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CEN_STDT_ADDRESS Table - Data Element Index


Indicates the type of address record for a student. A student may have multiple address records; this data element shows which address the record contains. For example: A local address (L) can be an off-campus address, a residence hall address, an academic department address, or a fraternity/sorority address.
Effective Fall 2020: the address type of B is considered the "Diploma address" -- this is the address to which a student indicates they would like their diploma mailed, when they graduate. Prior to Fall 2020, address type B meant the "Billing" address.


B     Diploma address
L     Local address
P     Permanent address

Campus_Address_Type Indicates the type of local address for the student. A local address can be a off-campus address, a residence hall address, an academic department address, or a fraternity/sorority address. The value is null for all other address types. For example: Harnwell House is R (Residence Hall address).

See also Restrict_Address in the ADDRESS Table.


[Null]     Off-campus address
A          Fraternity/Sorority address
D          Department address
R          Residence hall address
City The city or post office of the student's address. For example: Philadelphia.

See also Restrict_Address in the ADDRESS Table.

Country The abbreviation of the country of the student's address. An asterisk (*) next to the value indicates that the value may be contained in the data, but is no longer a valid input entry into SRS. For example, CZ is the value for the Czech Republic. CS is the value for what was known as Czechoslovakia. While CS cannot be entered into SRS, students whose address was in Czechoslovakia will have the value CS in the country code. The asterisk is not part of the actual value. For example: null and US mean United States.

See also Restrict_Address in the ADDRESS Table.


Refer to the COUNTRY table.

Effective_Date The date on which the student's address is valid.

See also Expiration_Date in the ADDRESS Table.

Expiration_Date The last date on which the student's address is valid. The value is null for Diploma and Permanent address types. For example: August 30, 1995.

See also Effective_Date in the ADDRESS Table.


The 8-digit identification number assigned to the student by the PENNcard system. No two persons have the same Penn_ID. Only persons affiliated with the University will be assigned a Penn_ID.

Phone The telephone number associated with the student's address. For U.S. numbers, the format is the area code and 7-digit phone number. For non-U.S. numbers, the country code is not included. For example: 2151111111 is a U.S. telephone number and area code.

See also Restrict_Phone in the ADDRESS Table.


The student's Social Security number; currently used by Penn as the student's identification number. A Social Security number is a unique number assigned to an individual by the federal Social Security Administration. This is a 9-digit numeric character without dashes, for example, 777777777. For foreign students and students who have requested not to use their Social Security number, this number is assigned by Penn.
State The abbreviation of the state, Canadian province, or U.S. territory of the student's address. For example: AL (Alabama), MA (Massachusetts), ON (Ontario, Canada).

See also Restrict_Address in the ADDRESS Table.

Street1 The apartment number, house number and street, box number or rural route of the student's address. For example: 28 N. DALE AVENUE.

See also Street2 in the ADDRESS Table.

See also Restrict_Address in the ADDRESS Table.

Street2 The continuation of an address, containing the apartment number, house number, and street, box number or rural rout of the student's address. Street2 is used if Street1 contains more than 28 characters. For example: APARTMENT 3C.

See also Street1 in the CEN_STDT_ADDRESS Table.

See also Restrict_Address in the ADDRESS Table.

Term Term, as of the Census Date, in which the student's address was recorded. Example: 1995A.The Census Date is one week after the close of the drop period for the term.
Zip The postal zip code of the student's address. A zip code can be letters or numbers. For example: V4M24M is the zip code for British Columbia, Canada; 191192505 is a zip code in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


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University of Pennsylvania
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