Data element |
Definition |
Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes |
In most cases, the adjusted amount equals the approved amount. For travel allowance expenses, however, the adjusted amount may additionally reflect the amount that exceeds the travel allowance limit, pro-rated over more than one expense. |
Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(48)
May be null? yes |
Airline travel service code. |
Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes |
Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes |
Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes |
Amount of the expense approved for reimbursement, converted as needed to the person's reimbursement currency. |
Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes |
Number of attendees associated with the expense. |
Indexed - yes
Format - number
May be null? yes |
Unique system-assigned key that identifies a credit card transaction, if the expense originated from a downloaded credit card transaction. |
Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes |
Amount of the expense the person is claiming for reimbursement. This may differ from the Expense Amount if, for example, a portion of the expense has been marked as personal.. |
Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(48)
May be null? yes |
The class of air travel service. |
Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes |
Number of comments associated with the expense. |
Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(58)
May be null? yes |
Country associated with the expense. |
Indexed - yes
Format - number
May be null? yes |
Currency in which the person is reimbursed. |
Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(1)
May be null? yes |
1-character budgetary control segment of the expense report entry Cost Object. |
Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(3)
May be null? yes |
3-character Center Net Asset Class code segment of the expense report entry Cost Object. |
Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(4)
May be null? yes |
Penn Center Reference code associated with the expense report entry. |
Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(6)
May be null? yes |
6-character Fund segment of the expense report entry Cost Object. |
Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(4)
May be null? yes |
4-character Organization segment of the expense report entry Cost Object. |
Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(4)
May be null? yes |
Penn Program code associated with the expense report entry. |
Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(4)
May be null? yes |
4-character code for the Organization responsible for managing the Fund of the expense report entry cost object. |
Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(48)
May be null? yes |
Expense report entry Cost Object (comprised of Penn Chart of Accounts CNAC, ORG, BC, and FUND segments). |
Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(2)
May be null? yes |
Penn School/Center code associated with the expense report entry cost object. |
Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes |
Number of exceptions the expense generated. |
Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes |
Exchange rate used to convert the expense from the transaction currency amount to the reimbursement currency amount. |
Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes |
Direction of exchange:
• M = the amount was multiplied by the exchange rate to determine the reimbursement amount
• D = the transaction amount was divided by the exchange rate to determine the reimbursement amount. |
Indexed - yes
Format - char(5)
May be null? yes |
Expense type assigned to the expense. |
Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(48)
May be null? yes |
Description of the the expense. |
Indexed - yes
Format - number
May be null? yes |
Indexed - yes
Format - char(4)
May be null? yes |
Indicates whether the expense was incurred in the person's country, either:
FRGN = this expense was incurred in a country other than the employee's home country
HOME = this expense was incurred in the employee's home country |
Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(48)
May be null? yes |
Location from which the person traveled when incurring the expense. |
Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes |
Indicates whether the expense has associated VAT. |
Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes |
Indicates whether the policy dictates that scanned (or faxed) image of the receipt be submitted for the expense. |
Indexed - yes
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes |
Indicates whether the submitter marked the expense as personal (do not reimburse). |
Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes |
Date on which the expense report entry line record was last modified. |
Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(48)
May be null? yes |
Account number from the University of Pennsylvania Health System (UPHS). |
Indexed - yes
Format - number
May be null? yes |
Unique system-assigned key that identifies the location where the expense was incurred. |
Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes |
Type of meal. |
Indexed - yes
Format - number
May be null? yes |
Unique system-assigned key that identifies the child expense's parent expense. NOTE: If the expense was not itemized, then there is no Parent Entry Key |
Indexed - yes
Format - char(4)
May be null? yes |
Method by which the person paid for the expense, such as cash or a credit card. |
Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes |
Amount of the expense posted. |
Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes |
Indicates whether receipts have been marked as received for the expense. |
Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes |
Indicates whether the policy dictates that a receipt be submitted for the expense. |
Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes |
Indicates whether a receipt is available for the expense and, if so, whether the receipt includes tax information (for VAT purposes). |
Indexed - yes
Format - number
May be null? no |
Unique system-assigned key that identifies the report entry expense. |
Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(64)
May be null? yes |
Submitter-entered business purpose or description of the expense entry. |
Indexed - yes
Format - number
May be null? yes |
Unique system-assigned key that identifies the expense report on which the expense was submitted. |
Indexed - yes
Format - number
May be null? yes |
Unique system-assigned key that identifies the associated travel allowance day record. |
Indexed - yes
Format - number
May be null? yes |
Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(48)
May be null? yes |
Location to which the person traveled when incurring the expense. |
Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes |
Amount of the expense, in the currency in which it was incurred. |
Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes |
Date the expense transaction was incurred. |
Indexed - yes
Format - char(3)
May be null? yes |
Type of transaction of the expense:
• REG = Regular
• PAR = Parent (when an expense is itemized)
• CHD = Child (when an expense is itemized).
Note that PAR (Parent) lines are a summary of the itemized CHD (Child) charges, and the transaction amounts for these two types of transactions should not be combined. |
Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes |
Indicates whether the expense is a travel allowance or counts against a travel allowance. |
Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(48)
May be null? yes |
Date on which the trip began. |
Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(48)
May be null? yes |
Date on which the trip ended. |
Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(48)
May be null? yes |
Type of travel used when the expense was incurred (e.g., Local Domestic, International, Team Travel, etc). |
Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(64)
May be null? yes |
Submitter-entered vendor name. |
Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(32)
May be null? yes |
Vendor associated with the expense. Vendor name, as selected from the corporate vendor list. |