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CT_REPORT_ENTRY Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.

Data element Definition

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes
In most cases, the adjusted amount equals the approved amount. For travel allowance expenses, however, the adjusted amount may additionally reflect the amount that exceeds the travel allowance limit, pro-rated over more than one expense.

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(48)
May be null? yes
Airline travel service code.

Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes
Amount of the expense approved for reimbursement, converted as needed to the person's reimbursement currency.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes
Number of attendees associated with the expense.

Indexed - yes
Format - number
May be null? yes
Unique system-assigned key that identifies a credit card transaction, if the expense originated from a downloaded credit card transaction.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes
Amount of the expense the person is claiming for reimbursement. This may differ from the Expense Amount if, for example, a portion of the expense has been marked as personal..

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(48)
May be null? yes
The class of air travel service.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes
Number of comments associated with the expense.

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(58)
May be null? yes
Country associated with the expense.

Indexed - yes
Format - number
May be null? yes
Currency in which the person is reimbursed.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(1)
May be null? yes
1-character budgetary control segment of the expense report entry Cost Object.

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(3)
May be null? yes
3-character Center Net Asset Class code segment of the expense report entry Cost Object.

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(4)
May be null? yes
Penn Center Reference code associated with the expense report entry.

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(6)
May be null? yes
6-character Fund segment of the expense report entry Cost Object.

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(4)
May be null? yes
4-character Organization segment of the expense report entry Cost Object.

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(4)
May be null? yes
Penn Program code associated with the expense report entry.

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(4)
May be null? yes
4-character code for the Organization responsible for managing the Fund of the expense report entry cost object.

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(48)
May be null? yes
Expense report entry Cost Object (comprised of Penn Chart of Accounts CNAC, ORG, BC, and FUND segments).

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(2)
May be null? yes
Penn School/Center code associated with the expense report entry cost object.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes
Number of exceptions the expense generated.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes
Exchange rate used to convert the expense from the transaction currency amount to the reimbursement currency amount.

Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes

Direction of exchange:
• M = the amount was multiplied by the exchange rate to determine the reimbursement amount
• D = the transaction amount was divided by the exchange rate to determine the reimbursement amount.


Indexed - yes
Format - char(5)
May be null? yes
Expense type assigned to the expense.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(48)
May be null? yes
Description of the the expense.

Indexed - yes
Format - number
May be null? yes

Indexed - yes
Format - char(4)
May be null? yes

Indicates whether the expense was incurred in the person's country, either:
FRGN = this expense was incurred in a country other than the employee's home country
HOME = this expense was incurred in the employee's home country


Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(48)
May be null? yes
Location from which the person traveled when incurring the expense.

Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes
Indicates whether the expense has associated VAT.

Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes
Indicates whether the policy dictates that scanned (or faxed) image of the receipt be submitted for the expense.

Indexed - yes
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes

Indicates whether the submitter marked the expense as personal (do not reimburse).


Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes
Date on which the expense report entry line record was last modified.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(48)
May be null? yes
Account number from the University of Pennsylvania Health System (UPHS).

Indexed - yes
Format - number
May be null? yes
Unique system-assigned key that identifies the location where the expense was incurred.

Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes
Type of meal.

Indexed - yes
Format - number
May be null? yes

Unique system-assigned key that identifies the child expense's parent expense. NOTE: If the expense was not itemized, then there is no Parent Entry Key


Indexed - yes
Format - char(4)
May be null? yes
Method by which the person paid for the expense, such as cash or a credit card.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes
Amount of the expense posted.

Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes
Indicates whether receipts have been marked as received for the expense.

Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes
Indicates whether the policy dictates that a receipt be submitted for the expense.

Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes
Indicates whether a receipt is available for the expense and, if so, whether the receipt includes tax information (for VAT purposes).

Indexed - yes
Format - number
May be null? no
Unique system-assigned key that identifies the report entry expense.

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(64)
May be null? yes
Submitter-entered business purpose or description of the expense entry.

Indexed - yes
Format - number
May be null? yes
Unique system-assigned key that identifies the expense report on which the expense was submitted.

Indexed - yes
Format - number
May be null? yes
Unique system-assigned key that identifies the associated travel allowance day record.

Indexed - yes
Format - number
May be null? yes

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(48)
May be null? yes
Location to which the person traveled when incurring the expense.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes
Amount of the expense, in the currency in which it was incurred.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes
Date the expense transaction was incurred.

Indexed - yes
Format - char(3)
May be null? yes

Type of transaction of the expense:
• REG = Regular
• PAR = Parent (when an expense is itemized)
• CHD = Child (when an expense is itemized).

Note that PAR (Parent) lines are a summary of the itemized CHD (Child) charges, and the transaction amounts for these two types of transactions should not be combined.


Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes
Indicates whether the expense is a travel allowance or counts against a travel allowance.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(48)
May be null? yes
Date on which the trip began.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(48)
May be null? yes
Date on which the trip ended.

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(48)
May be null? yes
Type of travel used when the expense was incurred (e.g., Local Domestic, International, Team Travel, etc).

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(64)
May be null? yes
Submitter-entered vendor name.

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(32)
May be null? yes
Vendor associated with the expense. Vendor name, as selected from the corporate vendor list.

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University of Pennsylvania
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