Data element |
Definition |
Aidy_Code Indexed - yes Format - Varchar2 (16) May be Null? Y | The aid year associated with the award schedule. |
Citz_Desc Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (80) May be Null? Y | Description of students status such as US Citizen, Eligible Non-Citizen, etc from Fiancial Aid documentaiton such as CSS profile, FAFSA, etc. |
Citz_Ind Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Indicates if student is a US citizen or other status based on Financial Aid documentation such as CSS profile, FAFSA, etc. |
Ethnicity Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (4) May be Null? Y | The ethnic code, per Federal reporting definitions. The valid values are 1 - Not Hispanic or Latino, 2 - Hispanic or Latino, or null. Source field: SPBPERS_ETHN_CODE |
Ethnicity_Desc Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (240) May be Null? Y | |
Fac_Staff_Desc Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (120) May be Null? Y | Description of code indicating if student is tied to a faculty or staff position (including dependents). |
Father_Dob Indexed - no Format - Date (7) May be Null? Y | Birthday of parent 1 or father. |
Father_Edu_Desc Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (80) May be Null? Y | Description of education level of father or parent 1. |
Father_Edu_Lvl Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Code that indicates education level of father or parent 1. |
Fa_Active_Duty Indexed - no Format - Char (8) May be Null? Y | Code indicating if student is active duty based on Financial Aid documentation (ie FAFSA, Profile, etc). |
Fa_Addr Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (300) May be Null? Y | Address based on Financial Aid information. |
Fa_Bio_Pk Indexed - yes Format - Varchar2 (48) May be Null? N | internal warehouse primary key: based on PIDM, AIDY_CODE |
Fa_Birthday Indexed - no Format - Date (7) May be Null? Y | Birthday based on Financial Aid information |
Fa_City Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (200) May be Null? Y | City based on Fincancial Aid information |
Fa_First_Name Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (240) May be Null? Y | First name as listed on financial aid documents such as CSS profile, FAFSA, etc. |
Fa_Last_Name Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (240) May be Null? Y | Last name as listed on financial aid documents such as CSS profile, FAFSA, etc. |
Fa_Mi Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (240) May be Null? Y | Middle initial or middle name as listed on financial aid documents such as CSS profile, FAFSA, etc. |
Fa_State Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | State code based on Finacial Aid information |
Fa_Vet_Ind Indexed - no Format - Char (8) May be Null? Y | Code indicating if student is a vet based on Financial Aid documentation (ie FAFSA, Profile, etc). |
Fa_Zip Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (120) May be Null? Y | Zip code based on Financial Aid information. |
Mother_Dob Indexed - no Format - Date (7) May be Null? Y | Birthday of parent 2 or mother. |
Mother_Edu_Desc Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (20) May be Null? Y | Description of education level of mother or parent 2. |
Mother_Edu_Lvl Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Code that indicates education level of mother or parent 2. |
Mtrl_Status Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (80) May be Null? Y | Indicates if student is married based on Financial Aid information. |
Numb_In_Coll Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Number of family members in college based on student household. |
Numb_In_Fam Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Number of family members based on student househould. |
Pa_Mtrl_Status Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (80) May be Null? Y | Indicates if the parents of the students are married. |
Pa_Numb_In_Coll Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Number of family members in college based on parent household. |
Pa_Numb_In_Fam Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | Number of family members based on parent household. |
Penn_Id Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (60) May be Null? Y | Student ID for the University. |
Pidm Indexed - yes Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | The internal system generated student identification number. |
Refresh_Date Indexed - no Format - Date (7) May be Null? Y | Last time data was refreshed in data warehouse. |
Rollup_Race Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (60) May be Null? Y | For internal reporting only, this is derived from the federal reporting race code. When a student is in more than one racial category, the codes for all the categories will be concatonated in this field. |
Rollup_Race_Desc Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (4000) May be Null? Y | |
Sibl_1_Coll_Levl Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (80) May be Null? Y | Incdicates recorded college level for sibling based on Financial Aid documents (ie FAFSA, CSS Profile). |
Sibl_2_Coll_Levl Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (80) May be Null? Y | Incdicates recorded college level for sibling 2 based on Financial Aid documents (ie FAFSA, CSS Profile). |
Sibl_3_Coll_Levl Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (80) May be Null? Y | Incdicates recorded college level for sibling 3 based on Financial Aid documents (ie FAFSA, CSS Profile). |
Sibl_4_Coll_Levl Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (80) May be Null? Y | Incdicates recorded college level for sibling 4 based on Financial Aid documents (ie FAFSA, CSS Profile). |
Sibl_5_Coll_Levl Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (80) May be Null? Y | Incdicates recorded college level for sibling 5 based on Financial Aid documents (ie FAFSA, CSS Profile). |
Sibl_6_Coll_Levl Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (80) May be Null? Y | Incdicates recorded college level for sibling 6 based on Financial Aid documents (ie FAFSA, CSS Profile). |
Sibl_7_Coll_Levl Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (80) May be Null? Y | Incdicates recorded college level for sibling 7 based on Financial Aid documents (ie FAFSA, CSS Profile). |
Stat_Code_Res Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (12) May be Null? Y | Listed state of residence based on financial aid documents such as CSS profile, FAFSA, etc. |
Yr_At_Penn Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Indicates the number of years a student has been at Penn based on Financial Aid Module in Banner. |
Yr_In_Coll Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Indicates the number of years a student has been in college based on CSS profile, FAFSA, or oter Finacial Aid documentation. |
Bio_Entintc Indexed - no Format - Date (7) May be Null? Y | |
Bio_Expgrdc Indexed - no Format - Date (7) May be Null? Y | |
Bio_Extint Indexed - no Format - Date (7) May be Null? Y | |
Bio_Party_Id Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (40) May be Null? Y | Party_ID data has been stored in BIO-VAID field in ADABAS file 53 |
Foreign_Student_Indicator Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (4) May be Null? Y | Foreign Student Indicator |
Load_Date Indexed - no Format - Date (7) May be Null? Y | |
Name Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (140) May be Null? Y | Name from the SAM Bio file. |
Need_Level_Indicator Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (16) May be Null? Y | Student considered high need by Financial Aid Office. |
Penn_Id Indexed - yes Format - Char (32) May be Null? Y | |
Penn_Id_Seq Indexed - no Format - Number (22) May be Null? Y | |
Philadelphia_Resident_Ind Indexed - no Format - Varchar2 (4) May be Null? Y | Comes from Admissions, most reliable way of determining who is a Philadelphian (undergraduate students only) |
Sid Indexed - yes Format - Char (36) May be Null? N | social security number from source system |
Sid2 Indexed - no Format - Char (36) May be Null? Y | |
Special_Admissions_Group Indexed - yes Format - Varchar2 (8) May be Null? Y | Special admissions group (Questbridge, Posse, etc.) |
Ugrad_Admissions_Group Indexed - yes Format - Varchar2 (16) May be Null? Y | Includes early decision students deferred and then accepted (DEFR), early decision freshmen (EDP), regular decision freshmen (FRSH), and transfer students (STRN) |