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Note: This table is no longer updated, following the retirement of the mainframe Personnel/Payroll system and the implementation Workday@Penn in July 2019.

This view of the EMPLOYEE_ENCUMBRANCE table contains data on the amounts latest encumbered for the salary for each employee for each account. Encumbered funds have been set aside but have not yet been spent for a specific planned approved expenditure (in this case, salaries). These funds cannot be used for any other purpose, unless the encumbrance is removed. The data is provided by a weekly extract from the Salary Management system. In most cases, there is one row per employee per account number per encumbrance.

Common Uses
To determine the amount currently encumbered for salary expenses, broken down by employee.

Primary Key Indexed Data Elements Related Tables




  • Since the table is updated weekly, and only the latest encumbrances are stored, encumbrances for weekly paid employees will appear to decrease through the accounting period. This also makes footing to Salary Management reports for a period rather complicated, as Salary Management stores the "current" encumbrance balance only. The Data Warehouse is updated with payments and encumbrance data directly following Salary Management, which may actually be a couple days in advance of BEN Financials. To pull matching data from BEN Financials, Salary Management and the Data Warehouse at the end of a period you'll need to run your system reports and Warehouse queries between the Tuesday after payroll runs, producing the last weekly check for the month, and before the Monday af the following week. By that last Tuesday, monthly payroll has already been run, so those actuals and updated encumbrances will be correct. This limits the risk of retrieving data from Salary Management or the Warehouse for the last weekly pay of the month which may, in fact, be posted to the next BEN Financials Accounting Period. (For example, for AUG-99, reports would have to have been run between August 27 and August 30th.)
  • Keep in mind that encumbrances and payments for executive paid individuals (JOB_CLASS.Personnel_Class 'EX' or EMPLOYEE_JOB.Appt_Employee_Type '6') are not available in the Data Warehouse. These payments are stored in sum with all others from the same account combination (by period) in the General Ledger collection (and in BEN Financials) however, so cross-footing those account combinations between Data Warehouse collections or system reports may be difficult.
  • You can access an EMPLOYEE_ENCUMBRANCE_CURRENT record only if you are authorized to access data for the employee's home school or organization, the job organization, or the encumbrance account CNAC, ORG or Responsible_Org. Access to SSN is further restricted to specifically authorized individuals.
  • The EMPLOYEE_ENCUMBRANCE_CURRENT table contains records only for encumbrances now in effect. To access past encumbrances, use the EMPLOYEE_ENCUMBRANCE Table.
  • As a result of the University's Classification Redesign Project, a new job classification system for staff positions was developed in 1998. Job classes in the online Payroll system and the Data Warehouse were converted to this new system over April 8 - 9, 1998. Some classes were reused, however; only the attributes now used for those classes are available. Faculty classes were unaffected by this conversion.
  • Use of 9-digit Encumbrance_Account numbers was phased out at the end of June 1998, when the Payroll system became fully compliant with the present General Ledger accounting structure. This column should be null for all records from fiscal year 1999 onward, and Posted_COA_Account should be used instead.
  • Use of 5-character Payroll department codes and 2-character Payroll school codes was phased out at the end of June 1998, when the Payroll system became fully compliant with the present General Ledger accounting structure. These columns should be null for all records from fiscal year 1999 onward; in these records, refer to Dept_Org and School_Ctr columns instead.
  • In the event that an employee holds two different jobs of the same Job_Class paid by the same account, the Salary Management system does not track specifically which encumbrances were made for which job. The Warehouse uses the following logic to determine the position associated with an encumbrance (the position is represented by the Job_Link_ID):
    1. If there is only one job, that job's Job Link ID appears on the encumbrance row.
    2. If there's only one job with matching job class and appointment begin / end dates which fit the end date of the encumbrance accounting period, that job's Job Link ID appears on the encumbrance row.
    3. The first distribution (lowest job sequence / distribution sequence number) with (a) matching job class, (b) distribution start / stop dates and (c) matching distribution account which fit the end date of the encumbrance accounting period.
    4. If there are no jobs which fit the payment using the above three criteria, the encumbrance is assigned to the primary appointment.

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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania