Data element |
Definition |
Academic_Standing_EOT Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(2) May be Null? Y | Identifies student academic standing for the term (probation, good standing, etc.). Calculated based on the academic standing rules during the end of term standing process. Source field: SHRTTRM_ASTD_CODE_END_OF_TERM. Source validation table: STVASTD. Warehouse validation table: V_ACADEMIC_STANDING. |
Academic_Standing_EOT_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | Date on which the academic standing was last calculated or entered in the source. |
Academic_Standing_EOT_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Academic Standing EOT code. |
Academic_Year Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(4) May be Null? Y | The academic year in which the student plans to graduate. See also Exp_Grad_Term. Source field: SGBSTDN_ACYR_CODE. Source validation table: STVACYR. Warehouse validation table: V_ACADEMIC_YEAR |
Activity_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | The latest date the student's term record was updated in the source system. |
Admit_Term Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(6) | The most recent term in which the student was admitted. |
Rate Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(5) May be Null? Y | Code for a special billing rate to be used for the student in this term. Students with a null Rate code are billed at the "normal" rate for students in their division, degree, and program. A Rate code on the student's record indicates they will be billed differently from the "normal" rate. Source field: SGBSTDN_RATE_CODE. Source validation table: STVRATE. Warehouse validation table: V_RATE |
Rate_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Rate Code. |
Campus Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(3) May be Null? Y | Code for the student's campus this term. Source field: SGBSTDN_CAMP_CODE. Source validation table: STVCAMP. Warehouse validation table: V_CAMPUS |
Campus_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Campus Code. |
Classification Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(2) May be Null? Y | Students classification, calculated from their total earned credits at Penn plus total transfer and AP credits. |
Classification_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Classification Code. |
Combined_Acad_Standing Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(2) May be Null? Y | Combined Academic Standing code. Not currently used at Penn. Source field: SHRTTRM_CAST_CODE |
Combined_Acad_Standing_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | Date the combined academic standing code was entered. Source field: SHRTTRM_CAST_DATE. |
Combined_Acad_Standing_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Combined Acad Standing code. Source field: STVCAST_DESC. |
Concentration_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the primary Major_Concentration code |
Deans_List_Code Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(2) May be Null? Y | Identifies if student qualified for deans list for the term. Source field: SHRTTRM_ASTD_CODE_DL. Source validation table: STVASTD. |
Deans_List_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | Date on which the Dean's List code was assigned. |
Deans_List_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Dean's List code. |
Degree_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Degree Code. |
Degree_Level_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Primary Level code. |
Division_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(100) May be Null? Y | Description of the Division Code. Note: this is Banner's description field, which has a maximum length of 30 characters. To see the longer division name, from Penn's custom table, see V_DIVISION_V. |
Dual_Joint_Sub_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Dual_Joint_Sub_Ind code. |
Dual_Joint_Sub_Ind Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(6) May be Null? Y | Code that indicates the student is in one of the various types of multiple overlapping curriculum this term. For students in Coordinated Multiple Degree programs, to see the specific program codes, see COORD_MULTI_DEGREE in the ST_DEGREE_TERM table. Source field: SGBSTDN_DEGC_CODE_DUAL. Source validation table: STVDEGC. Warehouse validation table: V_DEGREE |
Enrolled_This_Term Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | Y/N indicator showing that a student enrolled and remained enrolled in all classes for the term. The student is also listed as enrolled (Y) if they are registered for a section for the current and future term. The student is listed as enrolled if they registered and completed a section for a previous term. A student who withdraws from all their courses for a term even if they completed part of a course will be listed as not enrolled (N). |
Exit_Action Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | Code for the type of exit, for students exiting their primary program this term, for example, leaves of absence. Note that Exit Action does not include graduation. |
Exit_Action_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Exit Action code. |
Exit_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | Date associated with the Exit Action. |
Exit_Term Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(6) May be Null? Y | Term associated with the Exit Action |
Exp_Grad_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | The expected graduation date from the student's primary program. |
Exp_Grad_Term Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(6) May be Null? Y | The expected graduation term from the student's primary program. |
Exp_Return_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | For students on Leave of Absence (see Exit Action), this is the expected date of their return to studying at Penn. |
Exp_Return_Term Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(6) May be Null? Y | For students on Leave of Absence, this is the academic term in which they plan to return. |
Fulltime_Parttime Indexed - no Format - Char May be Null? Y | Code computed from the Time Status indicating whether the student is full time or not this term. Source field: SFBETRM_TMST_CODE |
Major_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Primary Major_Minor code. |
Matric_Term Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(6) May be Null? Y | Source field: SGBSTDN_TERM_CODE_MATRIC |
Max_Load Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | The maximum hours override for this term, stored in Banner units. Source field: SFBETRM_MHRS_OVER |
Min_Load Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | The minimum hours for this student for this term, stored in Banner units. Source field: SFBETRM_MIN_HRS |
On_Deans_List Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | |
On_Dissertation Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | Indicates the student officially working on their Dissertation this term. Based on the presence of the Student Attribute 'UNDS' ("Student on Dissertation") in the same term. Source: SCRSATT_ATTS_CODE. |
On_Masters_Thesis Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | Indicates the student is currently working on a Masters' Thesis this term. Based on the presence of the Student Attribute 'UNMT' ("Student on Masters Thesis") in the same term. Source: SCRSATT_ATTS_CODE. |
On_Probation Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | Flag indicating the student is on academic probation this term. This is a calculated column that takes into account all of the system-generated academic standing codes that indicate the student is on probation and the probation override on the General Student record. |
Override_Acad_Standing Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(2) May be Null? Y | Code used to override the student's calculated academic standing this term. Source field: SGBSTDN_ASTD_CODE. Source validation table: STVASTD. Warehouse validation table: V_ACADEMIC_STANDING. |
Override_Acad_Standing_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Override Acad Standing code. Source field: STVASTD_DESC. |
Penn_Classification Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(4) May be Null? Y | Students classification for credits at Penn, as identified in their term attributes. Source field: SGRATTS_ATTS_CODE |
Penn_Classification_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Penn Classification Code. Source field: STVATTS_DESC. |
Penn_Id Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(9) May be Null? Y | Penn's identity management system identification number. Source field: SPRIDEN_ID |
Pidm Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | internal identification number in the source. Source field: SGBSTDN_PIDM |
Primary_Catalog_Term Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(6) May be Null? Y | The catalog term for the student's primary program. Source field: SGBSTDN_TERM_CODE_CTLG_1 |
Primary_Degree Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(6) May be Null? Y | Code for the student's primary degree. Source field: SGBSTDN_DEGC_CODE_1. Source validation table: STVDEGC. Warehouse validation table: V_DEGREE |
Primary_Division Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(2) May be Null? Y | Code for the student's primary academic division. Source field: SGBSTDN_COLL_CODE_1. Source validation table: STVCOLL. Warehouse validation table: V_DIVISION |
Primary_Level Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(2) May be Null? Y | Code for the student's primary degree level. Source field: SGBSTDN_LEVL_CODE. Source validation table: STVLEVL. Warehouse validation table: V_STDNT_LEVEL |
Primary_Major Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(4) May be Null? Y | Code for the student's first major in their primary degree program. Source field: SGBSTDN_MAJR_CODE_1. Source validation table: STVMAJR. Warehouse validation table: V_MAJOR_MINOR |
Primary_Major_Concentration Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(4) May be Null? Y | Code for the concentration that belongs to the primary major, if any. Source field: SGBSTDN_MAJR_CODE_CONC_1. Source validation table: STVMAJR. Warehouse validation table: V_CONCENTRATION |
Primary_Program Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(12) May be Null? Y | Code for the student's primary program. Source field: SGBSTDN_PROGRAM_1. Source validation table: SMRPRLE. Warehouse validation table: V_PROGRAM |
Primary_School Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(3) May be Null? Y | Code for the student's primary school. Source field: STVCOLL_DICD_CODE. Source validation table: GTVDICD. Warehouse validation table: V_SCHOOL |
Program_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Program Code. Source field: SMRPRLE_DESC. |
Progress_Evaluation Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(2) May be Null? Y | Progress Evaluation code. This is a rating of the students' progress towards their degree. See also Academic Standing. Source field: SHRTTRM_PREV_CODE. Source validation table: STVPREV. Warehouse validation table: V_PROGRESS_EVAL |
Progress_Evaluation_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Progress Evaluation code. Source field: STVVETC_DESC. |
Progress_Eval_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | The date the Progress Evaluation was last maintained. Source field: SHRTTRM_PREV_DATE |
Refresh_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | Date when this warehouse table was last refreshed. |
Registered_Credit_Bu Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | The number of credits, in Banner Units, for which the student is registered this term. A sum of the values in SFRSTCR_CREDIT_HR. |
Registered_This_Term Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | Y/N indicator showing that the student was registered for the semester. This includes students who registered and then withdrew from all classes. |
Residency Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | Code used by the School of Veterinary Medicine, to determine residency. Source field: SGBSTDN_RESD_CODE. Source validation table: STVRESD. Warehouse validation table: V_RESIDENCY |
Residency_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Residency Code. Source field: STVRESD_DESC. |
School_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the School Code. Note: this is Banner's description field, which has a maximum length of 30 characters. To see the longer school name, from Penn's custom table, see V_SCHOOL_V. |
Site Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(3) May be Null? Y | Code for the location the student is studying this term, if off campus. Source field: SGBSTDN_SITE_CODE. Source validation table: STVSITE. Warehouse validation table: V_SITE |
Site_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Site Code. Source field: STVSITE_DESC. Note: for Study Abroad programs, this description will provide the name of the foreign institution where they are studying. |
Source_Effective_Term Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(6) May be Null? Y | The term from the source in which the student term information became effective. Source field: SGBSTDN_TERM_CODE_EFF. See "Cautions and Notes" for the ST_TERM Table |
Student_Status Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(2) May be Null? Y | Source field: SGBSTDN_STST_CODE. Source validation table: STVSTST. Warehouse validation table: V_STUDENT_STATUS. |
Student_Status_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Student Status code. Source field: STVSTST_DESC. |
Student_Type Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | Source field: SGBSTDN_STYP_CODE. Source validation table: STVSTYP. Warehouse validation table: V_STUDENT_TYPE |
Student_Type_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Student Type code. Source field: STVSTYP_DESC. |
St_Term_Pk Indexed - yes
Format - Varchar2(46) May be Null? N | internal warehouse primary key, based on to_char(PIDM) and TERM |
Term Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(6) May be Null? Y | Derived from SGBSTDN_TERM_CODE_EFF. The source table is term-effective. In the warehouse, we are storing the data as term-by-term. |
Term_Enrlmnt_Reason Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(2) May be Null? Y | Student registration reason code. Source field: SFBETRM_RGRE_CODE. Source validation table: STVRGRE |
Term_Enrlmnt_Reason_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Term_Enrlmnt_Reason code. Source field: STVRGRE_DESC. |
Term_Enrlmnt_Status Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(2) May be Null? Y | Student enrollment status code. Source field: SFBETRM_ESTS_CODE. Source validation table: STVESTS. Warehouse validation table: V_REG_STATUS |
Term_Enrlmnt_Status_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Descripton of the Term_Enrlmnt_Status code. Source field: STVESTS_DESC. |
Time_Status Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(2) May be Null? Y | Code for the student's time status, for example FT, HT, 3Q, etc. Source field: SFBETRM_TMST_CODE. Source validation table: STVTMST. Warehouse validation table: V_TIME_STATUS |
Time_Status_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Time Status code. Source field: STVTMST_DESC. |
Veteran_Cert_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | Date the student was certified for veterans benefits. Source field: SGRVETN_CERT_DATE |
Veteran_Cert_Hours Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | Number of credit hours the student is certified for, for veterans benefits. Source field: SGRVETN_CERT_HOURS |
Veteran_Type Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | Code for the type of veteran. Source field: SGRVETN_VETC_CODE. Source validation table: STVVETC. Warehouse validation table: V_VETERAN_TYPE |
Veteran_Type_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Veteran Type code. Source field: STVVETC_DESC. |