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GF_ACCOUNT Table . Tables and Data Elements . Grad Funding Home . Data Warehouse Home

GF_ACCOUNT Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.

Data element Definition

Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1)
May be Null? Y

The indicator on whether an account is active. This is used for managing the account lists. Values: T, F


Indexed - no
Format - Number
May be Null? Y

The foreign key to the GF_ACCOUNT_GROUP table


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(60)
May be Null? Y

The Account Group name is a way to categorize Accounts. A set of Account groups are owned by a single org, which allows editing and retirement of this account group.


Indexed - yes
Format - Number
May be Null? N

The primary key of the GF_ACCOUNT table, generated by the hibernate sequence.


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(70)
May be Null? Y

The name/description of this combination of COA segments. Account Names will appear in the Distribution screen, to help users identify the account combination


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1)
May be Null? Y

The budget control portion of the Chart of Account


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(3)
May be Null? Y

The CNAC of the account


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(4)
May be Null? Y

The Center Ref of the account, may be used to identify Principal Investigator funding


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(6)
May be Null? Y

The COA fund of the account


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(4)
May be Null? Y

The Organization code of the account, used for security


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(4)
May be Null? Y

The COA Program Code, may be used to track specific student grad groups


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1)
May be Null? Y

A boolean field which is set when this account is used for a distribution fed to GL. The field is set during the ESB flow. Values: T, F


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(8)
May be Null? Y

The Penn ID of the user who created the record


Indexed - no
Format - Date
May be Null? Y

The date the record was created


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(8)
May be Null? Y

The Penn ID of the last user who edited the record


Indexed - no
Format - Date
May be Null? Y

The date when the record was last edited.


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1)
May be Null? Y

This field set by gl.fund_codes@whse where purpose_code not in ('30','01') Values: T, F


Indexed - no
Format - Date
May be Null? Y

Date the staging table was updated for this record.


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1)
May be Null? Y

A boolean indicating whether the account reimburses fees. Values: T, F


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1)
May be Null? Y

A boolean which indicates if the account reimburses health. Values: T, F


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1)
May be Null? Y

A boolean which indicates whether the account reimburses stipend. Values: T, F


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1)
May be Null? Y

A boolean to indicate if the account pays tuition. Valus: T, F


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1)
May be Null? Y

A boolean which indicates if this account is a research match account. Research match accounts are used to match tuition only for grants with purpose codes of 10 or 12. Values: T, F


Indexed - no
Format - Date
May be Null? Y

Date the warehouse was last updated for this record.


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1)
May be Null? Y

The indicator of whether the COA Program Code will be used when distributing money to a student. Each student department record has a program code assigned to link accounts to students. Values: T, F


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1)
May be Null? Y

A boolean of whether this account combination was valid after the account was validated against Ben. Accounts will be validated when journals will be created - if an account is invalid, no journals will be processed against it. Values: T, NULL


Indexed - no
Format - Timestamp(6)
May be Null? Y

The date the last validation was run. This date will be updated if the account failed validation when journals are created.

GF_ACCOUNT Table . Tables and Data Elements . Grad Funding Home . Data Warehouse Home

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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania