Data element |
Definition |
Activity_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | The latest date the record was updated in the source. Source field: SPRHOLD_ACTIVITY_DATE. |
Amount Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | The dollar amount associated with the hold, if applicable. Source field: SPRHOLD_AMOUNT_OWED. |
From_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | The effective begin date of the hold. Source field: SPRHOLD_FROM_DATE. |
Grade_Hold_Ind Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | Indicates that the type of hold the student is/was on prevented student from requesting an official release of their grades. |
Graduation_Hold_Ind Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | Indicates that the type of hold the student is/was on prevented student from graduating. |
Hold_Entry_User Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | System user id for person or office that initiated the hold. Source field: SPRHOLD_USER. |
Hold_Status Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | Data Warehouse only field: calculated from the effective dates of the hold. A = Active hold, I = Inactive hold |
Hold_Type Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(2) May be Null? Y | Code for the type of hold that the student was placed on. Source field: SPRHOLD_HLDD_CODE. Source validation table: STVHLDD. Warehouse validation table: V_HOLD |
Hold_Type_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Text description of the Hold Type code. Source field: STVHLDD_DESC |
Penn_ID Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(9) May be Null? Y | Penn's identity management system's identification number. Source field: SPRIDEN_ID |
Pidm Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | Banner internal indentification number. Source field: SPRHOLD_PIDM |
Reason Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | The reason the hold was placed on the student's record. Source field: SPRHOLD_REASON |
Refresh_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | The latest date the record was refreshed in the warehouse. |
Registration_Hold_Ind Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | Indicates that the type of hold the student is/was on prevented registration activity. |
St_Hold_Pk Indexed - yes
Format - Varchar(70) May be Null? N | internal warehouse primary key, based on PIDM, HLDD_CODE, USER, FROM_DATE and TO_DATE |
To_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | The end date is when the hold expires. Source field: SPRHOLD_TO_DATE. |
Transcript_Hold_Ind Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | Indicates that the type of hold the student is/was on prevented student from requesting an official transcript. |