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FA_AWARD_AGG_DETAIL_MV column definitions . Pennant Financial Aid Home . Data Warehouse Home

Financial Aid Award Aggregate Detail materialized view



Aggregate totals by aid year; source type indicator (Grant, Scholarship, Loan or Work Study); and fund source (Institutional, Outside, Federal, or State) for a aid applicant within a given financial aid year. This is a materalized view.


The warehouse Financial Aid Award Detail Summary (dwngss_pf.fa_award_agg_detail_mv) materialized view is generated each day after the tables within the DWNGSS_PF schema are refreshed in batch mode from the Operational Data Store (ODS), which gets its data from the Banner database. The UPENN_ODS source tables are FAISMGR_RPRAWRD, FAISMGR_RFRBASE, and TAISMGR_TBBDETC. The materialized view looks at dwngss_pf.fa_award_aidy amd provides totals so that an aid applicant appears for one row per aid year.

Common Uses

  • Having one record per financial aid applicant to see overall numbers and totals for awards within a given aid year. Look for specific details such as overall federal awards vs state awards, etc.


Primary Key Indexed Data Elements Related Tables



Cautions and notes

  • This table is a materialized view. If you are trying to trace the information back to the source table in the ODS and in the corresponding Banner table, you will need to look at the fields from the original tables and then match those fields to the Banner database.
FA_AWARD_AGG_DETAIL_MV column definitions . Pennant Financial Aid Home . Data Warehouse Home

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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania