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EMPLOYEE_ADDRESS Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.

Data element Definition

Indexed - yes
Format - char (1)
May be null? no
A 1-character code that indicates the type of address record. No data checking occurs for the current address. It is "current" only in the sense that it is what Payroll listed as the current address in the most recent record available for that employee. It is not necessarily true that this employee's record even exists in the Payroll system any more. Use Employment_Status in the EMPLOYEE table to select desired employees.


C     Current
P     Permanent


Indexed - yes
Format - char (25)
May be null? yes

The city or post office for the employee's address. Some values are abbreviations.



Indexed - no
Format - char (3)
May be null? yes
The abbreviation for the country of the employee's address. Country will usually be null, indicating a U.S. address.

Example: CZ (Czechoslovakia)

Refer to the DWADMIN.COUNTRY_CODES table for values.



Indexed - yes
Format - char (5)
May be null? yes

The 5-digit Payroll code identifying the department that owns the employee's record and is responsible for its maintenance. Department numbers in the Personnel/Payroll and related systems were converted to four-digit organization codes on July 16, 1999. All records after that date will have null values for Home_Dept; Home_Dept_Org should be used in its place.

Example: 17101 (Data Administration)


Refer to the DWADMIN.ORG_OLD_TO_NEW table for values.


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The 4-digit number that represents the Organization that owns the employee's record and is responsible for its maintenance. An organization is a subdivision of the University created for management purposes. An Organization belongs to only one School or Responsibility Center, and its organization code is unique. (The code set is from the University's General Ledger, and has been in use since July 1, 1996.)

Examples: 0104 (CHEMISTRY); 0001 (GEN UNIVERSITY)


Refer to the DWADMIN.ORG_CODES table for values.


Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
The 2-digit Payroll code used to identify the school or center that owns the employee's record and is responsible for its maintenance. Home_School codes in the Personnel/Payroll and related systems were converted to Home_School_Ctr codes on July 16, 1999. All records after that date will have null values for Home_School; Home_School_Ctr should be used in its place.

Example: 54 (School of Medicine)


Refer to the DWADMIN.ORG_OLD_TO_NEW table for values.


Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
A 2-digit number used to identify the school or center that owns the employee's record and is responsible for its maintenance. The code set is from the University's General Ledger, and has been in use since July 1, 1996.

Example: 40 (School of Medicine)

Refer to the DWADMIN.ORG_CODES table, for values where 
Home_School_Ctr = Center_Code.

Indexed - no
Format - date (7)
May be null? yes
The date the EMPLOYEE_ADDRESS record was extracted from the Payroll system and loaded into the Warehouse.

Indexed - no
Format - char (30)
May be null? yes
The employee's full legal name, in uppercase, in the format: LASTNAME,FIRSTNAME MIDDLEINITIAL (Note that only a comma separates the last name from the first name. Blank space is not used in the separator.) This is the name used for Federal W-2 forms, for example. (See also Name_Flipped and Professional names.)




Indexed - no
Format - char (30)
May be null? yes
The employee's full legal name, in uppercase, in the format: FIRSTNAME MIDDLEINITIAL LASTNAME. This is the name used for Federal W-2 forms, for example. (See also Professional_Name_Flipped, Name, Name_Prefix, and Name_Suffix.)




Indexed - no
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The optional title, entered without punctuation and in uppercase letters, used before the employee's name. (See also Name_Flipped and Name_Suffix.)

Examples: MISS, MRS, MS, MR, DR



Indexed - no
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The modifier (if any) at the end of the employee's name. Name_Suffix is entered without any punctuation and in uppercase letters. (See also Name_Flipped and Name_Prefix.)

Examples: JR, SR, III, ESQ, PHD



Indexed - no
Format - char (8)
May be null? yes

The 8-digit identification number assigned to an individual by Penn Community system. For example: 77777777. No two persons have the same Penn ID. Note that Penn IDs created in and assigned by Penn Community begin at 10000000. Within the Data Warehouse, the numeric range from 00000000-00999999 is used for individuals who do not yet have a Penn ID in Penn Community, to allow for reliable joins between tables using the PENN_ID column. When a Penn ID appears for the individual appear in Penn Community, it will replace the assigned value throughout the Data Warehouse.



Indexed - no
Format - char (15)
May be null? yes
The employee's primary home telephone number, including the area code.

Example: 2154567890


Indexed - no
Format - char (30)
May be null? yes
The name used by the employee for professional purposes (for example, in directories). The value will default to that of the Name column, unless another value has been designated. The name is stored in uppercase in the format: LASTNAME,FIRSTNAME MIDDLEINITIAL (Note that only a comma separates the last name from the first name; blank space is not used in the separator.) (See also Name and Professional_Name_Flipped.)




Indexed - no
Format - char (30)
May be null? yes
The name used by the employee for professional purposes (for example, in directories). The value will default to that of the Name_Flipped column, unless another value has been designated. The name is stored in uppercase, in the format: FIRSTNAME MIDDLEINITIAL LASTNAME. (See also Professional_Name, Professional_Name_Prefix, Professional_Name_Suffix and Name_Flipped.)




Indexed - no
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
Optional title used before the employee's professional name. Professional_Name_Prefix is entered without any punctuation and in uppercase letters. (See also Professional_Name_Flipped and Professional_Name_Suffix.)

Examples: DR, REV, HON



Indexed - no
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The modifier (if any) at the end of the employee's professional name. Professional_Name_Suffix is entered without any punctuation and in uppercase letters. (See also Professional_Name_Flipped and Professional_Name_Prefix.)

Examples: ESQ, PHD, MD


Indexed - yes
Format - char (9)
May be null? no

The 9-digit Social Security number of the employee. A Social Security number is a unique number assigned to an individual by the federal Social Security Administration.

Values in this column will only be displayed to individuals with access to employee SSN data; all other users will retrieve nulls in this column.


Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
The 2-character U.S. Postal Service code for the state portion of the employee's address.

Example: PA (Pennsylvania)

Refer to the DWADMIN.COMP_STATE_LIST table for values.

Indexed - no
Format - char (30)
May be null? yes
The street address of the employee's residence. Street1 should include the apartment number, house number and street, box number, or rural route.

Indexed - no
Format - char (25)
May be null? yes
Additional address information supplementing Street1, the street address of the employee's residence.

Indexed - no
Format - char (15)
May be null? yes
The 5- or 9-digit zip code for the employee's address.

Examples: 19104 or 19104-1401


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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania