Data element |
Definition |
Activity_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? N | The latest date this record was updated in the source. Source field: GORRACE_ACTIVITY_DATE |
Edi_Equiv Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | Source field: GORRACE_EDI_EQUIV |
Fed_Race_Code Indexed - yes
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? N | Regulatory race code, used in federal reporting. The detailed race codes roll up into a federal regulatory race code. Source field: GORRACE_RRAC_CODE |
Fed_Race_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(60) May be Null? Y | Text description of the regulatory race code. Source field: GTVRRAC_DESC |
LMS_Equiv Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | Source field: GORRACE_LMS_EQUIV |
Race_Code Indexed - yes
Format - Varchar2(3) May be Null? N | Race code used at Penn. May be either a general or detailed code. At Penn, this table also includes detail codes for the hispanic ethnicity group, even though ethnicity is treated differently from race for federal reporting. Source ffield: GORRACE_RACE_CDE. See also Fed Race Code. |
Race_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(60) May be Null? Y | Text description of the race code. Source field: GORRACE_DESC. |
Refresh_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | Date of the latest refresh of this warehouse table |