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JOB_CLASS_GENERAL Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.

Data element Definition

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (20)
May be null? yes

A higher-level grouping of faculty classes used for aggregating faculty into groups such as Standing Faculty, Standing Faculty C-E (Clinician-Educator), Associated Faculty, Academic Support Staff, and Emeritus.

for values.


Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (2)
May be null? yes

The name of the union bargaining unit, if any, associated with the job class.

[Following the retirement of PennWorks and the mainframe Personnel/Payroll system in July 2019, this column is no longer updated, and values of Bargaining_Unit for Job Classes still in use as Workday Job Profiles will be null.]

Refer to the DWCOMP.COMP_UNION_LIST table
for values.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (3)
May be null? yes
For faculty jobs, the 3-character code that indicates the faculty classification. Non-faculty will have null values for this column.

Examples: TEN (tenure track, including tenure of title and standing faculty); VIS (visiting faculty)

Following the implementation of Workday in July 2019, this column is updated with Workday Job Family and Job Profile data as follows, to support longitudinal and cross collection reporting.

TEN Job Family ID = Tenure
CLE Job Family ID = Clinician_Educator
ACN Job Family ID = Academic_Clinician
RES Job Family ID = Research_Academic
CLN Job Family ID = Clinical
ADJ Job Family ID = Adjunct
VIS Job Family ID = Visiting and Job Profile ID NOT in (246030,246040)
VEP [No longer in use with Workday]
PRF Job Family ID = Practice
WIS [No longer a position in Workday; Wistar faculty ranks can be found in the Workday academic appointments data.]
ART Job Profile ID = 216027
PRE [No longer in use with Workday]
SUP Job Family ID = Academic_Support_Staff
EMF Job Family ID = Emeritus
FER [No longer in use with Workday]
POS Job Family ID = Postdoctoral
GRP Job Family ID = Graduate_Student


Indexed - no
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes

The 2-character code that indicates the field of knowledge for the Job_Class. Job families are designed to group jobs of the same nature which require different skill and responsibility levels.

Examples: D (Financial), 3(Animal Care)

[Following the retirement of PennWorks and the mainframe Personnel/Payroll system in July 2019, this column is no longer updated, and values of Family for Job Classes still in use as Workday Job Profiles will be null.]

Refer to the DWCOMP.JOB_FAMILY_LIST table for values.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (6)
May be null? no

The 6-digit code indicating a job classification. Refer to Job_Title to find the title which currently corresponds to the Job_Class.

Following the implementation of Workday in July 2019, this column is updated with Workday Job_Profile_ID to support longitudinal and cross collection reporting. For Job Classes no longer in use as Workday Job Profiles, rows will remain in the table, and will no longer be updated.

As a result of the University's Classification Redesign Project, a new job classification system for staff positions was developed in 1998. Job classes in the online Payroll system and the Data Warehouse were converted to this new system over April 8 - 9, 1998. Faculty classes were unaffected by this conversion. Some classes were reused, however (and only the attributes now used for those classes are available).

Example: 226010 (Associate Professor C-E)


Refer to the DWADMIN.JOB_CLASS table for values.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (1)
May be null? yes
Code indicating the Payroll system employee type for the job class. This code can be used to distinguish whether the job class indicates a monthly, weekly, full-time, paid professional, support staff or student job.

Examples: 1 (monthly paid salaried; exempt from overtime); 3 (non-exempt hourly paid)

[Following the retirement of PennWorks and the mainframe Personnel/Payroll system in July 2019, this column is no longer updated, and values of Job_Class_Employee_Type for Job Classes still in use as Workday Job Profiles will be null.]

Refer to the DWCOMP.COMP_EMPLOYEE_TYPE_LIST table for values.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (1)
May be null? yes

Indicates the active (A) or frozen (F) status of the job class.

[Following the retirement of PennWorks and the mainframe Personnel/Payroll system in July 2019, this column is no longer updated, and values of Job_Class_Status for Job Classes still in use as Workday Job Profiles will be null.]


A     Job class is active in the Payroll system
F     Job class is frozen in the Payroll system

Indexed - no
Format - date (7)
May be null? yes

The date the job class status went into effect.

[Following the retirement of PennWorks and the mainframe Personnel/Payroll system in July 2019, this column is no longer updated, and values of Job_Class_Status_Date for Job Classes still in use as Workday Job Profiles will be null.]


Indexed - no
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes

For full-time, permanent jobs, the 4-character code indicating the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity group for the federal job title for the job. (Note: The federal job title is not the same as the Job_Title used at Penn.) The Job_Group is used for federal affirmation action reports. For more information, contact the Office of Affirmative Action. The first character of the Job_Group indicates one of the seven major groups:
  1. Executive/administrative
  2. Faculty
  3. Professional
  4. Secretarial/clerical
  5. Technical/paraprofessional
  6. Skilled crafts
  7. Service

As a result of the University's Classification Redesign Project, a new job classification system for staff positions was developed in 1998. Job classes in the online Payroll system and the Data Warehouse were converted to this new system over April 8 - 9, 1998. Faculty classes were unaffected by this conversion. Some classes were reused, however (and only the attributes now used for those classes are available).

[Following the retirement of PennWorks and the mainframe Personnel/Payroll system in July 2019, this column is no longer updated, and values of Job_Group for Job Classes still in use as Workday Job Profiles will be null.]


Indexed - no
Format - char (25)
May be null? yes

The title currently associated with the Job_Class. The title associated with a given Job_Class may vary over time.

Following the implementation of Workday in July 2019, this column is updated with Workday Job_Profile_Name to support longitudinal and cross collection reporting. For Job Classes no longer in use as Workday Job Profiles, rows will remain in the table, and will no longer be updated.

As a result of the University's Classification Redesign Project, a new job classification system for staff positions was developed in 1998. Job classes in the online Payroll system and the Data Warehouse were converted to this new system over April 8 - 9, 1998. Faculty classes were unaffected by this conversion. Some classes were reused, however (and only the attributes now used for those classes are available).



Refer to the DWADMIN.JOB_CLASS table for values.


Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
The 2-character code that identifies the kind of position associated with the Job_Class. As a result of the University's Classification Redesign Project, a new job classification system for staff positions was developed in 1998. Job classes in the online Payroll system and the Data Warehouse were converted to this new system over April 8 - 9, 1998. Faculty classes were unaffected by this conversion. Some classes were reused, however (and only the attributes now used for those classes are available).

Examples: AP (Administrative / Professional), US (Unionized staff).

Following the implementation of Workday in July 2019, this column is updated with Workday Job Family and Job Profile data as follows, to support longitudinal and cross collection reporting.

[No longer in use with Workday]
(Support Staff)
Job Family Group = Staff and Job Profile Exempt Flag = N
(Temporary Staff)
Job Family = Temporary
(Non-employees, courtesy appointments, etc)
Job Family = Postdoctoral
Job Family Group = Academic
Job Family Group = Staff and Job Profile Exempt Flag = Y
(Unionized Staff)
Job Family Group = Union
Job Family Group = Student
(No category)
[No longer in use with Workday]

Prior to the implementation of Workday, this field was calculated in the Data Warehouse. The logic to determine the code was as follows (the classes were calculated according to the order listed):

EX: EMPLOYEE_JOB.Appt_Employee_Type = 6 [this class is not included in the Data Warehouse]

SS: EMPLOYEE_JOB.Appt_Employee_Type = 2 AND (Job_Grade is between 021 and 032 or Job_Grade is A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) OR
EMPLOYEE_JOB.Appt_Employee_Type = 2 or 3 AND Job_Grade = LIM OR
Job_Class = 515550 or 515555 OR
EMPLOYEE_JOB.Appt_Employee_Type = 2 or 3 AND Job_Grade = PT OR
EMPLOYEE_JOB.Appt_Employee_Type = 2 and Job_Grade = INT
[OR, for pre-Classification Redesign job class codes:
EMPLOYEE_JOB.Appt_Employee_Type = 2 and Job_Grade = Gxx or space]

TS: Job_Grade = TEM OR Job_Class = 855150

NE: Job_Class = 8xxxxx OR Job_Class = 399055, 399057, or 140005

FA: Job_Class = 2xxxxx OR Job_Grade = FAC

AP: EMPLOYEE_JOB.Appt_Employee_Type = 1 AND Job_Grade NOT = FAC

US: Job_Grade = U

ST: EMPLOYEE_JOB.Appt_Employee_Type = 5

NC: any classes not covered by the criteria above


AP  Administrative/Professional
EX  Executive Pay (not included in the Data Warehouse)
FA  Faculty
NC  No category
NE  Non-employees (courtesy appointments, etc.)
SS  Support Staff
ST  Student
TS  Temporary Staff
US  Unionized Staff

Indexed - yes
Format - char (5)
May be null? yes
For standing faculty jobs (all faculty members including Clinician-Educators), the 4-character code that indicates the professorial rank for the Job_Class. The standing faculty is composed of all faculty members with tenure or in tenure probationary status. Employees who are not standing faculty will have null values for this column.

Examples: FULL (full professor), ASSO (associate professor)

Following the implementation of Workday in July 2019, this column is updated with Workday Job Family and Job Profile data as follows, to support longitudinal and cross collection reporting.

FULL Professor (216000)
FULL Clinician_Educator_Professor (226000)
ASST Assistant_Professor (216020)
ASST Clinician_Educator_Assistant_Professor (226020)
ASSO Associate_Professor (216010)
ASSO Clinician_Educator_Associate_Professor (226010)

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University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania