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PENNERA_PERIOD Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.


Data element Definition

Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes

Not currently used.


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes

Not currently used.


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes

Not currently used.


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes

Total dollar amount designated for cost sharing for all of the increments associated with the budget period. Cost sharing is the amount of funding provided for the sponsored project that does not come from the sponsor. AWARDED_COST_SHR_TOTAL is the total amount of cost sharing to be provided by all cost sharing sources combined. For example, the University receives a grant for a project estimated to have a total cost of $100,000. The sponsor agrees to pay 75% ($75,000) and the University agrees to pay 25% ($25,000). The $25,000 is the cost-sharing component.

Note that AWARDED_COST_SHR_TOTAL is calculated based on all of the increments associated with the budget period, regardless of the current status of the increment ('Advance Account', 'Awarded', or 'Future').

AWARDED_COST_SHR_TOTAL is populated only for records that were entered or updated since October 14, 2003. The value is null for all other records.


0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; the sum of Total Costs row for all cost sharing source columns combined, for all the increments combined for the period. (For the awarded cost share total for an increment, see the Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Totals tab; upper (Project) section; the sum of the Total Costs row for all cost sharing source columns, combined)


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes

Total dollar amount designated to be paid by the sponsor for direct costs for all of the increments associated with the budget period. Direct costs are clearly identifiable costs related to a specific project. (For example, salaries, wages, and equipment fall under direct costs.)


Note that AWARDED_DIRECT_COSTS is calculated based on all of the increments associated with the budget period, regardless of the current status of the increment ('Advance Account', 'Awarded', or 'Future').


0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; Award Period Costs tab; Direct Costs column for the row for the period


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes
Total dollar amount designated to be paid by the sponsor for indirect costs for all of the increments associated with the budget period. Indirect costs are costs that are not specific to the sponsored project, but that are incurred by the University in support of the sponsored project. (For example, utilities and laboratory space fall under indirect costs.) Indirect costs are also known as Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs or overhead.


Note that AWARDED_INDIRECT_COSTS is calculated based on all of the increments associated with the budget period, regardless of the current status of the increment ('Advance Account', 'Awarded', or 'Future').



0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; Award Period Costs tab; Indirect Costs column for the row for the period


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes
Not currently used.

Total dollar amount designated for the modified total direct costs (MTDC) for all of the increments associated with the budget period. For some awards, the indirect costs are calculated based on MTDC, a subset of direct costs, normally excluding--among other costs--equipment, patient care, space rental, alterations and renovations, and subcontract costs in excess of the first $25,000. When modified total direct costs are used, AWARDED_INDIRECT_COSTS is calculated by multiplying the MTDC by the F & A rate (indirect cost rate).

Note that AWARDED_MTDC is calculated based on all of the increments associated with the budget period, regardless of the current status of the increment ('Advance Account', 'Awarded', or 'Future').

AWARDED_MTDC is populated only for records that were entered or updated since October 14, 2003. The value is null for all other records.


0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; the sum of MTDC for all the increments combined for the period. (For the MTDC for an increment, see the Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Totals tab; upper (Project) section; Project column, MTDC row)


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes
Total dollar amount designated for non-sponsor costs for all of the increments associated with the budget period. The non-sponsor costs are the total costs (direct and indirect) that are paid for by funding sources other than the sponsor. Non-sponsor costs are also known as cost sharing.


Note that AWARDED_NONSPON_COSTS is calculated based on all of the increments associated with the budget period, regardless of the current status of the increment ('Advance Account', 'Awarded', or 'Future').



0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; Award Period Costs tab; Non-Sponsor Costs
column for the row for the period


Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The ending date for the awarded budget period, as defined by the sponsor. The budget period is a discrete period of time for which a sponsor has committed funds that can be expended by the University for the sponsored project.

Example: 01/31/2004

List of values not available.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; Awarded Period Dates tab; End Date column for the row for the period


Indexed - no
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes

The fiscal year at Penn in which the AWARDED_PERIOD_END_DATE falls. Penn's fiscal year begins July 1 of one calendar year and ends June 30 of the next calendar year.

Example: 2004 (for a budget period whose
AWARDED_PERIOD_END_DATE is December 31, 2003)

List of values not available.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The beginning date for the awarded budget period, as defined by the sponsor. The budget period is a discrete period of time for which a sponsor has committed funds that can be expended by the University for the sponsored project.

Example: 02/01/2003

List of values not available.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; Awarded Period Dates tab; Start Date column for the row for the period


Indexed - no
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The fiscal year at Penn in which the AWARDED_PERIOD_START_DATE falls. Penn's fiscal year begins July 1 of one calendar year and ends June 30 of the next calendar year.

Example: 2004 (for a budget period whose

List of values not available

Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes
The total dollar amount designated for sponsor costs for all of the increments associated with the budget period. The sponsor costs are the total costs (direct and indirect) that are paid for by the sponsor.



Note that AWARDED_TOT_SPON_COSTS is calculated based on all of the increments associated with the budget period, regardless of the current status of the increment ('Advance Account', 'Awarded', or 'Future').


0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; Award Period Costs tab; Total Sponsor Costs column for the row for the period


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes

The total dollar amount designated for all costs for all of the increments associated with the budget period. The total costs include all costs (direct and indirect) that are paid for by all funding sources combined.


Note that AWARDED_TOTAL_COSTS is calculated based on all of the increments associated with the budget period, regardless of the current status of the increment ('Advance Account', 'Awarded', or 'Future').


0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; Award Period Costs tab; Totals column for the row for the period


Indexed - no
Format - char (1)
May be null? yes
A flag that indicates whether the budget period is the current awarded budget period (‘C’), or a past (‘P’) or future (‘F’) period.
C this is the current budget period (its awarded period start and end dates include the LAST_EXTRACT_DATE, the date when the record was exported to the Warehouse), and this budget period has at least one increment whose PENNERA_INCREMENT.INCREMENT_STATUS = 'Awarded'
F this is a future budget period (its awarded period start date falls after the LAST_EXTRACT_DATE), and this budget period has at least one increment whose PENNERA_INCREMENT.INCREMENT_STATUS = 'Awarded'
P this is a past budget period (its awarded period end date falls before the LAST_EXTRACT_DATE), and this budget period has at least one increment whose PENNERA_INCREMENT.INCREMENT_STATUS = 'Awarded'
[null] this budget period has no awarded period start date, or no awarded period end date, or no increments whose PENNERA_INCREMENT.INCREMENT_STATUS = 'Awarded'

Indexed - yes
Format - char (8)
May be null? yes

The University's unique identifier for the first proposal for the project that includes this budget period.

Some projects span funding cycles, and have more than one PENNERA_PROPOSAL record. However, all those records have the same value for FIRST_INSTITUTION_NO: the value of the INSTITUTION_NO for the earliest PENNERA_PROPOSAL record for the project.

Example: 00216424

List of values not available

PennERA source: If the proposal that includes the budget period is the first proposal for the project, FIRST_INSTITUTION_NO is the same as the Proposal value shown in the Proposal Tracking module on any screen for the proposal, in the summary box in the upper right corner of the screen. If the proposal for the budget period is not the first proposal for the project, FIRST_INSTITUTION_NO is found by using the Previous Prop. No
(Summary screen; General tab) to trace back to the first proposal for the project (the one that has no Previous Prop. No.)


Indexed - no
Format - number (3)
May be null? yes
The number of increments associated with the awarded budget period. The value is 0 if the period has no increments (no awards or advance accounts).

Example: 3

List of values not available

PennERA source: though PennERA does not display the increment count, it can be found in the Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; the number of rows listed under the Awards tab


Indexed - yes
Format - char (8)
May be null? yes
The eight-digit sequence number used by the University to uniquely identify the proposal to which the budget period applies. Note that the value for INSTITUTION_NO includes leading zeroes.

Records with an INSTITUTION_NO less than or equal to 05017400 were converted from the Research Services System (RSS, the system used to track proposals and awards before October 14, 2003). Other records are for proposals created in PennERA.

There are two different unique identifiers for a proposal: INSTITUTION_NO and PROP_NO. INSTITUTION_NO is used by the University. PROP_NO is used internally by the PennERA system. For a given record, INSTITUTION_NO will not have the same value as PROP_NO. While either one may be used when joining PennERA Proposals tables, INSTITUTION_NO is the one recommended for display in reports.

There is one PENNERA_PERIOD record per proposal (INSTITUTION_NO or PROP_NO), per PERIOD_NUMBER

Example: 00216424

List of values not available

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; any screen for the proposal summary box in the upper right corner of the screen; Proposal


Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes
The date this budget period record was extracted from the PennERA Proposal Tracking system and loaded into the Warehouse.

Example: 10/28/2003

List of values not available

Indexed - no
Format - char (1)
May be null? yes
A Yes/No flag indicating whether the sponsor requires a modular budget. A modular budget includes specific modules or blocks of money in which direct costs are requested, and the total must fall at or below a specified maximum level. For example, the NIH requires that the budget be rounded up in intervals of $25,000. If the detailed budget were $205,000, the modular budget would be $225,000. If the sponsor requires a modular budget, the University still requires a detailed itemized budget.

MODULAR_BUDGET_FLAG is reliable only for records that were entered or updated since October 14, 2003. (The system used before then did not include data for this field.)

Y yes, the sponsor requires a modular budget
N no, the sponsor does not require a modular budget
PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Requested screen; Requested Budget Summary tab; Version Control button, Modular radio button


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes

This data element is reserved for future use.


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - no
Format - char (8)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - yes
Format - number (10)
May be null? no
A sequence number uniquely identifying the budget period within the proposal. Each proposal (INSTITUTION_NO) has a PERIOD_NUMBER ‘1’. The maximum PERIOD_NUMBER for a proposal is the number of budget periods for that proposal.
There is one PENNERA_PERIOD record per proposal (INSTITUTION_NO or PROP_NO) per PERIOD_NUMBER

Examples: 3, 11

List of values not available

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded (or Requested) screen; Award Period Costs (or Requested Period Costs) tab; Period column


Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (24)
May be null? yes

As of April 28, 2005, this data element is no longer populated in the PENNERA_PERIOD table.

  • Status is no longer stored at the period level in PennERA, but is stored for each request and for each increment. See PENNERA_REQUEST.REQUEST_STATUS, PENNERA_INCREMENT.INCREMENT_STATUS, and the PENNERA_REQ_STAT_HIST and PENNERA_INCR_STAT_HIST tables.
  • The status of a period cannot be determined from its request and increment statuses. For example, a period could have a 'Budget Period' request that is 'Awarded', a 'Supplement' request that is 'Pending', an increment that is 'Awarded', and an increment in 'Advance Account' status.
  • For those doing longitudinal studies, there is DWSP.SPFY_PENNERA_PERIOD, a table containing yearly snapshots of the PENNERA_PERIOD table. DWSP.SPFY_PENNERA_PERIOD.PERIOD_STATUS is populated only in the snapshot that was taken for fiscal year 2004 (SNAPSHOT_FY = '2004'). See also the DWSP.SPFY_PENNERA_PERIOD_STAT_HIST table.

PERIOD_STATUS is the current status of the budget period, per the sponsor’s response to the latest request associated with the period.

For the effective date of that status, or for more details on how the period's status has changed over time, use the PENNERA_PERIOD_STAT_HIST table.

Advance Account—one or more accounts have 
   been created to track an advance paid by the 
   department in expectation of an award for the
Awarded--the sponsor has awarded funding for the
   period, which is current or past
Closed--the accounts for the period have been 
   closed in BEN
Future--the sponsor has notified the University
   of its intent to award funding for the future 
   period (“out year”)
Future Pending— the sponsor has notified
   the University of its intent to award funding
   for the future period, and a request for a 
   non-competing continuation has been submitted 
   for the period (“out year”)
Pending—the request for the period has 
   been submitted to the sponsor, and is 
   pending a decision by the sponsor
Revised Budget Requested—the sponsor has
   requested a revised budget for the period
Under Development—not currently used; the
   request for the period has not yet been 
   submitted for University approval
Under Review—not currently used; the 
   request for the period has been submitted 
   for University approval (required before
   the request can be submitted to the sponsor)


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes

The 4-character code for the ERA primary organization (‘org.’) for the person identified by the PI_PENN_ID. That is the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the budget period applies.

The ERA primary org. is the org. flagged as the primary department in the person’s PennERA Profile. Although it is used to secure certain data elements in the Data Warehouse, the ERA primary org. is not used by the University’s business processes.

For Penn staff, the ERA primary org. is the primary (job) appointment org. For Penn faculty, it is the primary academic (job) appointment org., which will not be the same as primary appointment org. for those faculty holding administrative positions. For Penn employees whose job appointments are all on the executive payroll, ERA primary org. is ‘8000’ (General University Special). For Penn students, the ERA primary org. is the organizational equivalent of their home Division (for example, ‘0200’, School of Arts and Sciences.) For investigators from the University of Pennsylvania Health System (UPHS), the ERA primary org. is ‘2100’ (Health System). For members of the research community who are otherwise not affiliated with Penn, the ERA primary org. is ‘8760' (Research Services).

PI_ERA_PRIMARY_ORG_CODE reflects the ERA primary org. of the PI for the proposal, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the PI_ERA_PRIMARY_ORG_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table. (If the proposal was not awarded, the dates for the funding cycle are the REQUESTED_PROJECT_START and REQUESTED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table.)

To facilitate Organization-based security, PI_ERA_PRIMARY_ORG_CODE is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.

Example: 4261 (DM-Rheumatology)

Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.



Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes

The 2-character code for the school or center for the PI_ERA_PRIMARY_ORG_CODE. That identifies the ERA primary organization (‘org.’) for the person identified by the PI_PENN_ID--the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the budget period applies.

The ERA primary org. is the org. flagged as the primary department in the person’s PennERA Profile. Although it is used to secure certain data elements in the Data Warehouse, the ERA primary org. is not used by the University’s business processes.

PI_ERA_PRIMARY_SCHOOL_CODE reflects the ERA primary school of the PI for the proposal, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the PI_ERA_PRIMARY_SCHOOL_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table. (If the proposal was not awarded, the dates for the funding cycle are the REQUESTED_PROJECT_START and REQUESTED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table.)


Example: 40 (School of Medicine)

Refer to the CNAC_CODES Table for values. 
The code for a school or center is the same
as the first 2 characters of the CNAC.


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The 4-character code for the home organization (‘org.’) for the person identified by the PI_PENN_ID. That is the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the budget period applies.

The home org. is the org. that owns the person's employee record and is responsible for its maintenance.

PI_HOME_ORG_CODE reflects the home org. of the PI for the proposal, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the PI_HOME_ORG_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table. (If the proposal was not awarded, the dates for the funding cycle are the REQUESTED_PROJECT_START and REQUESTED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table.) If the PI for the proposal has no employee information dating back to the time of the funding cycle, PI_HOME_ORG_CODE is '.'. (Because the PI_HOME_ORG_CODE is one of the data elements used to secure the data, it is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.)

To facilitate Organization-based security, records with a null value for
PI_HOME_ORG_CODE have the value changed to '.' in the Warehouse.
Example: 4261 (DM-Rheumatology)

Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.



Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
The 2-character code for the school or center for the PI_HOME_ORG_CODE. That is the home organization (‘org.’) for the person identified by the PI_PENN_ID--the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the budget period applies.

The home org. is the org. that owns the person's employee record and is responsible for its maintenance.

PI_HOME_SCHOOL_CODE reflects the home school of the PI for the proposal, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the PI_HOME_SCHOOL_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table. (If the proposal was not awarded, the dates for the funding cycle are the REQUESTED_PROJECT_START and REQUESTED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table.) If the PI for the proposal has no employee information dating back to the time of the funding cycle, PI_HOME_SCHOOL_CODE is '.'.

Example: 40 (School of Medicine)

Refer to the CNAC_CODES Table for values. 
The code for a school or center is the same
as the first 2 characters of the CNAC.


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The 4-character code for the investigator organization (‘org.’) for the person identified by the PI_PENN_ID. That is the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the budget period applies.

Although it is used to secure certain data elements in the Data Warehouse, the investigator org. is not used by the University’s business processes.

For a given investigator associated with a proposal, the investigator org. is the org. specified (on the Office of Research Services Proposal Transmittal and Approval Form) as the 'Dept. Administering Project' (the PROPOSAL_RESP_ORG_CODE). An exception to this rule is that, if the PROPOSAL_RESP_ORG_CODE is neither the investigator's ERA primary org. nor an org. where the investigator has a job appointment, when the investigator's data is entered for the proposal in PennERA, the investigator org. is chosen from among those orgs., based on its being the one that is most closely related to the PROPOSAL_RESP_ORG_CODE. In other words:

  • if the investigator has only one org, then that org. is chosen; otherwise,
  • if the investigator has an org. that is the same as the PROPOSAL_RESP_ORG_CODE, then that org. is chosen; otherwise
  • the investigator's orgs. are sorted in ascending order, and the first org. whose org. code is greater than or equal to the PROPOSAL_RESP_ORG_CODE is chosen; otherwise,
  • if the investigator has no org. whose org. code is greater than or equal to the PROPOSAL_RESP_ORG_CODE, the investigator's ERA primary org. is chosen

To facilitate Organization-based security, PI_INVESTIGATOR_ORG_CODE is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.

Example: 4261 (DM-Rheumatology)

Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Summary screen for the proposal; Investigator tab; the code in the Department column for the person flagged as the PI


Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
The 2-character code for the school or center for the PI_INVESTIGATOR_ORG_CODE. That is the investigator organization (‘org.’) for the person identified by the PI_PENN_ID--the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the budget period applies.

Although it is used to secure certain data elements in the Data Warehouse, the investigator org. is not used by the University’s business processes.


Example: 40 (School of Medicine)

Refer to the CNAC_CODES Table for values. 
The code for a school or center is the same
as the first 2 characters of the CNAC.



Indexed - no
Format - char (8)
May be null? yes
The Penn ID of the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the budget period applies.

The PennID is the 8-digit identification number assigned to a person by the Penn Community system. No two persons have the same PennID. However, a person may have more than one PennID. For example, say Dr. John Doe had a sponsored project in 1990, but his Social Security number was not recorded in the Research Services System (RSS, the system then used to track proposals and awards). Dr. Doe left the University after project ended. When the RSS data was converted to PennERA, there was no record in Penn Community for Dr. Doe. Because his Social Security number was not available, a PennERA-specific PennID (beginning with a ‘P’) was created for him. In 2003, Dr. Doe returned to the University, and was assigned a numeric PennID (for example, 10039706). Dr. Doe would then have two PennIDs, but one could not tell from looking at the data that both PennIDs identify the same person.


Examples: ‘P1000194’ (Lisa Jay); ‘10006336’ (Herman Gluck)

Refer to the PENNERA_PEOPLE Table for values.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Summary screen for the proposal; Investigator tab; the PennID for the person flagged as the PI


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The 4-character code for the organization (‘org.’) of the primary academic job appointment for the person identified by the PI_PENN_ID. That is the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the budget period applies.

The primary academic appointment org. is the org. where the person has his or her primary academic job appointment. If the person has more than one academic job appointment, the primary academic appointment is the one with the most important faculty class. For further information on the primary academic appointment, see the explanation in the Cautions section of the documentation for the EMPLOYEE_GENERAL table.

PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_ORG_CODE reflects the primary academic appointment org. of the PI for the proposal, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_ORG_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table. (If the proposal was not awarded, the dates for the funding cycle are the REQUESTED_PROJECT_START and REQUESTED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table.) If the PI for the proposal has no employee information about a faculty job appointment dating back to the time of the funding cycle, PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_ORG_CODE is '.'. (Because the PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_ORG_CODE is one of the data elements used to secure the data, it is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.)

Example: 4261 (DM-Rheumatology)

Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.



Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
The 2-character code for the school or center for the PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_ORG_CODE. That is the organization (‘org.’) of the primary academic job appointment for the person identified by the PI_PENN_ID--the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the budget period applies.

The primary academic appointment org. is the org. where the person has his or her primary academic job appointment. If the person has more than one academic job appointment, the primary academic appointment is the one with the most important faculty class. For further information on the primary academic appointment, see the explanation in the Cautions section of the documentation for the EMPLOYEE_GENERAL table.

PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_SCHOOL_CODE reflects the primary academic appointment school of the PI for the proposal, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_SCHOOL_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table. (If the proposal was not awarded, the dates for the funding cycle are the REQUESTED_PROJECT_START and REQUESTED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table.) If the PI for the proposal has no employee information about a faculty job appointment dating back to the time of the funding cycle, PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_SCHOOL_CODE is '.'.

Example: 40 (School of Medicine)

Refer to the CNAC_CODES Table for values. 
The code for a school or center is the same
as the first 2 characters of the CNAC.



Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The 4-character code for the organization (‘org.’) of the primary job appointment for the person identified by the PI_PENN_ID. That is the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the budget period applies.

The primary appointment org. is the org. where the person has his or her primary job appointment, per the University’s employee census logic. The logic used to determine a University employee's primary appointment is documented in the cautions for the EMPLOYEE_GENERAL table.

PI_PRI_APPT_ORG_CODE reflects the primary appointment org. of the PI for the proposal, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the PI_PRI_APPT_ORG_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table. (If the proposal was not awarded, the dates for the funding cycle are the REQUESTED_PROJECT_START and REQUESTED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table.) If the PI for the proposal has no employee information dating back to the time of the funding cycle, PI_PRI_APPT_ORG_CODE is '.'. (Because the PI_PRI_APPT_ORG_CODE is one of the data elements used to secure the data, it is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.)

Example: 4261 (DM-Rheumatology)

Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.



Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
The 2-character code for the school or center for the PI_PRI_APPT_ORG_CODE. That is the organization (‘org.’) of the primary job appointment for the person identified by the PI_PENN_ID--the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the budget period applies.

The primary appointment org. is the org. where the person has his or her primary job appointment, per the University’s employee census logic. The logic used to determine a University employee's primary appointment is documented in the cautions for the EMPLOYEE_GENERAL table.

PI_PRI_APPT_SCHOOL_CODE reflects the primary appointment school of the PI for the proposal, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the PI_PRI_APPT_SCHOOL_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table. (If the proposal was not awarded, the dates for the funding cycle are the REQUESTED_PROJECT_START and REQUESTED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table.) If the PI for the proposal has no employee information dating back to the time of the funding cycle, PI_PRI_APPT_SCHOOL_CODE is '.'.

Example: 40 (School of Medicine)

Refer to the CNAC_CODES Table for values. 
The code for a school or center is the same
as the first 2 characters of the CNAC.



Indexed - yes
Format - char (8)
May be null? yes
The University‘s unique identifier for the proposal that is previous to the proposal that includes this budget period.
Some projects span funding cycles, and have more than one PENNERA_PROPOSAL record. If the proposal that includes this budget period is not the proposal for the first funding cycle for the project, the PREV_INSTITUTION_NO identifies the proposal for the prior funding cycle. PREV_INSTITUTION_NO is null if the proposal that includes this budget period is the proposal for the first funding cycle for the project.

Example: 00216424

List of values not available

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Summary screen; General tab; Previous Prop. No


Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2 (20)
May be null? no
The 10-digit sequence number used internally by the PennERA system to uniquely identify the proposal to which the budget period applies. Note that the value for PROP_NO includes leading zeroes.

There are two different unique identifiers for a proposal: INSTITUTION_NO and PROP_NO. INSTITUTION_NO is used by the University. PROP_NO is used internally by the PennERA system. For a given record, INSTITUTION_NO will not have the same value as PROP_NO. While either one may be used when joining PennERA Proposals tables, INSTITUTION_NO is the one recommended for display in reports.

There is one PENNERA_PERIOD record per proposal (INSTITUTION_NO or PROP_NO), per PERIOD_NUMBER

Example: ‘0000000217’

List of values not available

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Requested screen; summary box in the upper right corner of the screen; the prop_no for the Proposal


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The 4-character code that identifies the organization responsible for the proposal to which the budget period applies.

To facilitate Organization-based security, PROPOSAL_RESP_ORG_CODE is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.

Example: 4261 (DM-Rheumatology)

Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Summary screen for the proposal; the code listed under the Assoc. Dept tab


Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes

The 2-character code for the school or center for the PROPOSAL_RESP_ORG_CODE -- the organization responsible for the proposal to which the budget period applies.


Example: 40 (School of Medicine)

Refer to the CNAC_CODES Table for values. 
The code for a school or center is the same
as the first 2 characters of the CNAC.



Indexed - no
Format - number (3)
May be null? yes
The number of requests associated with the budget period. Each period ought to have at least one request,

Example: 2

List of values not available

PennERA source: though PennERA does not display the request count, it can be found in the Proposal Tracking module; Requested screen; the number of rows listed under the Requested Budgets tab


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes
Not currently used

Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes
Not currently used

Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes
Not currently used

Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes

The total dollar amount of cost sharing for all of the requests associated with the budget period. Cost sharing is the amount of funding provided for the sponsored project that does not come from the sponsor. REQUESTED_COST_SHR_TOTAL is the total amount of cost sharing to be provided by all cost sharing sources combined. For example, the University proposes a project estimated to have a total cost of $100,000. The sponsor is asked to pay 75% ($75,000) and the University offers to pay 25% ($25,000). The $25,000 is the cost-sharing component.

Note that REQUESTED_COST_SHR_TOTAL is calculated based on all of the requests associated with the budget period. Regardless of the current status of the request ('Pending', 'Awarded', etc.), the value of REQUESTED_COST_SHR_TOTAL reflects what was requested, not what was awarded. (For the awarded amount, see AWARDED_COST_SHR_TOTAL.)

REQUESTED_COST_SHR_TOTAL is populated only for records that were entered or updated since October 14, 2003. The value is null for all other records.


0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: the sum of the Total Costs row for all cost sharing source columns combined, for all the requests combined for the period. (For the requested cost share total for a request, see the Proposal Tracking module; Requested screen; view or edit a request under the Requested Budgets tab; Totals tab; upper (Project) section; the sum of the Total Costs row for all cost sharing source columns, combined)


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes
The total dollar amount designated to be paid by the sponsor for direct costs for all of the requests associated with the budget period. Direct costs are clearly identifiable costs related to a specific project. (For example, salaries, wages, and equipment fall under direct costs.)


Note that REQUESTED_DIRECT_COSTS is calculated based on all of the requests associated with the budget period. Regardless of the current status of the request ('Pending', 'Awarded', etc.), the value of REQUESTED_DIRECT_COSTS reflects what was requested, not what was awarded. (For the awarded amount, see AWARDED_DIRECT_COSTS.)


0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Requested screen; Requested Period Costs tab; Direct Costs column for the row for the period


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes
The total dollar amount designated to be paid by the sponsor for indirect costs for all of the requests associated with the budget period. Indirect costs are costs that are not specific to the sponsored project, but that are incurred by the University in support of the sponsored project. (For example, utilities and laboratory space fall under indirect costs.) Indirect costs are also known as Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs or overhead.


Note that REQUESTED_INDIRECT_COSTS is calculated based on all of the requests associated with the budget period. Regardless of the current status of the request ('Pending', 'Awarded', etc.), the value of REQUESTED_INDIRECT_COSTS reflects what was requested, not what was awarded. (For the awarded amount, see AWARDED_INDIRECT_COSTS.)



0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Requested screen; Requested Period Costs tab; Indirect Costs column for the row for the period


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes
Not currently used.

The total dollar amount designated for the modified total direct costs (MTDC) for all of the requests associated with the budget period. For some requests, the indirect costs are calculated based on MTDC, a subset of direct costs, normally excluding--among other costs--equipment, patient care, space rental, alterations and renovations, and subcontract costs in excess of the first $25,000. When modified total direct costs are used, REQUESTED_INDIRECT_COSTS is calculated by multiplying the MTDC by the F & A rate (indirect cost rate).

Note that REQUESTED_MTDC is calculated based on all of the requests associated with the budget period. Regardless of the current status of the request ('Pending', 'Awarded', etc.), the value of REQUESTED_MTDC reflects what was requested, not what was awarded. (For the awarded amount, see AWARDED_MTDC.)

REQUESTED_MTDC is populated only for requests whose records were entered or updated since October 14, 2003. The value is null for all other records.

0 to 99,999,999,999.99
PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; the sum of MTDC for all the requests combined for the period. (For the MTDC for a request, see the Requested screen; view or edit a request under the Requested Budgets tab; Totals tab; upper (Project) section; Project column, MTDC row)


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes

The total dollar amount designated for non-sponsor costs for all of the requests associated with the budget period. Non-sponsor costs are the total costs (direct and indirect) that are being requested from funding sources other than the sponsor. Non-sponsor costs are also known as cost sharing.

The total dollar amount designated for non-sponsor costs for all of the requests associated with the budget period. The non-sponsor costs are the total costs (direct and indirect) associated with the request that are requested to be paid for by the sponsor.


Note that REQUESTED_NONSPON_COSTS is calculated based on all of the requests associated with the budget period. Regardless of the current status of the request ('Pending', 'Awarded', etc.), the value of REQUESTED_NONSPON_COSTS reflects what was requested, not what was awarded. (For the awarded amount, see AWARDED_NONSPON_COSTS.)



0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Requested screen; Requested Period Costs tab; Non-Sponsor Costs column for the row for the period


Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes
The requested end date for the budget period. The budget period is a discrete period of time for which the sponsor is asked to commit funds that can be expended by the University for the sponsored project.

Example: 01/31/2004

List of values not available.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Requested screen; Requested Period Dates tab; End Date where the Period is the one for the request


Indexed - no
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The fiscal year at Penn in which the REQUESTED_PERIOD_END_DATE falls. Penn's fiscal year begins July 1 of one calendar year and ends June 30 of the next calendar year.

Example: 2004 (for a request whose
REQUESTED_PERIOD_END_DATE is December 31, 2003)

List of values not available.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes
The requested beginning date for the budget period. The budget period is a discrete period of time for which the sponsor is asked to commit funds that can be expended by the University for the sponsored project.

Example: 02/01/2003

List of values not available.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Requested screen; Requested Period Dates tab; Start Date where the Period is the one for the request


Indexed - no
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The fiscal year at Penn in which the REQUESTED_PERIOD_START_DATE falls. Penn's fiscal year begins July 1 of one calendar year and ends June 30 of the next calendar year.

Example: 2004 (for an request whose

List of values not available

Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes
The total dollar amount designated for sponsor costs for all of the requests associated with the budget period. The sponsor costs are the total costs (direct and indirect) that are being requested from the sponsor.



Note that REQUESTED_TOT_SPON_COSTS is calculated based on all of the requests associated with the budget period. Regardless of the current status of the request ('Pending', 'Awarded', etc.), the value of REQUESTED_TOT_SPON_COSTS reflects what was requested, not what was awarded. (For the awarded amount, see AWARDED_TOT_SPON_COSTS.)


0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Requested screen; Requested Period Costs tab; Total Sponsor Costs
column for the row for the period


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes

The total dollar amount of all costs (direct and indirect) for all of the requests associated with the budget period that are being requested from all funding sources combined.


Note that REQUESTED_TOTAL_COSTS is calculated based on all of the requests associated with the budget period. Regardless of the current status of the request ('Pending', 'Awarded', etc.), the value of REQUESTED_TOTAL_COSTS reflects what was requested, not what was awarded. (For the awarded amount, see AWARDED_TOTAL_COSTS.)


0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Requested screen; Requested Period Costs tab; Totals column for the row for the period


Indexed - yes
Format - char (5)
May be null? yes
The 5-character numeric code that uniquely identifies the sponsor for the proposal to which the request applies.

Codes less than or equal to 599999 were assigned to the sponsor by InfoEd (the vendor of the PennERA software). Codes greater than or equal to 60000 were assigned to the sponsor by the Office of Research Services.


Refer to the PENNERA_SPONSOR Table for values.
PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; any screen for the proposal for the request; summary box in the upper right corner of the screen; the sponsor code for the Sponsor.


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University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania