Indexed - no
Format - char (1)
May be null? no
Indicates the disposition of income, gains, and losses, and determines
under which net asset class the fund's investment income, gains, and losses
are to be recorded. Applicable for endowment funds only.
Examples: 1 (True/Term - permanently restricted); 4 (FFE: Income and
gain are unrestricted)
1 True/Term (permanently restricted):
If investment is permanently restricted,
income and gain are temporarily restricted.
If investment is temporarily restricted or
unrestricted, income and gain are
2 True with income and gain reinvested:
If investment is permanently restricted,
income is permanently restricted and gain is
temporarily restricted.
If investment is temporarily restricted or
unrestricted, income and gain are
3 True when income and gain reinvested - income and
gain are permanently restricted
4 FFE: income and gain are unrestricted
5 Income is temporarily restricted and gain is
permanently restricted
Indexed - no
Format - char (50)
May be null? yes |
The description of the INVESTMENT_REV_TREATMENT_CODE code that indicates
the disposition of dividends; indicates under which net asset class the
fund's investment income and gains are to be recorded. This description
is applicable to endowment funds only.
Examples: True/Term - permanently restricted (1); FFE: income and gain
are unrestricted (4)
1 True/Term (permanently restricted):
If investment is permanently restricted,
income and gain are temporarily restricted.
If investment is temporarily restricted or
unrestricted, income and gain are
2 True with income and gain reinvested:
If investment is permanently restricted,
income is permanently restricted and gain is
temporarily restricted.
If investment is temporarily restricted or
unrestricted, income and gain are
3 True when income and gain reinvested - income and
gain are permanently restricted
4 FFE: income and gain are unrestricted
5 Income is temporarily restricted and gain is
permanently restricted