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PENNERA_INCREMENT Table - Data Element Index

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Data element Definition

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The last date when the fund code specified as the AWARD_FUND may be used to track financial activity for the sponsored research project. Some sponsors have financial reporting requirements that allow the same fund code to be used throughout the awarded project period (also known as the funding cycle—see PENNERA_PROPOSAL’s AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END). Other sponsors have financial reporting requirements that allow the fund code to be used for only for one budget period. See also ACCOUNT_START, AWARDED_PERIOD_START_DATE, and AWARDED_PERIOD_END_DATE. (Unlike AWARDED_PERIOD_START_DATE, ACCOUNT_END does not necessarily change as additional funding segments are received.)

Example: 1/31/2007

List of values not available.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded detail screen; Fund/Acct Setup button; Edit fund; Account End


Indexed - no
Format - char (9)
May be null? yes

The Penn ID of the investigator responsible for managing the funding tracked by the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT. The account responsible investigator is one of the investigators associated with the proposal. However, it may or may not be the same person as the Principal Investigator for the proposal.


Example: 10108345 (LAUFER,TERRI M)

Refer to the PENNERA_PEOPLE table for values.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded detail screen; the PennID of the person named under the Personnel tab whose role is 'Primary Investigator' (or, if there is no 'Primary Investigator', the person who is listed first)


Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The first date when the fund code specified as the AWARD_FUND may be used to track financial activity for the sponsored research project. Some sponsors have financial reporting requirements that allow the same fund code to be used throughout the awarded project period (also known as the funding cycle—see PENNERA_PROPOSAL’s AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END). Other sponsors have financial reporting requirements that allow the fund code to be used for only for one budget period. See also ACCOUNT_START, AWARDED_PERIOD_START_DATE, and AWARDED_PERIOD_END_DATE.

Example: 2/15/2002

List of values not available.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded detail screen; Fund/Acct Setup button; Edit fund; Account End


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes

The 4-character code for the ERA primary organization (‘org.’) for the person identified by the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR. That is the investigator responsible for managing the funding tracked by the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT, at the time of the increment. (The ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR might or might not be the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.)

The ERA primary org. is the org. flagged as the primary department in the person’s PennERA Profile. Although it is used to secure certain data elements in the Data Warehouse, the ERA primary org. is not used by the University’s business processes.

For Penn staff, the ERA primary org. is the primary (job) appointment org. For Penn faculty, it is the primary academic (job) appointment org., which will not be the same as primary appointment org. for those faculty holding administrative positions. For Penn employees whose job appointments are all on the executive payroll, ERA primary org. is ‘8000’ ('General University Special '). For Penn students, the ERA primary org. is the organizational equivalent of their home Division (for example, ‘0200’, School of Arts and Sciences.) For investigators from the University of Pennsylvania Health System (UPHS), the ERA primary org. is ‘2100’ ('Health System '). For members of the research community who are otherwise not affiliated with Penn, the ERA primary org. is ‘8760' ('Research Services').

ACCTRESPINV_ERA_PRI_ORG_CODE reflects the ERA primary org. of the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the ACCTRESPINV_ERA_PRI_ORG_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL record for the INSTITUTION_NO. (If the proposal was not awarded, the dates for the funding cycle are the REQUESTED_PROJECT_START and REQUESTED_PROJECT_END.)

To facilitate Organization-based security, ACCTRESPINV_ERA_PRI_ORG_CODE is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.

Example: 4261 (DM-Rheumatology)

Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.



Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes

The 2-character code for the school or center for the ACCTRESPINV_ERA_PRI_ORG_CODE. That identifies the ERA primary organization (‘org.’) for the person identified by the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR--the investigator responsible for managing the funding tracked by the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT, at the time of the increment. (The ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR might or might not be the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.)

The ERA primary org. is the org. flagged as the primary department in the person’s PennERA Profile. Although it is used to secure certain data elements in the Data Warehouse, the ERA primary org. is not used by the University’s business processes.

ACCTRESPINV_ERA_PRI_SCH_CODE reflects the ERA primary school of the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the ACCTRESPINV_ERA_PRI_SCH_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL record for the INSTITUTION_NO. (If the proposal was not awarded, the dates for the funding cycle are the REQUESTED_PROJECT_START and REQUESTED_PROJECT_END.)


Example: 40 (School of Medicine)

Refer to the CNAC_CODES Table for values. 
The code for a school or center is the same 
as the first 2 characters of the CNAC.



Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The 4-character code for the home organization (‘org.’) for the person identified by the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR. That is the investigator responsible for managing the funding tracked by the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT, at the time of the increment. (The ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR might or might not be the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.)

The home org. is the org. that owns the person's University employee record and is responsible for its maintenance.

ACCTRESPINV_HOME_ORG_CODE reflects the home org. of the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the ACCTRESPINV_HOME_ORG_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL record for the INSTITUTION_NO. (If the proposal was not awarded, the dates for the funding cycle are the REQUESTED_PROJECT_START and REQUESTED_PROJECT_END.) If the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR has no employee information dating back to the time of the funding cycle, ACCTRESPINV_HOME_ORG_CODE is '.'. (Because the ACCTRESPINV_HOME_ORG_CODE is one of the data elements used to secure the data, it is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.)

Example: 4261 (DM-Rheumatology)

Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.



Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
The 2-character code for the school or center for the ACCTRESPINV_HOME_ORG_CODE. That is the home organization (‘org.’) for the person identified by the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR--the investigator responsible for managing the funding tracked by the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT, at the time of the increment. (The ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR might or might not be the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.)

The home org. is the org. that owns the person's University employee record and is responsible for its maintenance.

ACCTRESPINV_HOME_SCH_CODE reflects the home school of the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the ACCTRESPINV_HOME_SCH_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL record for the INSTITUTION_NO. (If the proposal was not awarded, the dates for the funding cycle are the REQUESTED_PROJECT_START and REQUESTED_PROJECT_END.) If the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR has no employee information dating back to the time of the funding cycle, ACCTRESPINV_HOME_SCH_CODE is '.'.

Example: 40 (School of Medicine)

Refer to the CNAC_CODES Table for values. The 
code for a school or center is the same as the 
first 2 characters of the CNAC.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes

The 4-character code for the investigator organization (‘org.’) for the person identified by the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR. That is the investigator responsible for managing the funding tracked by the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT, at the time of the increment. (The ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR might or might not be the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.)

Although it is used to secure certain data elements in the Data Warehouse, the investigator org. is not used by the University’s business processes.

For a given investigator associated with an increment, the investigator org. is the org. specified as the Associated Department for the increment (the INCREMENT_RESP_ORG_CODE). An exception to this rule is that, if the INCREMENT_RESP_ORG_CODE is neither the investigator's ERA primary org. nor an org. where the investigator has a job appointment, when the investigator's data is entered for the increment in PennERA, the investigator org. is chosen from among those orgs., based on its being the one that is most closely related to the INCREMENT_RESP_ORG_CODE. In other words:

  • if the investigator has only one org, then that org. is chosen; otherwise,
  • if the investigator has an org. that is the same as the INCREMENT_RESP_ORG_CODE, then that org. is chosen; otherwise
  • the investigator's orgs. are sorted in ascending order, and the first org. whose org. code is greater than or equal to the INCREMENT_RESP_ORG_CODE is chosen; otherwise,
  • if the investigator has no org. whose org. code is greater than or equal to the INCREMENT_RESP_ORG_CODE, the investigator's ERA primary org. is chosen

To facilitate Organization-based security, ACCTRESPINV_INV_ORG_CODE is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.

Example: 4261 (DM-Rheumatology)

Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; specify the Institution Number for the proposal to which the increment applies; Summary screen; Investigator tab; the code in the Department column for the person who is the investigator responsible for the increment. (PennERA source for the investigator responsible for the increment: Proposal Tracking module; specify the Institution Number for the proposal to which the increment applies; Awarded screen; view or edit the increment under the Awards tab; Awarded detail screen; the PennID of the person named under the Personnel tab whose role is 'Primary Investigator' [or, if there is no 'Primary Investigator', the person who is listed first])


Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
The 2-character code for the school or center for the ACCTRESPINV_INV_ORG_CODE. That is the investigator organization (‘org.’) for the person identified by the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR--the investigator responsible for managing the funding tracked by the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT, at the time of the increment. (The ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR might or might not be the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.)

Although it is used to secure certain data elements in the Data Warehouse, the investigator org. is not used by the University’s business processes.


Example: 40 (School of Medicine)

Refer to the CNAC_CODES Table for values. The 
code for a school or center is the same as the 
first 2 characters of the CNAC.



Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The 4-character code for the organization (‘org.’) of the primary job appointment for the person identified by the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR. That is the investigator responsible for managing the funding tracked by the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT, at the time of the increment. (The ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR might or might not be the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.)

The primary appointment org. is the org. where the person has his or her primary job appointment, per the University’s employee census logic. The logic used to determine a University employee's primary appointment is documented in the cautions for the EMPLOYEE_GENERAL table.

ACCTRESPINV_PRI_APPT_ORG_CODE reflects the primary appointment org. of the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the ACCTRESPINV_PRI_APPT_ORG_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL record for the INSTITUTION_NO. (If the proposal was not awarded, the dates for the funding cycle are the REQUESTED_PROJECT_START and REQUESTED_PROJECT_END.) If the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR has no employee information dating back to the time of the funding cycle, ACCTRESPINV_PRI_APPT_ORG_CODE is '.'. (Because the ACCTRESPINV_PRI_APPT_ORG_CODE is one of the data elements used to secure the data, it is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.)

Example: 4261 (DM-Rheumatology)

Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.



Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
The 2-character code for the school or center for the ACCTRESPINV_PRI_APPT_ORG_CODE. That is the investigator organization (‘org.’) for the person identified by the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR--the investigator responsible for managing the funding tracked by the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT, at the time of the increment. (The ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR might or might not be the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.)

The primary appointment org. is the org. where the person has his or her primary job appointment, per the University’s employee census logic. The logic used to determine a University employee's primary appointment is documented in the cautions for the EMPLOYEE_GENERAL table.

ACCTRESPINV_PRI_APPT_SCH_CODE reflects the primary appointment school of the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the ACCTRESPINV_PRI_APPT_SCH_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL record for the INSTITUTION_NO. (If the proposal was not awarded, the dates for the funding cycle are the REQUESTED_PROJECT_START and REQUESTED_PROJECT_END.) If ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR has no employee information dating back to the time of the funding cycle, ACCTRESPINV_PRI_APPT_SCH_CODE is '.'.

Example: 40 (School of Medicine)

Refer to the CNAC_CODES Table for values. 
The code for a school or center is the same 
as the first 2 characters of the CNAC.



Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The 4-character code for the organization (‘org.’) of the primary academic job appointment for the person identified by the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR. That is the investigator responsible for managing the funding tracked by the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT, at the time of the increment. (The ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR might or might not be the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.)

The primary academic appointment org. is the org. where the person has his or her primary academic job appointment at the University. If the person has more than one academic job appointment, the primary academic appointment is the one with the most important faculty class. For further information on how the primary academic appointment is determined, see the explanation in the Cautions section of the documentation for the EMPLOYEE_GENERAL table.

ACCTRESPINV_PRIACADAP_ORG_CODE reflects the primary academic appointment org. of the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the ACCTRESPINV_PRIACADAP_ORG_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL record for the INSTITUTION_NO. (If the proposal was not awarded, the dates for the funding cycle are the REQUESTED_PROJECT_START and REQUESTED_PROJECT_END.) If the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR has no employee information about a faculty job appointment dating back to the time of the funding cycle, ACCTRESPINV_PRIACADAP_ORG_CODE is '.'. (Because the ACCTRESPINV_PRIACADAP_ORG_CODE is one of the data elements used to secure the data, it is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.)

Example: 4261 (DM-Rheumatology)

Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.



Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
The 2-character code for the school or center for the ACCTRESPINV_PRIACADAP_ORG_CODE. That is the organization (‘org.’) of the primary academic job appointment for the person identified by the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR--the investigator responsible for managing the funding tracked by the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT, at the time of the increment. (The ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR might or might not be the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.)

The primary academic appointment org. is the org. where the person has his or her primary academic job appointment. If the person has more than one academic job appointment, the primary academic appointment is the one with the most important faculty class. For further information on the primary academic appointment, see the explanation in the Cautions section of the documentation for the EMPLOYEE_GENERAL table.

ACCTRESPINV_PRIACADAP_SCH_CODE reflects the primary academic appointment school of the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the ACCTRESPINV_PRIACADAP_SCH_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL record for the INSTITUTION_NO. (If the proposal was not awarded, the dates for the funding cycle are the REQUESTED_PROJECT_START and REQUESTED_PROJECT_END.) If the ACCOUNT_RESP_INVESTIGATOR has no employee information about a faculty job appointment dating back to the time of the funding cycle, ACCTRESPINV_PRIACADAP_SCH_CODE is '.'.

Example: 40 (School of Medicine)

Refer to the CNAC_CODES Table for values. 
The code for a school or center is the same 
as the first 2 characters of the CNAC.



Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The date when the Award Information Sheet (AIS) for the increment was last printed by the PennERA Proposal Tracking system. The value may be null.

When an increment is received, Research Services prepares an AIS that provides information specific to the General Ledger account (AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT) used to track the increment, as well as general award information that is relevant to all accounts associated with an award.
The AIS is provided to the PI, the award responsible investigator, and to administrators as notification that the award has been recorded within PennERA and a fund and account have been assigned within BEN.

AIS_ISSUE_DATE is populated only for increments whose records were entered or updated since October 14, 2003. The value is null for all other records.

Example: 01/22/2003

List of values not available.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded detail screen; Misc. Award Information tab; Last AIS Printed Date


Indexed - no
Format - char (1)
May be null? yes

A Yes/No flag indicating whether the AWARDED_TOT_SPON_COSTS for the increment were awarded under ARRA (the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, also known as the Recovery Act or the federal economic stimulus program). A proposal with awarded ARRA funding might or might not also have other (non-ARRA) awarded funding. Increments of ARRA funding are flagged so that the University can satisfy the reporting requirements specified under federal regulations for ARRA funding recipients.

Note: some increments whose ARRA_FUNDED_INCREMENT_FLAG is 'Y' might have a status other than 'Awarded'. Depending on the requirements of a particular report on ARRA increments, you might or might not want to specify a condition on INCREMENT_STATUS.


Y yes, the increment's AWARDED_TOT_SPON_COSTS 
  were awarded under ARRA
N no, the increment's AWARDED_TOT_SPON_COSTS 
  were not awarded under ARRA
PennERA source (assuming the proposal record has been opened in the Proposal Tracking module): Budget; Awarded; view the Award Information for the increment; on the Detail screen, in the Misc. Award Information section: ARRA (Stimulus) Funded Increment

Indexed - no
Format - char (1)
May be null? yes
The budgetary control character that represents the level at which funds availability checking occurs in the General Ledger for transactions involving the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT.

AWARD_BC is the third segment of the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT, the seven-segment Accounting Flexfield assigned to the increment. (The AWARD_CNAC, AWARD_ORG, AWARD_BC, AWARD_FUND, AWARD_PROGRAM, and AWARD_CREF should always be used when posting transactions for the increment, but BEN Financials will accept postings to any combination that includes the AWARD_FUND.) For awards that were active on or after July 1, 1996, AWARD_BC is ‘4’ (CNAC/ORG/FUND/CREF Project-to-Date).

For awards that were not active July 1, 1996 and thereafter, AWARD_BC is null.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Detailed Budget… tab; 3rd segment in the Account # field


Indexed - yes
Format - char (3)
May be null? yes
The 3-character Center/Net Asset Class code. The first two positions identify the school or center responsible for managing all of the money tracked by the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT. The last position identifies the net asset class of the money tracked by the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT. For an AWARD_CNAC, the net asset class is always 0 (Unrestricted).

AWARD_CNAC is the first segment of the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT, the seven-segment Accounting Flexfield assigned to the increment. (The AWARD_CNAC, AWARD_ORG, AWARD_BC, AWARD_FUND, AWARD_PROGRAM, and AWARD_CREF should always be used when posting transactions for the increment, but BEN Financials will accept postings to any combination that includes the AWARD_FUND.)

For awards that were not active July 1, 1996 and thereafter, AWARD_CNAC is null. For such records, an approximation of AWARD_CNAC would be the INCREMENT_RESP_SCHOOL_CODE | ‘0’.

Example: 400 (School of Medicine, Unrestricted)

Refer to the CNAC_CODES table for values.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Detailed Budget… tab; 1st segment in the Account # field


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The 4-character center reference code that identifies the school- or center-specific individual or group using the money tracked by the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT. The center reference code is a unique identifier defined by each School or Center, and used to record information important to a school or center, but inappropriate for any other segment of the Accounting Flexfield. Note that while a given center reference code has a unique meaning within a school or center, it has different meanings to different schools or centers.

AWARD_CREF is the sixth segment of the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT, the seven-segment Accounting Flexfield assigned to the increment. (The AWARD_CNAC, AWARD_ORG, AWARD_BC, AWARD_FUND, AWARD_PROGRAM, and AWARD_CREF should always be used when posting transactions for the increment, but BEN Financials will accept postings to any combination that includes the AWARD_FUND.) For awards that were not active July 1, 1996 and thereafter, AWARD_CREF is null.

Examples: 2141 (‘LAUFER, TERRI M’--center 40); 2141 ('AMERICAN CIVILIZATION'--center 02)

Refer to the CENTER_REF_CODES table for values.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Detailed Budget… tab; 7th (last) segment in the Account # field


Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The official date on which the increment was awarded by the sponsor to the University.

If the INCREMENT_STATUS is ‘Advance Account’, the AWARD_DATE is the date the advance account was requested (per the completed Advance Account Request form). If the INCREMENT_STATUS is ‘Future’, the AWARD_DATE is the date on the Notice of Award (NOA). If the INCREMENT_STATUS is ‘Awarded’, the AWARD_DATE is the date on the NOA (or, if there is no NOA, the date on the award check).

Example: 01/17/2003

List of values not available.

PennERA source (assuming the proposal record has been opened in the Proposal Tracking module): General screen; Budget screen; Awarded screen; screen for the selected increment; Award Detail section; the value for Awarded


Indexed - yes
Format - char (6)
May be null? yes
The 6-character code identifying the fund to which the increment has been assigned. A fund uniquely identifies a specific set of financial resources that needs tracking or management. Funds for sponsored projects begin with ‘5’.

AWARD_FUND is the fourth segment of the
AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT, the seven-segment Accounting Flexfield assigned to the increment. (The AWARD_CNAC, AWARD_ORG, AWARD_BC, AWARD_FUND, AWARD_PROGRAM, and AWARD_CREF should always be used when posting transactions for the increment, but BEN Financials will accept postings to any combination that includes the AWARD_FUND.) For awards that were not active July 1, 1996 and thereafter, AWARD_FUND is null.

As of October 14, 2003, a fund may be used by one and only one proposal (INSTITUTION_NO). A proposal whose activity ended before that date might have a fund that was used by another proposal whose activity ended before that date, but such a fund is now disabled.


Examples: 537997 ( '5-R01-AI48117-02'); 541102 ('2003-2005 SCHOLAR AWARD')

Refer to the FUND_CODES table for values.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Detailed Budget… tab; 4th segment in the Account # field


Indexed - yes
Format - char (26)
May be null? yes
The seven-segment (26-position) Accounting Flexfield assigned to the increment. (The AWARD_CNAC, AWARD_ORG, AWARD_BC, AWARD_FUND, AWARD_PROGRAM, and AWARD_CREF should always be used when posting transactions for the increment, but BEN Financials will accept postings to any combination that includes the AWARD_FUND.)

AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT is an Accounting Flexfield used in the present General Ledger accounting structure (in use at Penn since July 1, 1996). It is populated only for awards that were active July 1, 1996 and thereafter; it is null for awards that were closed by July 1, 1996.


Example: 40042614537997300024592141.

List of values not available.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Detailed Budget… tab; Account #


Indexed - yes
Format - char (6)
May be null? yes
A 6-digit number that identifies the account assigned to the increment, in the format used in the financial system that was used before July 1, 1996. The first digit of the AWARD_LEGACY_ACCOUNT is known as the ledger number. All Sponsored Project legacy account numbers begin with the ledger number five.


List of values not available.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Detailed Budget… tab; Fund/Acct Setup button; Accounts tab; Legacy #


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The 4-character code that identifies an asset, liability, revenue, or expense.

AWARD_OBJECT is the fifth segment of the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT, the seven-segment Accounting Flexfield assigned to the increment. (The AWARD_CNAC, AWARD_ORG, AWARD_BC, AWARD_FUND, AWARD_PROGRAM, and AWARD_CREF should always be used when posting transactions for the increment, but BEN Financials will accept postings to any combination that includes the AWARD_FUND.) For awards that were active on or after July 1, 1996, AWARD_OBJECT is ‘3000’ (FUND BAL). For awards that were not active July 1, 1996 and thereafter, AWARD_OBJECT is null.

Refer to the OBJECT_CODES table for values.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Detailed Budget… tab; 5th segment in the Account # field


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The 4-character code for the Organization responsible for managing all of the money tracked by the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT. An Organization is a subdivision of the University created for management purposes. An Organization belongs to only one responsibility center, and its Organization code is unique. That is, no two Organizations have the same value for AWARD_ORG.

AWARD_ORG is the second segment of the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT, the seven-segment Accounting Flexfield assigned to the increment. (The AWARD_CNAC, AWARD_ORG, AWARD_BC, AWARD_FUND, AWARD_PROGRAM, and AWARD_CREF should always be used when posting transactions for the increment, but BEN Financials will accept postings to any combination that includes the AWARD_FUND.)

For awards that were not active July 1, 1996 and thereafter, AWARD_ORG is null. For such records, an approximation of AWARD_ORG would be the INCREMENT_RESP_ORG_CODE.

To facilitate Organization-based security, AWARD_ORG is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.

Example: 4261 (DM-Rheumatology)

Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Detailed Budget… tab; 2nd segment in the Account # field


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The 4-character code that identifies the program using the money tracked by the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT. A program is an activity or work process commonly defined across the University so that the program's activity can be tracked across Schools and Centers (or across organizations within a school or center).

AWARD_PROGRAM is the sixth segment of the AWARD_GL_ACCOUNT, the seven-segment Accounting Flexfield assigned to the increment. (The AWARD_CNAC, AWARD_ORG, AWARD_BC, AWARD_FUND, AWARD_PROGRAM, and AWARD_CREF should always be used when posting transactions for the increment, but BEN Financials will accept postings to any combination that includes the AWARD_FUND.)
For awards that were not active July 1, 1996 and thereafter, AWARD_PROGRAM is null.

Example: 2459 (Immunology)

Refer to the PROGRAM_CODES table for values.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Detailed Budget… tab; 6th segment in the Account # field


Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

Column added for use in metrics reports for the Office of Research Services.

List of values not available.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (29)
May be null? yes
The type of increment.

Examples: New Project, Supplement

Change of Grantee Institution
Competing Renewal
Cost Sharing
New Project
Non-Competing Continuation
Revised Budget

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Detailed Budget… tab; Type


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes
Not currently used

Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes
Not currently used

Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes
Not currently used

Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes

The total dollar amount of cost sharing associated with the increment. Cost sharing is the amount of funding provided for the sponsored project that does not come from the sponsor. AWARDED_COST_SHR_TOTAL is the total amount of cost sharing to be provided by all cost sharing sources combined. For example, the University receives a grant for a project estimated to have a total cost of $100,000. The sponsor agrees to pay 75% ($75,000) and the University agrees to pay 25% ($25,000). The $25,000 is the cost-sharing component.

To see whether the amount entered as AWARD_COST_SHR_TOTAL applies to an advance account, an award, or an award expected in the future, see INCREMENT_STATUS.

AWARDED_COST_SHR_TOTAL is populated only for increments whose records were entered or updated since October 14, 2003. The value is null for all other records.

0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Totals tab; upper (Project) section; the sum of the Total Costs row for all cost sharing source columns, combined


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes
Total dollar amount designated to be paid by the sponsor for direct costs for the increment. Direct costs are clearly identifiable costs related to a specific project. (For example, salaries, wages, and equipment fall under direct costs.)


To see whether the amount entered as AWARDED_DIRECT_COSTS applies to an advance account, an award, or an award expected in the future, see INCREMENT_STATUS.

0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Totals tab; upper (Project) section; Project column, Direct Costs row


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes
Total dollar amount designated to be paid by the sponsor for indirect costs for the increment. Indirect costs are costs that are not specific to the sponsored project, but that are incurred by the University in support of the sponsored project. (For example, utilities and laboratory space fall under indirect costs.) Indirect costs are also known as Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs or overhead.


To see whether the amount entered as AWARDED_INDIRECT_COSTS applies to an advance account, an award, or an award expected in the future, see INCREMENT_STATUS.


0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Totals tab; upper (Project) section; Project column, Indirect Costs row


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes
Not currently used.

Total dollar amount designated for the modified total direct costs (MTDC) for the increment. For some awards, the indirect costs are calculated based on MTDC, a subset of direct costs, normally excluding--among other costs--equipment, patient care, space rental, alterations and renovations, and subcontract costs in excess of the first $25,000. When modified total direct costs are used, AWARDED_INDIRECT_COSTS is calculated by multiplying the MTDC by the F & A rate (indirect cost rate).

AWARDED_MTDC is populated only for increments whose records were entered or updated since October 14, 2003. The value is null for all other records.

0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Totals tab; upper (Project) section; Project column, MTDC row


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes
Total dollar amount designated for non-sponsor costs for the increment. The non-sponsor costs are the total costs (direct and indirect) that are paid for by funding sources other than the sponsor. Non-sponsor costs are also known as cost sharing.


To see whether the amount entered as AWARDED_NONSPON_COSTS applies to an advance account, an award, or an award expected in the future, see INCREMENT_STATUS.

0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; Award Period Costs tab; Non-Sponsor Costs column for the Totals row


Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The ending date for the budget period to which the increment applies, as defined by the sponsor. The budget period is a discrete period of time for which a sponsor has committed funds that can be expended by the University for the sponsored project.

Example: 01/31/2004

List of values not available.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; Awarded Period Dates tab; End Date where the Period is the one for the increment


Indexed - no
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The fiscal year at Penn in which the AWARDED_PERIOD_END_DATE falls. Penn's fiscal year begins July 1 of one calendar year and ends June 30 of the next calendar year.

Example: 2004 (for an award whose
AWARDED_PERIOD_END_DATE is December 31, 2003)

List of values not available.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes
The beginning date for the budget period to which the increment applies, as defined by the sponsor. The budget period is a discrete period of time for which a sponsor has committed funds that can be expended by the University for the sponsored project.

Example: 02/01/2003

List of values not available.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; Awarded Period Dates tab; Start Date where the Period is the one for the increment


Indexed - no
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The fiscal year at Penn in which the AWARDED_PERIOD_START_DATE falls. Penn's fiscal year begins July 1 of one calendar year and ends June 30 of the next calendar year.

Example: 2004 (for an award whose

List of values not available.

Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes

Total dollar amount designated for sponsor costs for the increment. The sponsor costs are the total costs (direct and indirect) that are paid for by the sponsor.



To see whether the amount entered as AWARDED_TOT_SPON_COSTS applies to an advance account, an award, or an award expected in the future, see INCREMENT_STATUS.

0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Totals tab; upper (Project) section; sponsor column, Total Costs row


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes

The total dollar amount of all costs (direct and indirect) associated with the increment that are paid for by all funding sources combined.


To see whether the amount entered as AWARDED_TOTAL_COSTS applies to an advance account, an award, or an award expected in the future, see INCREMENT_STATUS.

0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Totals tab; upper (Project) section; Project column, Total Costs row


Indexed - no
Format - char (1)
May be null? yes
A flag that indicates whether the budget period to which the increment applies is the current awarded budget period (‘C’), or a past (‘P’) or future (‘F’) period.
C the increment applies to the current budget period (the one whose awarded period start and end dates include the LAST_EXTRACT_DATE, the date when the record was exported to the Warehouse), and that budget period has at least one increment whose INCREMENT_STATUS = 'Awarded'
F the increment applies to a future period (one whose awarded period start date falls after the LAST_EXTRACT_DATE), and that budget period has at least one increment whose INCREMENT_STATUS = 'Awarded'
P the increment applies to a past period (one whose awarded period end date falls before the LAST_EXTRACT_DATE), and that budget period has at least one increment whose INCREMENT_STATUS = 'Awarded'
[null] the increment applies to a period that has no awarded period start date, or no awarded period end date, or no increments whose INCREMENT_STATUS = 'Awarded'

Indexed - no
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The U.S. federal fiscal year whose budget includes the appropriation of funding for the increment. The federal fiscal year begins October 1 of one calendar year and ends September 30 of the next calendar year.

FED_FY_AWD_APPROPRIATION is populated only for awards from federal sponsors, and only for those whose records were entered or updated since October 14, 2003. The value is null for all other records.

Example: 2002

List of values not available 

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Misc. Award Information tab; Federal Fiscal Year of Award Appropriation


Indexed - no
Format - number (13,2)
May be null? yes
For increments paid in foreign currency, the amount of the increment in that currency. The value is null for increments paid in U.S. dollars. See also FOREIGN_CURRENCY_UNIT and FOREIGN_CURRENCY_FLAG.

FOREIGN_CURRENCY_AMT is populated only for increments paid in foreign currency, and only for those whose records were entered or updated since October 14, 2003. The value is null for all other records.

For increments paid in foreign currency, the dollar amounts for the increment reflect the exchange rate as of the date the increment check was deposited.

0 to 99,999,999,999.99

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Misc. Award Information tab; Foreign Currency Amount


Indexed - no
Format - char (1)
May be null? yes
A Yes/No flag that indicates whether the increment was paid in foreign currency. See also FOREIGN_CURRENCY_UNIT and FOREIGN_CURRENCY_AMT.

For increments paid in foreign currency, the dollar amounts for the increment reflect the exchange rate as of the date the increment check was deposited.

Y yes, the increment was paid in a 
  currency other than U.S. dollars
N no, the increment was not paid in a foreign currency; it was paid in U.S. dollars
PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Misc. Award Information tab; Foreign Currency Award


Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (10)
May be null? yes
For increments paid in foreign currency, the currency in which the increment was. The value is null for increments paid in U.S. dollars. See also FOREIGN_CURRENCY_AMT and FOREIGN_CURRENCY_FLAG.

FOREIGN_CURRENCY_UNIT is populated only for increments paid in foreign currency, and only for those whose records were entered or updated since October 14, 2003. The value is null for all other records.

For increments paid in foreign currency, the dollar amounts for the increment reflect the exchange rate as of the date the increment check was deposited.

Example: 2002

List of values not available 

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Misc. Award Information tab; Currency


Indexed - no
Format - char (6)
May be null? yes
If the AWARD_FUND tracks cost sharing, FUND_COST_SHR_PARENT is the 6-character code for the fund that serves as the parent (or rollup group) for similar cost sharing funds, allowing amounts to be summarized at the parent level. If the AWARD_FUND does not track cost sharing, FUND_COST_SHR_PARENT is null. (For example, if FUND_REVENUE_PARENT has a non-null value, FUND_COST_SHR_PARENT ought to be null.)

Cost sharing is the amount of funding provided for the sponsored project that does not come from the sponsor. For example, the University receives a grant for a project estimated to have a total cost of $100,000. The sponsor agrees to pay 75% ($75,000) and the University agrees to pay 25% ($25,000). The $25,000 is the cost-sharing component.

Example: GCCSXX

Refer to the PARENT_FUND_CODES table for values. 
PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded detail screen; Fund/Acct Setup button; Edit fund; Fund Parents section; Cost Sharing


Indexed - no
Format - char (6)
May be null? yes
If the AWARD_FUND is for an interest-bearing account, the FUND_INT_BEAR_PARENT is the 6-character code for the fund that serves as the parent (or rollup group) for similar interest-bearing funds, allowing amounts to be summarized at the parent level. There is one parent for interest-bearing funds whose interest is returned to the sponsor, and another for interest-bearing funds whose interest kept by the project. If the AWARD_FUND is not for an interest-bearing account, FUND_INT_BEAR_PARENT is null.
 Refer to the PARENT_FUND_CODES table for values.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded detail screen; Fund/Acct Setup button; Edit fund; Fund Parents section; Interest Bearing


Indexed - no
Format - char (6)
May be null? yes
If the increment includes indirect costs, FUND_OVERHEAD_PARENT is the 6-character code for the fund that serves as the parent (or rollup group) for funds whose indirect cost recovery base and rate are the same as those of the AWARD_FUND. The FUND_OVERHEAD_PARENT allows amounts to be summarized at the parent level. If the increment does not include indirect costs, FUND_OVERHEAD_PARENT is null.

Example: B01R76 (BASE101/RATE076 58.50%)

Refer to the PARENT_FUND_CODES table for values.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded detail screen; Fund/Acct Setup button; Edit fund; Fund Parents section; Overhead


Indexed - no
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
The 2-character code identifying the primary purpose of expenditures tracked by the AWARD_FUND. This is determined by the program type for the proposal (see PENNERA_PROPOSAL.PROGRAM_TYPE).

Examples: 01 (Instruction), NA (Not applicable). NA is used for "parent" funds and other funds where purpose does not really apply (for example, capital gifts, annuities). UN (Unknown) is the default

01 Instruction
10 Sponsored Research
11 Other, Separately Budgeted Research (for example,
  URF {University Research Foundation}, RFDF 
  {Research Facilities Development Fund}, 
  Technology Transfer, Research Matching Program, 
  Insurance Fund)
12 Other Sponsored Programs
20 Libraries
30 Student Aid (for example, University Fellowship)
40 Student Services
50 Extension & Public Service
60 Auxiliary Enterprise: Dormitories
61 Auxiliary Enterprise: Bookstore
62 Auxiliary Enterprise: Dining Services
63 Auxiliary Enterprise: Intercollegiate Athletics
64 Auxiliary Enterprise: Other
70 Hospitals & Clinics: Medical
71 Hospitals & Clinics: Dental
72 Hospitals & Clinics: Veterinary
73 Hospitals & Clinics: Nursing
80 Independent Operations
90 Management and General (for example, Debt 
   Service, Employee Benefits Pool)
92 Fundraising
93 Maintenance & Operation of Facilities (for 
  example, Deferred Maintenance)
NA Not applicable (for example, General 
  Unrestricted, Anticipated revenue & expense, 
  Capital Construction Fund, other 02XXXX funds, 
  Loan funds, annuities, capital gifts funds, 
NA is used for "parent" funds and other funds where purpose does not really apply (for example, capital gifts, annuities) UN is the default. UN unknown, to be assigned later
PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded detail screen; Fund/Acct Setup button; Edit fund; Fund Purpose


Indexed - no
Format - char (8)
May be null? yes
The Penn ID of the investigator responsible for managing the funding tracked by the AWARD_FUND. The fund responsible investigator is one of the investigators associated with the proposal. However, it may or may not be the same person as the Principal Investigator for the proposal.


Example: 10108345 (LAUFER,TERRI M)

Refer to the PENNERA_PEOPLE table for values. 

PennERA source: PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded detail screen; Fund/Acct Setup button; Edit fund; the PennID of the person named in the PI Name field


Indexed - no
Format - char (8)
May be null? yes
The 4-character code identifying the Organization responsible for managing all of the money tracked by the AWARD_FUND. An Organization is a subdivision of the University created for management purposes. An Organization belongs to only one responsibility center, and its Organization code is unique. That is, no two Organizations have the same value for FUND_RESPONSIBLE_ORG.

To facilitate Organization-based security, FUND_RESPONSIBLE_ORG is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.

Example: 4261 (DM-Rheumatology)

Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.

PennERA source: PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded detail screen; Fund/Acct Setup button; Edit fund; Responsible Org


Indexed - no
Format - char (6)
May be null? yes

If the AWARD_FUND tracks funding provided by the sponsor, FUND_REVENUE_PARENT is the 6-character code for the fund that serves as the parent (or rollup group) for funds whose revenue is provided by the sponsor in the same way as for the AWARD_FUND. The FUND_REVENUE_PARENT allows amounts to be summarized at the parent level. If the AWARD_FUND does not track funding provided by the sponsor, FUND_REVENUE_PARENT is null. (For example, if FUND_COST_SHR_PARENT has a non-null value, FUND_REVENUE_PARENT ought to be null.)

For increments awarded under ARRA (the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, also known as the Recovery Act or the federal economic stimulus program), the FUND_REVENUE_PARENT is 'GCB009', 'LOCNIS', or 'LOCNSS'. (In the PARENT_FUND_CODES table, their PARENT_FUND is 'ARRALC'.) Because advance accounts are funded by the University (not by the sponsor), an increment in 'Advance Account' status should not have 'GCB009', 'LOCNIS', or 'LOCNSS' as its FUND_REVENUE_PARENT, but it might. Rather than using the FUND_REVENUE_PARENT to identify ARRA increments, use the ARRA_FUNDED_INCREMENT_FLAG.


Refer to the PARENT_FUND_CODES table for values.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded detail screen; Fund/Acct Setup button; Edit fund; Fund Parents section; Revenue


Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(4000)
May be null? yes

Column added for use in metrics reports for the Office of Research Services.

Some values may be truncated in the Warehouse.


Indexed - no
Format - number(5,2)
May be null? yes

The Facilities and Administration (F&A) rate associated with the increment. The value was entered by hand, and was not used by the system to calculate the AWARDED_INDIRECT_COSTS for the increment. INCREMENT_F_AND_A_RATE is null if the increment does not include indirect cost recovery.

The F&A rate (indirect cost rate) is the percentage rate used in the calculation that determines the amount of the indirect costs. Indirect costs are calculated by multiplying the indirect cost base by the F & A rate.

Indirect costs are costs that are not specific to the sponsored project, but that are incurred by the University in support of the sponsored project. (For example, utilities and laboratory space fall under indirect costs.) Indirect costs are also known as Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs or overhead.

Example: 59 (59%)

List of values not available 

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Misc. Award Information tab; F&A Rate


Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2 (40)
May be null? no

A sequence number uniquely identifying the increment within the proposal to which it applies. Each proposal (INSTITUTION_NO) that has at least one increment, has an INCREMENT_NUMBER ‘1’. The maximum INCREMENT_NUMBER for a proposal is the number of increments for that proposal.

When an amount is received, or an amount is expected to be paid in the future (per a Notice of Award), or an amount is paid by a department in expectation of an amount to be received, an increment is the portion of that amount that is assigned to a General Ledger account.

There is one PENNERA_INCREMENT record per proposal (INSTITUTION_NO or PROP_NO) per INCREMENT_NUMBER. (Though PERIOD_NUMBER is part of the physical primary key for the PENNERA_INCREMENT table, it is not part of the logical primary key for the table.)

Examples: 2, 13

List of values not available 

PennERA source: though PennERA does not display the Increment Number, it can be found in the Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; the row number for the increment listed under the Awards tab


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
The 4-character code that identifies the Organization responsible for administering the science and the money for the increment.

For records dating from before November 24, 1997, the values for PROPOSAL_RESP_ORG_CODE and INCREMENT_RESP_ORG_CODE are the same. For later records, these data elements may have values that are different from each other.

To facilitate Organization-based security, INCREMENT_RESP_ORG_CODE is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.

Example: 4261 (DM-Rheumatology)

Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Detailed Budget… tab; value to the left of the Award No. field


Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
The 2-character code that identifies the school or center for the Organization responsible for administering the science and the money for the increment.

For records dating from before November 24, 1997, the values for PROPOSAL_RESP_SCHOOL_CODE and INCREMENT_RESP_SCHOOL_CODE are the same. For later records, these data elements may have values that are different from each other.


Example: 40 (School of Medicine)

Refer to the CNAC_CODES Table for values. 
The code for a school or center is the 
same as the first 2 characters of the CNAC.


Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (24)
May be null? yes

The current status of the increment, per the sponsor’s response.

For the effective date of that status, or for more details on how the increment's status has changed over time, use the PENNERA_INCR_STAT_HIST table.

Advance Account--the funding for the increment is
   an advance provided by the department administering
   the project, in expectation of an award from the sponsor
Awarded--the funding for the increment is an award provided
   by the sponsor 
Future--the sponsor has notified the University
   of its intent to award funding for the increment,
   which applies to a future period (“out year”)
PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Requested screen; Status link; Status

Indexed - yes
Format - char (8)
May be null? yes
The eight-digit sequence number used by the University to uniquely identify the proposal to which the increment applies. Note that the value for INSTITUTION_NO includes leading zeroes.

Records with an INSTITUTION_NO less than or equal to 05017400 were converted from the Research Services System (RSS, the system used to track proposals and awards before October 14, 2003). Other records are for proposals created in PennERA.

There are two different unique identifiers for a proposal: INSTITUTION_NO and PROP_NO. INSTITUTION_NO is used by the University. PROP_NO is used internally by the PennERA system. For a given record, INSTITUTION_NO will not have the same value as PROP_NO. While either one may be used when joining PennERA Proposals tables, INSTITUTION_NO is the one recommended for display in reports.

There is one PENNERA_INCREMENT record per proposal (INSTITUTION_NO or PROP_NO) per INCREMENT_NUMBER. (Though PERIOD_NUMBER is part of the physical primary key for the PENNERA_INCREMENT table, it is not part of the logical primary key for the table.)

Example: 00216424

List of values not available

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; summary box in the upper right corner of the screen; Proposal


Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes
The date this increment record was extracted from the PennERA Proposal Tracking system and loaded into the Warehouse.

Example: 10/28/2003

List of values not available.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes
The date on which the last financial report for the AWARD_FUND was filed.

Example: 10/15/2003

List of values not available.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded detail screen; Fund/Acct Setup button; Edit fund; Last Fin Report Filed


Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The next date a financial report for the AWARD_FUND is due to the sponsor.

Example: 01/15/2003

List of values not available. 
PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded detail screen; Fund/Acct Setup button; Edit fund; Next Fin Report Due


Indexed - no
Format - char (3)
May be null? yes
For National Institutes of Health grants and cooperative agreements, NIH_GRANT_ACTIVITY_CODE is a 3-character code used by NIH to identify a specific category of extramural activity. The value is characters 3 through 5 of the SPONSOR_AWARD_ID.

Note: NIH_GRANT_ACTIVITY_CODE is populated only if two criteria are met:

  1. the proposal's sponsor or sponsor parent is NIH (SPONSOR_CODE = '09470' or the PENNERA_SPONSOR record for the proposal's sponsor has SPONSOR_PARENT= '09470'), and
  2. the increment is funded under a 'Grant' or 'Cooperative Agreement' (per the PENNERA_PROPOSAL.INSTRUMENT_TYPE).
For other records, NIH_GRANT_ACTIVITY_CODE is null.

Example: R01 (Research Project) is the activity code for the increment for an NIH grant whose SPONSOR_AWARD_ID is 5-R01-AI-048117-02.

For the list of NIH activity codes, 
refer to the NIH manual titled “Activity
Codes, Organization Codes, and Definitions 
used in Extramural Programs” (also
known as the IMPAC handbook)

Indexed - no
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
For National Institutes of Health grants and cooperative agreements, NIH_GRANT_ADMIN_ORG is a 2-letter code that identifies the first major level subdivision within an NIH organization. The value is characters 7 and 8 of the SPONSOR_AWARD_ID.

Note: NIH_GRANT_ADMIN_ORG is populated only if two criteria are met:

  1. the proposal's sponsor or sponsor parent is NIH (SPONSOR_CODE = '09470' or the PENNERA_SPONSOR record for the proposal's sponsor has SPONSOR_PARENT= '09470'), and
  2. the increment is funded under a 'Grant' or 'Cooperative Agreement' (per the PENNERA_PROPOSAL.INSTRUMENT_TYPE).
For other records, NIH_GRANT_ADMIN_ORG is null.

Example: for an NIH grant whose SPONSOR_AWARD_ID is 5-R01-AI-048117-02, AI (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Extramural Activities (NIAID)) is an administrative organization within NIH.
For the list of NIH administering organizations, 
refer to the NIH manual titled “Activity
Codes, Organization Codes, and Definitions
used in Extramural Programs” (also
known as the IMPAC handbook)

Indexed - no
Format - char (1)
May be null? yes
For National Institutes of Health grants and cooperative agreements, NIH_GRANT_APPLICATION_TYPE is a single-digit code that identifies the type of grant application received and processed by NIH. The value is the first character of the SPONSOR_AWARD_ID.

Note: NIH_GRANT_APPLICATION_TYPE is populated only if two criteria are met:

  1. the proposal's sponsor or sponsor parent is NIH (SPONSOR_CODE = '09470' or the PENNERA_SPONSOR record for the proposal's sponsor has SPONSOR_PARENT= '09470'), and
  2. the increment is funded under a 'Grant' or 'Cooperative Agreement' (per the PENNERA_PROPOSAL.INSTRUMENT_TYPE).
For other records, NIH_GRANT_APPLICATION_TYPE is null.

Example: for an NIH grant whose SPONSOR_AWARD_ID is 5-R01-AI-048117-02, 5 (Noncompeting Continuation) is the application type.

For the list of NIH application types, refer
to the NIH manual titled “Activity
Codes, Organization Codes, and Definitions
used in Extramural Programs” (also
known as the IMPAC handbook)

Indexed - no
Format - char (6)
May be null? yes
For National Institutes of Health grants and cooperative agreements, NIH_GRANT_SERIAL_NUMBER is a 6-digit number generally assigned sequentially by NIH to number awards within an NIH Institute, Center, or Division. The value is characters 10 through 15 of the SPONSOR_AWARD_ID.

Note: NIH_GRANT_SERIAL_NUMBER is populated only if two criteria are met:

  1. the proposal's sponsor or sponsor parent is NIH (SPONSOR_CODE = '09470' or the PENNERA_SPONSOR record for the proposal's sponsor has SPONSOR_PARENT= '09470'), and
  2. the increment is funded under a 'Grant' or 'Cooperative Agreement' (per the PENNERA_PROPOSAL.INSTRUMENT_TYPE).
For other records, NIH_GRANT_SERIAL_NUMBER is null.

When dealing with historical data, bear in mind that, prior to June, 2002, this was a 5-digit number. Existing NIH grants had a leading zero added to their NIH Grant Serial Numbers in June, 2002.

Example: for an NIH grant whose SPONSOR_AWARD_ID is 5-R01-AI-048117-02, 048117 is the serial number.

List of values not available.

Indexed - no
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
For National Institutes of Health grants and cooperative agreements, NIH_GRANT_SUPPLEMENT is a 2- to 4-character code identifying a supplement, amendment, or allowance awarded by NIH. The value is characters 19 through 22 of the SPONSOR_AWARD_ID.

Note: NIH_GRANT_SUPPLEMENT is populated only if two criteria are met:

  1. the proposal's sponsor or sponsor parent is NIH (SPONSOR_CODE = '09470' or the PENNERA_SPONSOR record for the proposal's sponsor has SPONSOR_PARENT= '09470'), and
  2. the increment is funded under a 'Grant' or 'Cooperative Agreement' (per the PENNERA_PROPOSAL.INSTRUMENT_TYPE).
For other records, NIH_GRANT_SUPPLEMENT is null.


  • For an NIH grant whose SPONSOR_AWARD_ID is 3-K23-DC-000165-01A1S1, NIH_GRANT_SUPPLEMENT is A1S1--the letter A and the following number identifies the amended application (here, A1, Amendment 1), and the letter S and the following number identifies the supplemental record (here, S1, Supplement 1).
  • For an NIH grant whose SPONSOR_AWARD_ID is 5-F05-AG-12345-01X1, NIH_GRANT_SUPPLEMENT is X1--the letter X and the following number identifies the fellowship’s institution allowance record (here, X1, Allowance 1).
For more information on the NIH suffixes for 
Supplements, Amendments, and Allowances, refer
to the NIH manual titled “Activity Codes,
Organization Codes, and Definitions 
used in Extramural Programs” (also
known as the IMPAC handbook)

Indexed - no
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
For National Institutes of Health grants and cooperative agreements, NIH_GRANT_YEAR is a 2-digit number that indicates the actual segment or budget period of an NIH award. (The grant year number is increased by one for each succeeding renewal year.) The value is characters 17 and 18 of the SPONSOR_AWARD_ID.

Note: NIH_GRANT_YEAR is populated only if two criteria are met:

  1. the proposal's sponsor or sponsor parent is NIH (SPONSOR_CODE = '09470' or the PENNERA_SPONSOR record for the proposal's sponsor has SPONSOR_PARENT= '09470'), and
  2. the increment is funded under a 'Grant' or 'Cooperative Agreement' (per the PENNERA_PROPOSAL.INSTRUMENT_TYPE).
For other records, NIH_GRANT_YEAR is null.

Example: for an NIH grant whose SPONSOR_AWARD_ID is 3-R01-CA-012921-04, 04 is the grant year--meaning that the grant is in its fourth year.

For more information on the NIH suffix for
Grant Year, refer to the NIH manual titled 
“Activity Codes, Organization Codes, and 
Definitions used in Extramural Programs”
(also known as the IMPAC handbook)

Indexed - no
Format - number (17,2)
May be null? yes

Used by the Office of Research Services (ORS) to store the call number for the image of the Notice of Award document that applies to the increment. The format of NOTICE_OF_AWARD_NO allows its value to have 2 digits to the right of the decimal point, but ORS does not plan to use those digits.

0 to 999,999,999,999,999

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Budget; view or edit an increment under the Awarded menu item; Misc. Award Information section; Notice of Award #


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (8)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - no
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - no
Format - char (8)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.

Indexed - yes
Format - char (8)
May be null? yes
This data element is reserved for future use.


Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (20)
May be null? yes

This data element is reserved for future use.


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes

This data element is reserved for future use.


Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes

This data element is reserved for future use.


Indexed - yes
Format - number (10)
May be null? no

A sequence number uniquely identifying the budget period within the proposal to which the increment applies. Each proposal (INSTITUTION_NO) has a PERIOD_NUMBER ‘1’. The maximum PERIOD_NUMBER for a proposal is the number of budget periods for that proposal.

There is one PENNERA_INCREMENT record per proposal (INSTITUTION_NO or PROP_NO) per INCREMENT_NUMBER. (Though PERIOD_NUMBER is part of the physical primary key for the PENNERA_INCREMENT table, it is not part of the logical primary key for the table.)

Examples: 3, 11

List of values not available 

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Detailed Budget… tab; Award for Period


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes

The 4-character code for the ERA primary organization (‘org.’) for the person identified by the PI_PENN_ID. That is the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.

The ERA primary org. is the org. flagged as the primary department in the person’s PennERA Profile. Although it is used to secure certain data elements in the Data Warehouse, the ERA primary org. is not used by the University’s business processes.

For Penn staff, the ERA primary org. is the primary (job) appointment org. For Penn faculty, it is the primary academic (job) appointment org., which will not be the same as primary appointment org. for those faculty holding administrative positions. For Penn employees whose job appointments are all on the executive payroll, ERA primary org. is ‘8000’ ('General University Special '). For Penn students, the ERA primary org. is the organizational equivalent of their home Division (for example, ‘0200’, School of Arts and Sciences.) For investigators from the University of Pennsylvania Health System (UPHS), the ERA primary org. is ‘2100’ ('Health System '). For members of the research community who are otherwise not affiliated with Penn, the ERA primary org. is ‘8760' ('Research Services').

PI_ERA_PRIMARY_ORG_CODE reflects the ERA primary org. of the PI for the proposal, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the PI_ERA_PRIMARY_ORG_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table.

To facilitate Organization-based security, PI_ERA_PRIMARY_ORG_CODE is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.

Example: 4261 (DM-Rheumatology)

Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.



Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes

The 2-character code for the school or center for the PI_ERA_PRIMARY_ORG_CODE. That identifies the ERA primary organization (‘org.’) for the person identified by the PI_PENN_ID--the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.

The ERA primary org. is the org. flagged as the primary department in the person’s PennERA Profile. Although it is used to secure certain data elements in the Data Warehouse, the ERA primary org. is not used by the University’s business processes.

PI_ERA_PRIMARY_SCHOOL_CODE reflects the ERA primary school of the PI for the proposal, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the PI_ERA_PRIMARY_SCHOOL_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table.


Example: 40 (School of Medicine)

Refer to the CNAC_CODES Table for values. 
The code for a school or center is the same
as the first 2 characters of the CNAC.


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes

The 4-character code for the home organization (‘org.’) for the person identified by the PI_PENN_ID. That is the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.

The home org. is the org. that owns the person's employee record and is responsible for its maintenance.

PI_HOME_ORG_CODE reflects the home org. of the PI for the proposal, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the PI_HOME_ORG_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table. If the PI for the proposal has no employee information dating back to the time of the funding cycle, PI_HOME_ORG_CODE is '.'. (Because the PI_HOME_ORG_CODE is one of the data elements used to secure the data, it is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.)

Example: 4261 (DM-Rheumatology)

Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.



Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes

The 2-character code for the school or center for the PI_HOME_ORG_CODE. That is the home organization (‘org.’) for the person identified by the PI_PENN_ID--the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.

The home org. is the org. that owns the person's employee record and is responsible for its maintenance.

PI_HOME_SCHOOL_CODE reflects the home school of the PI for the proposal, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the PI_HOME_SCHOOL_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table. If the PI for the proposal has no employee information dating back to the time of the funding cycle, PI_HOME_SCHOOL_CODE is '.'.

Example: 40 (School of Medicine)

Refer to the CNAC_CODES Table for values. The 
code for a school or center is the same as the
first 2 characters of the CNAC.


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes

The 4-character code for the investigator organization (‘org.’) for the person identified by the PI_PENN_ID. That is the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.

Although it is used to secure certain data elements in the Data Warehouse, the investigator org. is not used by the University’s business processes.

For a given investigator associated with a proposal, the investigator org. is the org. specified (on the Office of Research Services Proposal Transmittal and Approval Form) as the 'Dept. Administering Project' (the PROPOSAL_RESP_ORG_CODE). An exception to this rule is that, if the PROPOSAL_RESP_ORG_CODE is neither the investigator's ERA primary org. nor an org. where the investigator has a job appointment, when the investigator's data is entered for the proposal in PennERA, the investigator org. is chosen from among those orgs., based on its being the one that is most closely related to the PROPOSAL_RESP_ORG_CODE. In other words:

  • if the investigator has only one org, then that org. is chosen; otherwise,
  • if the investigator has an org. that is the same as the PROPOSAL_RESP_ORG_CODE, then that org. is chosen; otherwise
  • the investigator's orgs. are sorted in ascending order, and the first org. whose org. code is greater than or equal to the PROPOSAL_RESP_ORG_CODE is chosen; otherwise,
  • if the investigator has no org. whose org. code is greater than or equal to the PROPOSAL_RESP_ORG_CODE, the investigator's ERA primary org. is chosen

To facilitate Organization-based security, PI_INVESTIGATOR_ORG_CODE is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.

Example: 4261 (DM-Rheumatology)

Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Summary screen for the proposal; Investigator tab; the code in the Department column for the person flagged as the PI


Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes

The 2-character code for the school or center for the PI_INVESTIGATOR_ORG_CODE. That is the investigator organization (‘org.’) for the person identified by the PI_PENN_ID--the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.

Although it is used to secure certain data elements in the Data Warehouse, the investigator org. is not used by the University’s business processes.


Example: 40 (School of Medicine)

Refer to the CNAC_CODES Table for values. The code 
for a school or center is the same as the first 2 
characters of the CNAC.



Indexed - no
Format - char (8)
May be null? yes

The Penn ID of the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.

The PennID is the 8-digit identification number assigned to a person by the Penn Community system. No two persons have the same PennID. However, a person may have more than one PennID. For example, say Dr. John Doe had a sponsored project in 1990, but his Social Security number was not recorded in the Research Services System (RSS, the system then used to track proposals and awards). Dr. Doe left the University after project ended. When the RSS data was converted to PennERA, there was no record in Penn Community for Dr. Doe. Because his Social Security number was not available, a PennERA-specific PennID (beginning with a ‘P’) was created for him. In 2003, Dr. Doe returned to the University, and was assigned a numeric PennID (for example, 10039706). Dr. Doe would then have two PennIDs, but one could not tell from looking at the data that both PennIDs identify the same person.


Examples: ‘P1000194’ (Lisa Jay); ‘10006336’ (Herman Gluck)

Refer to the PENNERA_PEOPLE table for values. 

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Summary screen for the proposal; Investigator tab; the PennID for the person flagged as the PI


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes

The 4-character code for the organization (‘org.’) of the primary academic job appointment for the person identified by the PI_PENN_ID. That is the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.

The primary academic appointment org. is the org. where the person has his or her primary academic job appointment. If the person has more than one academic job appointment, the primary academic appointment is the one with the most important faculty class. For further information on the primary academic appointment, see the explanation in the Cautions section of the documentation for the EMPLOYEE_GENERAL table.

PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_ORG_CODE reflects the primary academic appointment org. of the PI for the proposal, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_ORG_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table. If the PI for the proposal has no employee information about a faculty job appointment dating back to the time of the funding cycle, PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_ORG_CODE is '.'. (Because the PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_ORG_CODE is one of the data elements used to secure the data, it is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.)

Example: 4261 (DM-Rheumatology)

Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.



Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes

The 2-character code for the school or center for the PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_ORG_CODE. That is the organization (‘org.’) of the primary academic job appointment for the person identified by the PI_PENN_ID--the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.

The primary academic appointment org. is the org. where the person has his or her primary academic job appointment. If the person has more than one academic job appointment, the primary academic appointment is the one with the most important faculty class. For further information on the primary academic appointment, see the explanation in the Cautions section of the documentation for the EMPLOYEE_GENERAL table.

PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_SCHOOL_CODE reflects the primary academic appointment school of the PI for the proposal, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_SCHOOL_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table. If the PI for the proposal has no employee information about a faculty job appointment dating back to the time of the funding cycle, PI_PRI_ACAD_APPT_SCHOOL_CODE is '.'.

Example: 40 (School of Medicine)

Refer to the CNAC_CODES Table for values. 
The code for a school or center is the same
as the first 2 characters of the CNAC.



Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes

The 4-character code for the organization (‘org.’) of the primary job appointment for the person identified by the PI_PENN_ID. That is the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.

The primary appointment org. is the org. where the person has his or her primary job appointment, per the University’s employee census logic. The logic used to determine a University employee's primary appointment is documented in the cautions for the EMPLOYEE_GENERAL table.

PI_PRI_APPT_ORG_CODE reflects the primary appointment org. of the PI for the proposal, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the PI_PRI_APPT_ORG_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table. If the PI for the proposal has no employee information dating back to the time of the funding cycle, PI_PRI_APPT_ORG_CODE is '.'. (Because the PI_PRI_APPT_ORG_CODE is one of the data elements used to secure the data, it is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.)

Example: 4261 (DM-Rheumatology)

Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.



Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes

The 2-character code for the school or center for the PI_PRI_APPT_ORG_CODE. That is the organization (‘org.’) of the primary job appointment for the person identified by the PI_PENN_ID--the Principal Investigator for the proposal to which the increment applies.

The primary appointment org. is the org. where the person has his or her primary job appointment, per the University’s employee census logic. The logic used to determine a University employee's primary appointment is documented in the cautions for the EMPLOYEE_GENERAL table.

PI_PRI_APPT_SCHOOL_CODE reflects the primary appointment school of the PI for the proposal, as it was at the time of the proposal (funding cycle). Once the funding cycle has ended, the PI_PRI_APPT_SCHOOL_CODE is no longer updated. The dates for the funding cycle are the AWARDED_PROJECT_START and AWARDED_PROJECT_END in the PENNERA_PROPOSAL table. If the PI for the proposal has no employee information dating back to the time of the funding cycle, PI_PRI_APPT_SCHOOL_CODE is '.'.

Example: 40 (School of Medicine)

Refer to the CNAC_CODES Table for values. 
The code for a school or center is the same
as the first 2 characters of the CNAC.



Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes

Column added for use in metrics reports for the Office of Research Services.


Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2 (20)
May be null? no

The 10-digit sequence number used internally by the PennERA system to uniquely identify the proposal to which the increment applies. Note that the value for PROP_NO includes leading zeroes.

There are two different unique identifiers for a proposal: INSTITUTION_NO and PROP_NO. INSTITUTION_NO is used by the University. PROP_NO is used internally by the PennERA system. For a given record, INSTITUTION_NO will not have the same value as PROP_NO. While either one may be used when joining PennERA Proposals tables, INSTITUTION_NO is the one recommended for display in reports.

There is one PENNERA_INCREMENT record per proposal (INSTITUTION_NO or PROP_NO) per INCREMENT_NUMBER. (Though PERIOD_NUMBER is part of the physical primary key for the PENNERA_INCREMENT table, it is not part of the logical primary key for the table.)

Example: ‘0000000217’

List of values not available 

PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; summary box in the upper right corner of the screen; the prop_no for the Proposal


Indexed - yes
Format - char (4)
May be null? yes

The 4-character code that identifies the organization responsible for the proposal to which the increment applies.

To facilitate Organization-based security, PROPOSAL_RESP_ORG_CODE is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.

Example: 4261 (DM-Rheumatology)

Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.
PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Summary screen for the proposal; the code listed under the Assoc. Dept tab


Indexed - yes
Format - char (2)
May be null? yes

The 2-character code for the school or center for the PROPOSAL_RESP_ORG_CODE -- the organization responsible for the proposal to which the increment applies.


Example: 40 (School of Medicine)

Refer to the CNAC_CODES Table for values. 
The code for a school or center is the same
as the first 2 characters of the CNAC.



Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes

Column added for use in metrics reports for the Office of Research Services.


Indexed - no
Format - varchar2 (100)
May be null? yes

The identification number (if any) that is assigned to the sponsored project award by the sponsoring agency.

When an award has been split among increments (as is the case when it is tracked by multiple General Ledger accounts, for example), more than one PENNERA_INCREMENT record has the same value for SPONSOR_AWARD_ID. Also, if the sponsor uses the same identification number for all awards funding a proposal, all of the proposal's PENNERA_INCREMENT records have the same value for SPONSOR_AWARD_ID.

When SPONSOR_AWARD_ID is null or 'N/A', the sponsor has not assigned an identification number to the sponsored project award.

The sponsor may also assign an identification number to the proposal (funding cycle) for the sponsored project. See PENNERA_PROPOSAL.SPONSOR_PROJECT_AWARD_NO.

Example: 1-N01-HV-020002-000 (an identification number assigned by NIH)

List of values not available.
PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; Awarded screen; view or edit an increment under the Awards tab; Detailed Budget… tab; Award No.


Indexed - yes
Format - char (5)
May be null? yes

The 5-character numeric code that uniquely identifies the sponsor for the proposal to which the increment applies.

Codes less than or equal to 599999 were assigned to the sponsor by InfoEd (the vendor of the PennERA software). Codes greater than or equal to 60000 were assigned to the sponsor by the Office of Research Services.


Refer to the PENNERA_SPONSOR Table for values.
PennERA source: Proposal Tracking module; any screen for the proposal for the increment; summary box in the upper right corner of the screen; the sponsor code for the Sponsor.


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