Data element |
Definition |
First_Name Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(60) May be Null? Y | The students first name as listed in SPRIDEN. |
Last_Name Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (60 Char) May be Null? Y | The students last name as listed in SPRIDEN. |
Mi Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (60 Char) May be Null? Y | Students middle initial or name as listed in SPRIDEN. |
Name Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (185 Char) May be Null? Y | Formatted full name of student: Last, First MI |
Name_Prefix Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (20) May be Null? Y | Prefix for name. |
Name_Suffix Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(20) May be Null? Y | Sufix for name. |
Penn_Id Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(9) May be Null? Y | Student or applicant Penn Id. |
Pennkey Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(50) May be Null? Y | Penn Key associated with student or applicant. |
PIDM Indexed - yes Format - Number(8) May be Null? Y | The internal system student identification number in Banner. |
Pk_Name_Info Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(8) May be Null? Y | Internal warehouse primary key based on PIDM. |
Pref_First_Name Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(60) May be Null? Y | Preferred name for student. |
Refresh_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | Last date and time the record was refreshed in the data warehouse. |