Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent year farm purchased. |
Par_Fica Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent FICA taxes paid. |
Par_Food_Stamps Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Indicates if parent qualifies for food stamps. |
Par_Foreign_Income_Exclusion Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent foregn income exclustions. |
Par_Fsa_Dpndt_Care_Ctrb Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent deduction for depedent care contributions. |
Par_Fsa_Healthcare_Ctrb Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent deductions for FSA health care contribution. |
Par_Hme_Dbt Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent amount owned on home. |
Par_Hme_Prch_Amt Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent home purchase amount. |
Par_Hme_Val Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent home value. |
Par_Hme_Yr_Prch Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent home year purchase. |
Par_Hsa_Ctrb Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent health savings account contrubtions. |
Par_Hsa_Pre_Tax_Ctrb Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent health savings account pre-tax contributions. |
Par_Im_Income Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Calculated parent income for Penn needs analysis. |
Par_Income_From_Debt Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent income from debt. |
Par_Inc_Prtct_Allwnc Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent income protection allowance (PIMT screen). |
Par_Inc_Wrk_1 Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Income from work for parent 1. |
Par_Inc_Wrk_2 Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Income from work for parent 2. |
Par_Interest Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent income from interest. |
Par_Inv_Re_Esate_Val Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent other real estate value. |
Par_Inv_Re_Estate_Debt Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent other real estate debt. |
Par_Inv_Re_Estate_Net Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent net real estate value. |
Par_Ira_And_Keogh_Dedts Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent IRA and Keogh Deductions. |
Par_Medicad Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Indicates if parent qualifies for Medicad benefits. |
Par_Military_Clergy_Allwnc Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent untaxed military cleary allowance. |
Par_Military_Housing_Allwnc Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent untaxed military housing allowance. |
Par_Mrtl_Desc Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (240) May be Null? Y | Parent maritial status description. |
Par_Mrtl_Status Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (4) May be Null? Y | Indicates parent maritial status. |
Par_Mth_Mort_Rent Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Monthly mortage or rent paid by parent. |
Par_Net_Worth Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent net worth. |
Par_Numb_Of_Businesses Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent number of businesses owned. |
Par_Numb_Of_Farms_Owed Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent number of farms owned. |
Par_Other_Allwnc Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent other allowance |
Par_Other_Assets Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent other assets. |
Par_Other_Taxable_Income Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Other parent taxable income. |
Par_Othr_Debt Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent other debt. |
Par_Othr_Untaxed_Inc Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Other untaxed income for parent. |
Par_Othr_Untaxed_Inc_Im Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Institutional methodology other untaxed income for parent. |
Par_Recd_Ssi Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Indicates if parent received SSI. |
Par_Recd_Wic Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Indicates if parent received WIC. |
Par_Schl_Tution Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Amount parent paid for tuition for children. |
Par_Schl_Tution_No Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent number of tution paid for children. |
Par_School_Lunch Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Indicates if parent received free lunch. |
Par_State_And_Local_Tax Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent state and local taxes paid. |
Par_Tanf Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Indicates if parent received TANF. |
Par_Tax_Deferred_Pensions Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent pension savings deductions. |
Par_Tax_Exempt_Interest Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent tax-exempt interest. |
Par_Tax_Filing_Status Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (164) May be Null? Y | Parent tax filing status: single, married jointly, married separate, head of household, widow. |
Par_Tax_Form Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (120) May be Null? Y | Parent tax form filed: 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, US Territory Tax Return, Canadian Tax Return, Other non-US tax return. |
Par_Tax_Return_Filed Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (120) May be Null? Y | Field indicates if parent filed taxes: Complete, Will file, or Not required. |
Par_Total_Allwnc Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent total allowance. |
Par_Total_Avlbl_Income Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent total avaliable income. |
Par_Total_Taxable_Income Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Total taxable income for parent. |
Par_Tution_Fees_Deduct Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent deductions for tuition and feees. |
Par_Untaxed_Ira Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent un-taxed IRA distributions. |
Par_Untaxed_Pensions Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent un-taxed pensions. |
Par_Us_Income_Tax_Pd Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent income tax paid. |
Par_Va_Non_Ed_Benefits Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Parent non-educational veteran benefits. |
Par_Wages_Salaries_Tips Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Reported parent income from wages, salaries, and tips. |
Pell_Elgbl Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (4) May be Null? Y | Indicator the shows if student is considered Pell Eligible for the aid year. |
Penn_Id Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (36) May be Null? Y | Student or applicant Penn ID. |
Perkins_Principal_Bal Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Perkins principal balance: The total outstanding principal balance of Perkins loans. |
Pidm Indexed - yes Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Internal number for individual within Banner. |
Pk_Fa_Need Indexed - yes Format - Varchar2 (48) May be Null? N | Internal warehouse primary key: based on PIDM, AIDY_CODE |
Primary_Par_Ctrb Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Contribution from primary parent. |
Refresh_Date Indexed - no Format - Date (7) May be Null? Y | Last time data was refreshed in data warehouse. |
Self_Help_Base Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (80) May be Null? Y | For UG, the amount of self help that student must have before eligible for Penn grant funds. |
Self_Help_Levl Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (80) May be Null? Y | Level of self help for financial aid applicant. |
Stu_Agi Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Students adjusted grows income. |
Stu_Bus_Net_Worth Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Student business net worth. |
Stu_Cash_Amt Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Student cash assets amount. |
Stu_Ctrb Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | The student's contribution toward educational expenses. |
Stu_Ctrb_Frm_Assets Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Student contribution from assets. |
Stu_Ctrb_Frm_Income Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Student contribution from income. |
Stu_Deductions Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | The itemized deductions reported by the student. |
Stu_Divd_Interest Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Student income from dividends. |
Stu_Exemptions Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Number of exemptions claimed by student. |
Stu_Food_Stamps Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Indicates if student qualifies for food stamps. |
Stu_Has_Legal_Depend Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Indicates if student has a legal dependent. |
Stu_Home_Debt Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Student home debt. |
Stu_Home_Purch_Amt Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Student home purchase price. |
Stu_Home_Val Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Student home value. |
Stu_Home_Yr_Purch Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Student home year purchased. |
Stu_Inc_Work Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Student income from work. |
Stu_Invest_Debt Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Student investment debt. |
Stu_Invest_Val Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Student invesement value. |
Stu_Inv_Net_Worth Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Student invesetment net worth. |
Stu_Ira_Keogh_Acct_Val Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Students retirement account value. |
Stu_Medicad Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Indicates if student qualifies for Medicad benefits. |
Stu_Net_Worth Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Student net worth. |
Stu_Recd_Ssi Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Indicates if student received SSI. |
Stu_Recd_Wic Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Indicates if student received WIC. |
Stu_Re_Inv_Debt Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Student real estate investment debt. |
Stu_Re_Inv_Val Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Student real estate investment value. |
Stu_School_Lunch Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Indicates if student received free lunch. |
Stu_Spouse_Inc_Work Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Spouse of student infocme from work. |
Stu_Tanf Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Indicates if student received TANF. |
Stu_Tax_Filing_Status Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (164) May be Null? Y | Student tax filing status: single, married jointly, married separate, head of household, widow. |
Stu_Tax_Form Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (120) May be Null? Y | Student tax form filed: 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, US Territory Tax Return, Canadian Tax Return, Other non-US tax return. |
Stu_Tax_Return_Filed Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (120) May be Null? Y | Field indicates if student filed taxes: Complete, Will file, or Not required. |
Stu_Total_Assets Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Calculated total assets for student. |
Stu_Total_Income Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Student total income. |
Stu_Trust_Amt Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Student trust amount. |
Stu_Ward_Of_Court Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Indicates if student is considered ward of court. |