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Note: This table is no longer updated, following the retirement of PennWorks and the implementation Workday@Penn in July 2019.

Contains faculty compensation records, to be used in preparatory stages of the annual Salary Increase Program . There is one row per faculty member per fiscal year.

Common Uses
To view, during the Salary Increase Program, current faculty compensation category information, along with placeholder columns for planning dates and faculty compensation salaries.

Primary Key Indexed Data Elements Related Tables


  • COMP_INCREASE_FACCOMP_TEMPLATE should be used only in the course of the Salary Increase Program, to view or export current and (if available) planned faculty compensation information. For more complete faculty compensation information, refer to the COMP_PERSON_SALARY table.
  • Faculty compensation records represent a faculty member's salary agreement. In addition to Academic Base, users may track prospective faculty compensation amounts including Base Salary Supplement, Faculty Salary, Administrative Stipends and Staff Salary, all of which are represented for planning purposes in COMP_INCREASE_FACCOMP_TEMPLATE. Other irregularly paid components of faculty compensation such as Bonuses and Honoraria, will be tracked only via actual payments.
  • The amounts displayed in COMP_INCREASE_FACCOMP_TEMPLATE are those that were planned to be paid to the faculty member, for the given category and fiscal year, at the time the record was entered into PennWorks. These amounts are not directly related to given roles or distributions, and may differ from actual payments when they occur.
  • This table includes only rows for active (non-terminated) employees' currently eligible for faculty compensation in PennWorks.
  • You can access a COMP_INCREASE_FACCOMP_TEMPLATE row only if you are authorized to view Salary Increase Program data in the Warehouse, and you are also authorized to access data for the employee's home center or organization, or a current joint organization for the employee.
  • The COMP_INCREASE_FACCOMP_TEMPLATE Table can be found in the DWCOMP schema.
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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania