Penn Computing

University of Pennsylvania
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WT_TRAVEL_ACTIVITY_MV Table - Data Element Index   Tables and Data Elements   World Travel Home   Data Warehouse Home


Contains a unique record for each World Travel itinerary and Travel and Expense Management expense report.

Common Uses

  • To allow for combined reporting of travel itineraries and expense reports

Primary Key Indexed Data Elements Related Tables


  • ACTIVITY_ID is the unique identifier of the WT_TRAVEL_ACTIVITY_MV record. It is the concatenation of a source identifier and the expense report key (if the activity is an expense report) or the itinerary PNR ID (if the activity is a World Travel itinerary).
  • ACTIVITY_ID_DATE is not populated for expense report activity records.
  • ACTIVITY_PENN_ID is not populated for World Travel itinerary activity records if passenger number one on the itinerary is not a University employee.
  • Activity start and end dates are the earliest and latest dates referenced in the related expense report or intinerary, even if the activity is not continuous (for example, a single expense report submitted for two separate trips).
  • Users granted access to the World Travel data collection may see all WT_TRAVEL_ACTIVITY_MV records.


Internally generated by a Warehouse database script.

WT_TRAVEL_ACTIVITY_MV Table - Data Element Index   Tables and Data Elements   World Travel Home   Data Warehouse Home

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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania