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University of Pennsylvania
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XWALK_CRSE_NUMBER Table . Pennant Student Records Home . Data Warehouse Home

XWALK_CRSE_NUMBER Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.

Data element Definition

Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(100)
May be Null? Y

The initial long coures title in Banner


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30)
May be Null? Y

The initial course title in Banner


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(5)
May be Null? Y

indicates this will be a topics course in Banner


Indexed - no
Format - Date
May be Null? Y

The date the course number crosswalk table was populated in the warehouse


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(20)
May be Null? Y

The source system or process that populated this table


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(9)
May be Null? Y

Pennant subject and course number stored together, with no spaces in-between the subject and number.


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(5)
May be Null? Y

Pennant course number; the second part of the NGSS_Course_ID. Typically 4 integers in length, but can contain a trailing letter, making the length 5.


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(4)
May be Null? Y

Pennant code for the subject area of the course; the first part of the NGSS_Course_ID


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(8)
May be Null? Y

SRS subject and course number stored together, respecting SRS format of 4 + 3 (the first 4 positions of the field are for the SRS subject area, the last 3 positions of the field are for the SRS course number).


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(4)
May be Null? Y

SRS course number


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(4)
May be Null? Y

SRS subject area code; may be 2, 3 or 4 characters in length


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1)
May be Null? Y

A 'Y' in this field indicates this was a topics course in SRS


Indexed - yes
Format - Varchar2(15)
May be Null? N

internal warehouse table primary key, based on SRS_COURSE_ID and NGSS_SUBJECT and NGSS_COURSE_NUMBER

XWALK_CRSE_NUMBER Table . Pennant Student Records Home . Data Warehouse Home

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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania