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PAYROLL_CHANGE_LOG Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.

Data element Definition

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2 (2)
May be null? yes

The level at which the data element is secured. Controls which elements a user can see, depending upon his/her security level.

1  basic employee demographics (name, home org, 
   work phone)
3  basic job information and other employee info 
   (home address, sex, emergency contact, 
   employment status)
5  complete job detail (including salary/
   distribution accounts) and sensitive employee
   data (citizenship, visa, birthdate, marital
7  ethnicity, handicap
9  benefits
10 direct deposit information


Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes

Indicates the type of change action performed.

Example: 10 (HOME ORG TRANSFER), 40 (SALINC)


Refer to the DWPAY.PAYROLL_ACTION_CODES table for values.


Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (20)
May be null? yes

The description of the type of change action performed.



Refer to the DWPAY.PAYROLL_ACTION_CODES table for values.


Indexed - yes
Format - date
May be null? yes

The date the change action was performed.

Indexed - no
Format - char (1)
May be null? yes

The type of balance for the data element. The balance type is associated with deductions (gross-to-net or deduction element number, which begin with 6).
D   declining balance - associated value is the declining
    balance, the deduction occurs until the declining 
	balance is exhausted or deductions occur until the
    amount deducted matches the declining balance
G   deduction - associated value is the amount deducted

Indexed - yes
Format - number (9)
May be null? no

The unique identifier for a row in the PAYROLL_CHANGE_LOG table.

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2 (15)
May be null? yes

The name of the data element that was changed.

Example: ACCT STOP DATE (2115), EARNINGS TYPE (2085)

Refer to the DWPAY.PAYROLL_DATA_ELEMENT table for values

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2 (4)
May be null? yes

The number of the data element that was changed.

Some element numbers follow a pattern to indicate the type of data affected. For example, to determine to which job (of the four jobs a person might hold) the change applies, you can refer to the first two digits of the element number on the record. Element Numbers beginning with 20 or 21 refer to job 1, 22/23 to job 2, 24/25 to job 3, and 26/27 to job 4.

Example: 2085 (EARNINGS TYPE), 2115 (ACCT STOP DATE)

Refer to the DWPAY.PAYROLL_DATA_ELEMENT table for values

Indexed - yes
Format - char (1)
May be null? yes

Code indicating the Payroll system employee type for the employee, for the job. This code can be used to distinguish whether the individual is a monthy, weekly, full-time, paid professional, support staff or student employee. Note: An employee with more than one job (for example, a faculty member who also has an administrative job) may have more than one value for Appt_Employee_Type.

Examples: 1 (monthly paid salaried; exempt from overtime); 3 (non-exempt hourly paid)

for values.

Indexed - yes
Format - date
May be null? yes

The date the PAYROLL_CHANGE_LOG record was extracted from the Payroll system and loaded into the Warehouse.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (5)
May be null? yes

The 5-digit Payroll code identifying the department that owns the employee's record and is responsible for its maintenance. Department numbers in the Personnel/Payroll and related systems were converted to four-digit organization codes on July 16, 1999. All records after that date will have null values for Home_Dept; Home_Dept_Org should be used in its place.

Example: 17101 (Data Administration)


Refer to the DWADMIN.ORG_OLD_TO_NEW table for values.


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes

The 4-digit number that represents the organization that owns the employee's record and is responsible for its maintenance. An organization is a subdivision of the University created for management purposes. An Organization belongs to only one School or Responsibility Center, and its organization code is unique. (The code set is from the University's General Ledger, and has been in use since July 1, 1996.)

Examples: 0104 (CHEMISTRY); 0001 (GEN UNIVERSITY)


Refer to the DWADMIN.ORG_CODES table for values.


Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes

The 2-digit Payroll code used to identify the school or center that owns the employee's record and is responsible for its maintenance. Home_School codes in the Personnel/Payroll and related systems were converted to Home_School_Ctr codes on July 16, 1999. All records after that date will have null values for Home_School; Home_School_Ctr should be used in its place.

Example: 54 (School of Medicine)


Refer to the DWADMIN.ORG_OLD_TO_NEW table for values.


Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes

A 2-digit number used to identify the school or center that owns the employee's record and is responsible for its maintenance. The code set is from the University's General Ledger, and has been in use since July 1, 1996.

Example: 40 (School of Medicine)


Refer to the DWADMIN.ORG_CODES table, for values where 
Home_School_Ctr = Center_Code.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (6)
May be null? yes

The 6-digit code indicating the job held by the employee. Key to the job classification table where the job attributes are listed. Refer to Job_Title in the JOB_CLASS or JOB_CLASS_GENERAL tables to find the title which currently corresponds to the Job_Class. As a result of the University's Classification Redesign Project, a new job classification system for staff positions was developed in 1998. Job classes in the online Payroll system and the Data Warehouse were converted to this new system over April 8 - 9, 1998. For jobs that were reclassified, records before this date will contain the old class, and records after this date will reflect the new scheme. Some classes were reused, however (and only the attributes now used for those classes are available). Faculty classes were unaffected by this conversion.Example: 226010 (Associate Professor C-E)

Example: 226010 (Associate Professor C-E)

Refer to the DWADMIN.JOB_CLASS table for values.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (30)
May be null? yes

The employee's full legal name, in uppercase, in the format: LASTNAME,FIRSTNAME MIDDLEINITIAL (Note that only a comma separates the last name from the first name. Blank space is not used in the separator.) This is the name used for Federal W-2 forms, for example. (See also Name_Flipped and Professional names.)




Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (28)
May be null? yes

The new value of the data element, as a result of the change action.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (28)
May be null? yes


The value of the data element, prior to the change action.

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2 (8)
May be null? yes

The ID of the Payroll user (or system ID) that created the change record.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (8)
May be null? yes

The 8-digit identification number assigned to an individual by Penn Community system. For example: 77777777. No two persons have the same Penn ID. Note that Penn IDs created in and assigned by Penn Community begin at 10000000. Within the Data Warehouse, the numeric range from 00000000-00999999 is used for individuals who do not yet have a Penn ID in Penn Community, to allow for reliable joins between tables using the PENN_ID column. When a Penn ID appears for the individual appear in Penn Community, it will replace the assigned value throughout the Data Warehouse.



Indexed - no
Format - char (1)
May be null? yes

The 1-character code that indicates whether an employee is employed on a regular or temporary basis. Regular employees include full-time, part-time, and limited service workers. Temporary employees include temporary, occasional, and student workers. These workers work 1,000 hours or less in a fiscal year. The fiscal year at the University of Pennsylvania is the 12-month accounting period from July 1 of one year through June 30 of the next year.
R     Regular
T     Temporary

Indexed - no
Format - char (7)
May be null? yes

A sequential number generated on the mainframe and in the source file used to load the PAYROLL_CHANGE_LOG table in the Data Warehouse. Each time the process runs, the sequencing restarts.



Indexed - yes
Format - char (9)
May be null? no

The 9-digit Social Security Number of the employee. A Social Security Number is a unique number assigned to an individual by the federal Social Security Administration.

Values in this column will only be displayed to individuals with access to employee SSN data; all other users will retrieve nulls in this column.


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University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania