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Records data about each proposal (funding cycle) for a sponsored project. Includes information such as the proposal's title and status, the requested and awarded start and end dates for the funding cycle (project period), the number of requested budget periods within the funding cycle, various requested and awarded dollar amounts for the funding cycle, and other information specific to the proposal. Award information covers not only award payments received and advance accounts, but also future periods ("out years") as specified in the Notice of Award.

There is one PENNERA_PROPOSAL record per proposal (funding cycle) for each sponsored project. For example, a proposal submitted to the NIH requesting five years of funding for a new project would have one PENNERA_PROPOSAL record. If the Principal Investigator requests five more years of funding for the project, a second PENNERA_PROPOSAL record would be created.

Common Uses

  • Finding proposals submitted to a particular sponsor. ("Which proposals were sent to sponsor 09470, the National Institutes of Health?")
  • Reporting on proposals by their status. ("Which proposals are still pending a decision from the sponsor?")
  • Comparing what was requested for a funding cycle to what was awarded.
  • Looking up information on a proposal when its prime fund is known. If awarded funding for a proposal is tracked using more than one fund, the prime fund is the one used to track most of the money. ("What does the proposal for fund 512345 look like?")
  • Reporting on proposals with particular attributes. ("What proposals are for Federal Demonstration Projects (FDP_FLAG = 'Y')?")
  • Looking up information on a project that spans funding cycles. ("What do we have on record for my project, which is now being funded for the 20th year?")
  • Retrieving information on a program project's sub-projects.
Primary Key Indexed Data Elements Related Tables


  • A proposal record is created if the Principal Investigator is asking for a new project, competing renewal, pre-proposal, or change of grantee institution. In some cases, a proposal record is created if the PI is asking for a clinical trial agreement early review. If the Principal Investigator is asking for a non-competing renewal, it is not a proposal, but rather a request associated with a budget period within the project period for the proposal. (See also the PENNERA_PERIOD table and the PENNERA_REQUEST table.)
  • There are two different unique identifiers for a proposal (funding cycle): INSTITUTION_NO and PROP_NO. INSTITUTION_NO is the identification number assigned by the University. PROP_NO is the identification number used internally by the PennERA system. For a given record, INSTITUTION_NO will not have the same value as PROP_NO. While either one may be used when joining PennERA Proposals tables, INSTITUTION_NO is the one recommended for display in reports.
  • Records with an INSTITUTION_NO less than or equal to 05017400 were converted from the Research Services System (RSS, the system used to track proposals and awards before October 14, 2003). Other records are for proposals created in PennERA.
  • Some projects span funding cycles, and have more than one PENNERA_PROPOSAL record. However, all those records have the same value for FIRST_INSTITUTION_NO: the value of the INSTITUTION_NO for the earliest PENNERA_PROPOSAL record for the project.
  • An Organization is a subdivision of the University created for management purposes. When reporting on Organizations ("orgs."), be sure to select the data element that meets your needs. (Note that for every organization element, the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table also stores the associated school/center element.)
    • Organizations for the proposal (funding cycle): The PROPOSAL_RESP_ORG_CODE identifies the org. responsible for the proposal at the time of the proposal. There are several organizations for the PI (the Principal Investigator for the proposal). The PI_HOME_ORG_CODE identifies the org. that owns the PI's employee record and is responsible for its maintenance. The PI_PRI_APPT_ORG_CODE identifies the org. where the PI has his or her primary job appointment. The PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_ORG_CODE identifies the org. where the PI has his or her primary academic job appointment--the highest-ranking faculty job appointment. (For information on how the primary appointment and the primary academic appointment are determined, see the explanation in the Cautions section of the documentation for the EMPLOYEE_GENERAL Table.) The PI_ERA_PRIMARY_ORG_CODE identifies the org. flagged as the primary department in the PI’s PennERA Profile. (Although it is used to secure certain data elements in the Data Warehouse, the ERA primary org. is not used by the University’s business processes.). PI_INVESTIGATOR_ORG_CODE is either the same as the PROPOSAL_RESP_ORG_CODE, or (roughly speaking) the org. with which the PI is affiliated that is closest to the PROPOSAL_RESP_ORG_CODE. (Although it is used to secure certain data elements in the Data Warehouse, the investigator org. is not used by the University’s business processes.)
    • Organizations for the parent proposal: Note: data for parent proposals is not currently entered in PennERA. The PennERA Proposals Data Collection has been designed to accommodate that data when it becomes available. If the proposal is for a sub-project--for example, if it is for a project that is part of a program project--the proposal for the program project is termed the 'parent proposal'. If applicable, the PENNERA_PROPOSAL record has information on the same kinds of orgs. for the parent proposal as for the proposal: PARENT_PROP_RESP_ORG_CODE (the org. responsible for the parent proposal at the time of the parent proposal), PARENT_PI_HOME_ORG_CODE (the org. that owns the employee record for the PI of the parent proposal), PARENT_PI_PRI_APPT_ORG_CODE, PAR_PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_ORG_CODE, PARENT_PI_ERA_PRI_ORG_CODE, and PARENT_PI_INV_ORG_CODE.
  • Users with University-wide access may see all the data elements for every PENNERA_PROPOSAL record. Users with Organization-based access may see secured PENNERA_PROPOSAL data elements only for records which they are authorized to access based on one or more of the orgs. in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL record. Users with Organization-based access may see all other PENNERA_PROPOSAL data elements (including REQ_PROJECT_SPON_COSTS and AWD_PROJECT_SPON_COSTS) for every record.
    • To facilitate Organization-based security, the orgs. listed above have their values set to '.' if they would otherwise be null.
  • If an org. is '.', the corresponding school/center code is also '.'. (For example, if the Principal Investigator has no employee information about a faculty job appointment dating back to the time of the funding cycle, both PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_ORG_CODE and PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_SCHOOL_CODE have the value '.'.) The school/center data elements that store '.' (rather than a null value) are the PROPOSAL_RESP_SCHOOL_CODE, PI_INVESTIGATOR_SCHOOL_CODE, PI_HOME_SCHOOL_CODE, PI_PRI_APPT_SCHOOL_CODE, PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_SCHOOL_CODE, and PI_ERA_PRIMARY_SCHOOL_CODE.
    • Note: the org. and school/center data elements that refer to the parent proposal should not be used in queries. Data for parent proposals is not currently entered in PennERA. The PennERA Proposals Data Collection has been designed to accommodate that data when it becomes available.
  • When creating a report including the proposal's title, note that PROJECT_TITLE may be up to 900 characters long. For clinical trials, the PROJECT_SHORT_TITLE is also available; it may be up to 60 characters long.
  • A PENNERA_PROPOSAL record includes the date the Office of Research Services created the proposal record, and the current status for the proposal. Where applicable, it also includes the date the proposal was submitted to the sponsor, the date it was disapproved by the sponsor, the initial notification date (the Notice of Award date for the first award increment), and the date the Office of Research Services received the award. For more details on how the proposal's status has changed over time, use the PENNERA_PROP_STAT_HIST table.
  • The PENNERA_PROPOSAL record reflects the status for the funding cycle. For the current status for a request (or increment) within the funding cycle, use the PENNERA_REQUEST (or PENNERA_INCREMENT) table. For information on how the request's (or increment’s) status has changed over time, use the PENNERA_REQ_STAT_HIST (or PENNERA_INCR_STAT_HIST) table.
  • PROPOSAL_STATUS has an initial value of ‘In Process’ for all proposal records (and only those proposal records) created in PennERA on or after Sept. 6, 2005 via the SOMERA Interface (PennERA’s interface with the School of Medicine’s Electronic Research Administration system). A proposal that is ‘In Process’ requires further processing before it is approved for submission to the sponsor. (This is true even though there may be a non-null value for SUBMITTED_DATE.) After the hard copy of the proposal is received in the Office of Research Services (ORS) and the necessary additional data is entered by ORS staff, the PROPOSAL_STATUS will be changed from ‘In Process’ to ‘Pending’. The SOMERA Interface creates records in PennERA only for proposals whose PROPOSAL_TYPE is ‘New Project’, ‘Competing (Renewal)’, ‘Change of Grantee Inst’, or ‘Revision’. The SOMERA Interface is not used to update data in PennERA.
  • Records created on or after Oct. 9, 2006 may have been created in the Proposal Development module of PennERA. If you wish to retrieve records only for proposals that were submitted to their sponsors, set a record selection condition on PROPOSAL_STATUS. If a proposal has not been submitted to its sponsor, its PROPOSAL_STATUS is ‘Under Development’, ‘Under Review’, or ‘In Process’. You might also want to exclude ‘Withdrawn’ proposals.
  • Note that, while a status date defaults to the system date when the status was entered, it may be changed by the person entering the data to more correctly reflect the effective date of the status.
  • The PROPOSAL_TYPE indicates the reason for requesting funding for this funding cycle. For example, its value might be ‘New Project’ or ‘Competing (Renewal)’. However, its value will be null if the PROPOSAL_STATUS is ‘Under Development’ and information on the proposal type has not yet been entered for the proposal.
  • A given amount in a PENNERA_PROPOSAL record for a given proposal should be the same as the sum of the related amount for all the PENNERA_PERIOD records for that proposal. For example, PENNERA_PROPOSAL.REQ_PROJECT_SPON_COSTS should equal the sum of the PENNERA_PERIOD.REQUESTED_TOT_SPON_COSTS where PENNERA_PROPOSAL.INSTITUTION_NO = PENNERA_PERIOD.INSTITUTION_NO.
  • A given requested amount in a PENNERA_PROPOSAL record for a given proposal should be the same as the sum of the related amount for all the PENNERA_REQUEST records for that proposal, regardless of the value of PENNERA_REQUEST.REQUEST_STATUS.
    • In this example, PENNERA_PROPOSAL.REQ_PROJECT_SPON_COSTS reflects the amount requested for the proposal, not what was awarded. This is true regardless of the current status of the request records for the proposal (even if one or more has the status 'Awarded').
  • A given awarded amount in a PENNERA_PROPOSAL record for a given proposal should be the same as the sum of the related amount for all the PENNERA_INCREMENT records for that proposal, regardless of the value of PENNERA_INCREMENT.INCREMENT_STATUS.
    • In this example, PENNERA_PROPOSAL.AWD_PROJECT_SPON_COSTS includes not only awards that have been received for the proposal, but also awards for the proposal that are expected to be paid in the future (per a Notice of Award) and amounts paid by a department in expectation of an award for the proposal.
  • The Research Services System, or RSS, was used before October 14, 2003 to track information on sponsored projects. Records converted from this legacy system might not have information available for the following data elements: CLINICAL_TRIAL_PROTOCOL_ID, COI_MGT_LETTER_FLAG, COI_NOTIF_REQRD_FLAG, COI_NOTIFICATION_DATE, CONFLICT_OF_INT_FLAG, DEADLINE_DATE, FDP_FLAG, MODULAR_BUDGET_FLAGS, ORIGINATING_SPONSOR_CODE, SNAP_FLAG, SPECIAL_AUDIT_REQRD_FLAG, and SPONSOR_PROGRAM_ID. Also, because the legacy system tracked each program project as a whole (but not its sub-project proposals), records related to program projects that were converted from the legacy system might not have information on the parent-specific data elements (such as the PARENT_PI_PENN_ID); SUBPROJECT_COUNT may also be null in such cases.
  • Note that a proposal may have one or more associated PENNERA_PROPOSAL_INVESTIGATOR records. That is, there may be one or more PENNERA_PROPOSAL_INVESTIGATOR records whose INSTITUTION_NO matches the INSTITUTION_NO in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table.
    • Each proposal ought to have exactly one PENNERA_PROPOSAL_INVESTIGATOR record with information on the Principal Investigator (PI_FLAG='Y'). (For Business Objects users, the Universe includes the PI's name in the folder for the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table.)
      • One way to get information on the Principal Investigator (PI) for the proposal is to specify that the INSTITUTION_NO for the proposal must match the INSTITUTION_NO in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL_INVESTIGATOR table, where PI_FLAG='Y'.
      • Another way to get information on the PI for the proposal is to specify that the INSTITUTION_NO and PI_PENN_ID for the proposal must match the INSTITUTION_NO and PENN_ID in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL_INVESTIGATOR table, where PI_FLAG='Y'.
      • Be sure to specify PI_FLAG='Y', in case the person who is the PI is associated with the proposal more than once (with different investigator orgs. and/or with different roles).
    • A proposal may have any number of PENNERA_PROPOSAL_INVESTIGATOR records (including zero records) with information on the co-investigator(s), if any (PI_FLAG='N').
      • If the proposal record was created in PennERA via the SOMERA Interface, the proposal initially has one co-investigator at most. (SOMERA is the School of Medicine’s Electronic Research Administration system.) Information on other co-investigators for the proposal may be entered later by the Office of Research Services.
      • Note that a proposal may have more than one PENNERA_PROPOSAL_INVESTIGATOR record for a given investigator if that investigator is associated with the proposal more than once (with different investigator orgs. and/or with different PI_FLAGs). To see each investigator just once per proposal, use SELECT DISTINCT, and do not use the INVESTIGATOR_ORG_CODE or the PI_FLAG. (Business Objects users: to SELECT DISTINCT, when editing the Data Provider, click the Options button, and select the No Duplicate Rows radio button.)
      • When including investigators' names in reports, note that multiple records will be returned for a given proposal if there are any co-investigators for the proposal, or if the person who is the Principal Investigator (PI) is also associated with the proposal in a different role. To avoid having multiple records returned, ask for information only for the PI (PI_FLAG='Y').
    • PENNERA_PROPOSAL_INVESTIGATOR stores the investigator's name, job appointment, and department (org.) data as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). For the current information about the Principal Investigator, see the PENNERA_PEOPLE table where the PI_PENN_ID in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table matches the PENN_ID in the PENNERA_PEOPLE table.
  • Some proposals involve funding offered under ARRA (the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, also known as the Recovery Act or the federal economic stimulus program). Federal regulations specify the reporting requirements for ARRA funding recipients. In addition, University administrators monitor the success rate for ARRA proposals.
    • Most of the data required for ARRA recipient reporting can be found in the Data Warehouse, in the PennERA Proposals data collection or the Salary Management data collection. However, some of the data required for ARRA recipient reporting is not available in the Data Warehouse.
    • Most of the data available in the Data Warehouse and required for ARRA recipient reporting is also required for other reports, but four data elements were added to the Data Warehouse specifically to meet ARRA recipient reporting needs:
    • A proposal might have ARRA funding awarded even if the proposal was not submitted in response to a Recovery Act funding opportunity and did not otherwise request ARRA funding. (See the ARRA_SUBMISSION_FLAG and ARRA_AWARD_FLAG.)
    • If a proposal has awarded ARRA funding, that does not necessarily mean that all of its funded project sponsor costs are ARRA dollars. Remember, AWD_PROJECT_SPON_COSTS in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table stores the total of the AWARDED_TOT_SPON_COSTS for all of the PENNERA_INCREMENT records for the proposal. When reporting on ARRA dollars, rather than using AWD_PROJECT_SPON_COSTS, you might want to summarize the AWARDED_TOT_SPON_COSTS for specified PENNERA_INCREMENT records for the ARRA proposals. Business Objects users can get that summarized value by using SUM Awarded Tot Spon Costs (INCR), found in the Universe's Pennera Increment folder. When specifying conditions for the PENNERA_INCREMENT records, remember that:
      • besides ARRA funding, the proposal might or might not also have other (non-ARRA) awarded funding. (See the ARRA_FUNDED_INCREMENT_FLAG in the PENNERA_INCREMENT table.)
      • some increments whose ARRA_FUNDED_INCREMENT_FLAG is 'Y' might have a status other than 'Awarded'. (See INCREMENT_STATUS in the PENNERA_INCREMENT table.) Depending on the requirements of a particular report on ARRA proposals, you might or might not want to specify a condition on INCREMENT_STATUS.
    • PROJECT_MAJOR_GOALS might or might not be null, regardless of whether the proposal involves ARRA funding. However, for proposals that have funding awarded under ARRA, PROJECT_MAJOR_GOALS ought to store a description of the project's overall purpose and its expected outputs, outcomes, or results. If a query selects PENNERA_PROPOSAL records where PROJECT_MAJOR_GOALS is not null:
      • The query results might include some records whose PROJECT_MAJOR_GOALS value looks null (empty), but is not really null. In PennERA, the source field for PROJECT_MAJOR_GOALS might look empty, but might contain blanks or unprintable characters (such as tabs or carriage returns). When a proposal record is exported to the Warehouse, the PROJECT_MAJOR_GOALS data is "scrubbed" so that, if the source field looks empty in PennERA, or if it contains just one character, PROJECT_MAJOR_GOALS is null in the Warehouse. However, the scrubbing algorithm might not cover all cases where non-null source values ought to be exported as null values.
      • The query results might include some records whose PROJECT_MAJOR_GOALS value is truncated. PROJECT_MAJOR_GOALS stores just the first 4,000 characters of the narrative stored in PennERA.
      • The query results might include some records whose PROJECT_MAJOR_GOALS value is ‘N/A’ (or some other character string) rather than the expected description of the project's purpose. For these records, PROJECT_MAJOR_GOALS stores whatever was entered in the source field in PennERA.
  • In response to increased reporting requirements imposed on the University by the Internal Revenue Service, the Proposal Development module of PennERA was revised on April 19, 2010 to have the Certification by Principal Investigator form include questions regarding international activities. The answers to these questions are stored as Yes/No flags in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table.
    • The data for these flags is reliable only if the proposal was created using PennERA's Proposal Development (PD) module and the Certification by Principal Investigator was completed after April 19, 2010. (Before then, PennERA did not capture data for this field.) The PD_FLAG indicates whether or not the proposal was created using PD. The Data Warehouse does not store information on when the Certification by Principal Investigator was completed.
    • The following data elements flag proposals that have an international aspect:
        • If the value of the INTERNATIONAL_ACTIVITY_FLAG is 'Y', see the PENNERA_PROPOSAL_INTL_LOCATION table for the countries and regions where this proposal's international activities take place.
  • When using the following data elements (from fields in the Special Conditions section of the proposal's Sponsor screen in PennERA Proposal Tracking), bear in mind that their data is reliable only if the proposal was active in August, 2018 or later. Before then, PennERA did not capture data for these fields:
  • Note: data for parent proposals is not currently entered in PennERA. The PennERA Proposals Data Collection has been designed to accommodate that data when it becomes available. For proposal records created in PennERA (rather than converted from the legacy system), note that a program project will include more than one PENNERA_PROPOSAL record. There is one for the program project as a whole, and one for each sub-project.
    • The PENNERA_PROPOSAL records for the sub-projects have the program project's INSTITUTION_NO as their PARENT_PROP_NO.
    • The PENNERA_PROPOSAL record for the program project as a whole has a null value for PARENT_PROP_NO. Its dollar amounts reflect the total of the sub-program amounts plus anything specific to the program project as a whole.
    • To retrieve all proposal records involved in a program project, use the PENNERA_PROPOSAL_PARENT table as well as the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table.
    • Each PENNERA_PROPOSAL record will have its own Principal Investigator. To get information on the Principal Investigator for the program project, see the PENNERA_PROPOSAL_INVESTIGATOR table where the INSTITUTION_NO and PARENT_PI_PENN_ID in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL record match the INSTITUTION_NO and PENN_ID in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL_INVESTIGATOR table, respectively.
    • PENNERA_PROPOSAL_INVESTIGATOR stores the investigator's name, job appointment, and department (org.) data as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). For the current information about the Principal Investigator for the program project, see the PENNERA_PEOPLE table where the PARENT_PI_PENN_ID in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table matches the PENN_ID in the PENNERA_PEOPLE table.
    • Note that the status listed for a PENNERA_PROPOSAL record for a sub-project may differ from the status for its parent proposal. It may also differ from the status of another sub-project of the same parent proposal. For example, if a parent has two sub-projects, the parent and one sub-project might be Awarded, while the other sub-project might be Unfunded.

The Proposal Tracking module of PennERA, used at Penn since October 14, 2003 to track information on proposed and awarded grants and contracts.

PennERA is the University's electronic research administration system, providing support to faculty and research administrators for all sponsored project activity at the University of Pennsylvania.

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