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ST_NONCOURSE_REQ Table . Pennant Student Records Home . Data Warehouse Home

ST_NONCOURSE_REQ Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.

Data element Definition

Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(3)
May be Null? Y

Code for the relevant Academic History Event. Source field: SHRNCRS_EVEN_CODE. Source validation table: STVEVEN. Warehouse validation table: V_TRANSCRIPT_EVENT.


Indexed - no
Format - Date
May be Null? Y

The last date any part of this record was updated in the source. Source field: SHRNCRS_ACTIVITY_DATE.


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(9)
May be Null? Y

The Penn_ID of the student's advisor, if an advisor is relevant to the non-course requirement. Source field: SPRIDEN_ID, derived from SHRNCRS_ADVR_PIDM


Indexed - no
Format - Number
May be Null? Y

Internal identification number for the student's advisor related to the non-course requirement. Source field: SHRNCRS_ADVR_PIDM.


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(6)
May be Null? Y

Committee code relevent to the non-course requirement, if applicable. Source field: SHRNCRS_COMT_CODE. Source validation table: STVCOMT. Warehouse validation table: V_COMMITTEE_TYPE


Indexed - no
Format - Date
May be Null? Y

Purpose tbd.  Source field: SHRNCRS_COMPLETE_DATE.


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(2)
May be Null? Y

Status of the non-course requirement (satisfied, in-progress, waived, etc). Source field: SHRNCRS_NCST_CODE. 


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(4)
May be Null? Y

Code for the type of non-course requirement. Source field: SHRNCRS_NCRQ_CODE. Source validatin table: STVNCRQ.  Warehouse validation table: V_NON_CRSE_REQ


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(9)
May be Null? Y

Penn's identity management system identification number. Source field: SPRIDEN_ID.


Indexed - no
Format - Number
May be Null? Y

Internal identification number. Source field: SHRNCRS_PIDM


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(3)
May be Null? Y

Qualifying Paper sequence number. Source field: SHRNCRS_QPNM_SEQ_NO.


Indexed - no
Format - Date
May be Null? Y

The latest date the table was refreshed in the warehouse


Indexed - no
Format - Number
May be Null? Y

Source field: SHRNCRS_SEQ_NO


Indexed - no
Format - Date
May be Null? Y

Date the noncourse requirement status (satisfied, in-progress) was last updated. Source field: SHRNCRS_NCST_DATE.


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2 (6 Char)
May be Null? Y

Term associated with the Status Date. Derived from SHRNCRS_NCST_DATE.
See notes in the Student Academic Event Table page re how to join the Status_Term to an event term, for events of type TRQ (teaching requirements).


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(2)
May be Null? Y

The student's level for the non-course requirement. Source field: SHRNCRS_LEVL_CODE.


Indexed - yes
Format - Varchar2(15)
May be Null? N

Primary key based on PIDM and SEQ_NO

ST_NONCOURSE_REQ Table . Pennant Student Records Home . Data Warehouse Home

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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania