Data element |
Definition |
Acad_Hist_Ind Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | A Y/N flag indicating whether or not the record was sourced from Academic History or the current registration record. Academic History records come from SATURN_SHRTCKN. The current registrations come from SATURN_SFTSTCR. |
Acad_Hist_Seq_Num Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | Banner internal sequence number, for academic history records only. |
Activity_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | The latest activity date in the source tables. Source: SFRSTCR_ACTIVITY_DATE for current registrations, SHRTCKN_ACTIVITY_DATE for academic history. |
Add_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | The date in which the student's enrollment in this course section was added. Will only be available for enrollment records in terms greate than or = 202220; terms prior to that do not have registration records, only academic history records. Source: SFRSTCR_ADD_DATE |
Appr_Over_Ind Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | This field identifies the special approval override of this CRN. Will only be available for enrollment records in terms greater than or = 202220; terms prior to that do not have registration records, only academic history records. Source: SFRSTCR_APPR_OVER |
Audit_Ind Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | Indicates the student is auditing the course, or, for academic history, received a grade of AUD (audit) for the course. Source: SFRSTCR_RSTS_CODE for current registrations, or SHRTCKG_GRDE_CODE_FINAL for academic history. |
Billing_Credits Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | The billing credit hours for the course section, stored in Penn currency/native units, as determined by credit type. For academic history registrations, this field will be null. |
Billing_Credits_Bu Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | The Billing credit hours associated with this CRN, stored in Banner units. For academic history registrations, this field will be null. Source: SFRSTCR_BILL_HR |
Operative Credits Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | Operative Credits stored in native Penn currency. Operative credits are only found in the warehouse - this field is derived from the source Banner data: operative credit = registered credits unless registered credits are 0, in which case operative credit = billed credits. Can be used to identify courses in which the student is registered even if they are not receiving registration credit for the course, for example, people in dissertation courses, or people auditing a course. |
Operative Credits BU Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | Operative Credits stored in Banner Units (BU). Operative credits are only found in the warehouse - this field is derived from the source Banner data: operative credits BU = registered credit BU unless registered credits are 0, in which case operative credit BU = billed credits BU. Can be used to identify courses in which the student is registered even if they are not receiving registration credit for the course, for example, people in dissertation courses, or people auditing a course. |
Block_Code Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(10) May be Null? Y | definition tbd.
Block_Id Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | definition tbd.
Campus_Code Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(3) May be Null? Y | The campus code of the course section in this term. Source: SFRSTCR_CAMP_CODE for current registrations, SHRTCKN_CAMP_CODE for academic history. |
Capc_Over_Ind Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | This field identifies the capacity override of this CRN. Will only be available for enrollment records in terms greater than or = 202220; terms prior to that do not have registration records, only academic history records. Source: SFRSTCR_CAPC_OVER |
Clas_Over_Ind Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | This field identifies the classification restriction override of this CRN. Will only be available for enrollment records in terms greater then or = 202220; terms prior to that do not have registration records, only academic history records. Source: SFRSTCR_CLAS_OVER |
Coll_Over_Ind Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | This field identifies the division restriction override of this CRN. Will only be available for enrollment records in terms greater than or = 202220; terms prior to that do not have registration records, only academic history records. Source: SFRSTCR_COLL_OVER |
Contact_Hours Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | The contact hours for the student in the course section. Source: SSBSECT_CONT_HR for current registrations, SHRTCKN_CONT_HR for academic history. |
Corq_Over_Ind Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | This field identifies the co-requisite override of this CRN. Will only be available for enrollment records in terms greater than or = 202220; terms prior to that do not have registration records, only academic history records. Source: SFRSTCR_CORQ_OVER |
Course_Comment Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | definition tbd.
Course_Id Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(9) May be Null? Y | The subject and course number presented together in one field. No extra spaces are added in-between subject and course number. |
Course_Number Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(50) May be Null? Y | Number (stored as char) associated with the Subject, that identifies the course. Source field: SSBSECT_CRSE_NUMB for current enrollments, SHRTCKN_CRSE_NUMB for academic history. |
Credit_Type Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(2) May be Null? Y | Identifies the Penn currency type used in this enrollment record. Penn courses can be CU (course units), SH (semester hours) or CR (credits).
Note that Banner uses only one type of credit, that is the equivalent of CUs. |
Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(5) May be Null? Y | The internal course reference number associated with the course section. Source field: SFRSTCR_CRN for current enrollments, SHRTCKN_CRN for academic history. |
Crse_Title Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | The title of the course.
Source: SSBSECT_CRSE_TITLE for current registrations, SHRTCKN_CRSE_TITLE for academic history. |
Dupl_Over_Ind Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | This field identifies the duplicate course override of this CRN. Will only be available for enrollment records in terms greater than or = 202220; terms prior to that do not have registration records, only academic history records. Source: SFRSTCR_DUPL_OVER |
Earned_Credit Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | The earned credit hours for the course section, stored in Penn currency/native units, as determined by credit type. For current registrations, this field will be null. |
Earned_Credit_Bu Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | The earned credit hours associated with this CRN, stored in Banner units. For current registrations, this field will be null. Source: SHRTCKG_CREDIT_HOURS |
End_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | The section end date. Course sections are assigned dates based on the part of term in which the section is offered. Note that the full term is also identified as a part of term. Sections offered for the full term will have the term's end date. Sections offered for a part of term that is not the full term will have that specific part of term's end date. Source: SSBSECT_PTRM_END_DATE |
Gpa_Hours_Bu Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | GPA Hours associated with the Course section. Use to calculate course section GPA as SUM(Quality Points)/SUM(GPA Hours). |
Gradable_ind Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | When the course section in which the student is enrolled has been set as "gradable" this field will be 'Y' and when the course section has been set as "not gradable" this field will be 'N.' When there is no associated course section record (as is the case for most enrollments prior to Summer 2022), this field will be null. Source: SSBSECT_GRADABLE_IND |
Grade Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(6) May be Null? Y | The latest official grade associated with this enrollment in this course section. Source: SHRTCKG_GRDE_CODE_FINAL |
Grade_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | The date the grade was assigned to the student's enrollment in this course section. Source: SHRTCKG_FINAL_GRDE_CHG_DATE |
Grade_Mode Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | The grade mode that applies to this student's enrollment in this course section. Course sections can be offered for multiple grade modes (see the CRSE_SECT_GRADE_MODE table). When a student registers for a course section, they are presented with the grade modes available to them and they must select one, which is then stored on their enrollment record. It is possible for a grade mode to change. ST_ENROLLMENT only contains the latest Grade Mode for the student's enrollment in this course section. Source: SFRSTCR_GMOD_CODE for current registrations, SHRTCKG_GMOD_CODE for academic history.
Source validation table: STVGMOD. Warehouse validation table: V_GRADE_MODE |
Grade_Mode_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the Grade Mode code. Source: STVGMOD_DESC |
Grade_Points_Bu Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | Grade points associated with the Course section. Source: SHRGRDE_QUALITY_POINTS |
Incomplete_Extension_date Indexed - no
Format - Date May be Null? Y | The date by which the default final grade will be applied to academic history if coursework is still incomplete. Source: SHRTCKG_INCOMPLETE_EXT_DATE |
Levl_Over_Ind Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(4) May be Null? Y | This field identifies the level restriction override of this CRN. Will only be available for enrollment records in terms greater than or = 202220; terms prior to that do not have registration records, only academic history records. Source: SFRSTCR_LEVL_OVER |
Link_Over_Ind Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | This field identifies the section link override of this CRN. Will only be available for enrollment records in terms greater than or = 202220; terms prior to that do not have registration records, only academic history records. Source: SFRSTCR_LINK_OVER |
Long_Crse_Title Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(100) May be Null? Y | The long course title associated with the section. Source: SSRSYLN_CRSE_LONG_TITLE for current registrations, SHRTCKN_LONG_COURSE_TITLE for academic history. |
Majr_Over_Ind Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | This field identifies the major restriction override of this CRN. Will only be available for enrollment records in terms greater than or = 202220; terms prior to that do not have registration records, only academic history records. Source: SFRSTCR_MAJR_OVER |
Num_Extensions Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | definition tbd.
Source: SSBSECT_NUMBER_OF_EXTENTIONS for current registrations, SHRTCKN_NUMBER_OF_EXTENSIONS for academic history |
Part_Of_Term Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(3) May be Null? Y | The part-of-term code associated with this Course Reference Number (CRN). Source field: SFRSTCR_PTRM_CODE for current enrollments, SHRTCKN_PTRM_CODE for academic history. |
Part_Of_Term_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | Description of the part-of-term code. Source validation table: STVPTRM. |
Penn_Id Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(9) May be Null? Y | Penn identity management system's identification number. Source: SPRIDEN_ID |
Pidm Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | Internal Identification Number of the student. Source: SFRSTCR_PIDM for current registrations, SHRTCKN_PIDM for academic history |
Preq_Over_Ind Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | This field identifies the prerequisite override of this CRN. Will only be available for enrollment records in terms greater than or = 202220; terms prior to that do not have registration records, only academic history records. Source: SFRSTCR_PREQ_OVER |
Previous_Grade Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(6) May be Null? Y | Previous grade for the Course section. The last grade change prior to the Reported_Grade. Source: SHRTCKG_GRDE_CODE_FINAL |
Primary_Student_Level Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(2) May be Null? Y | Primary level to which this student's enrollment in this course section in this term applies. Note that once an enrollment has moved to academic history, it can be "pointed to" more than one level; see the ST_ENRLMNT_LEVEL table. Before it moves to academic history, it can only have one level. In ST_ENROLLMENT, the Primary_Student Level is either that one level for current registrations, or the level designated as the primary level for academic history records.
Source: SFRSTCR_LEVL_CODE for current registrations, or, for academic history: SHRTCKL_LEVL_CODE where the associated SHRTCKL_PRIMARY_LEVL_IND='Y' |
Quality_Points_Bu Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | Quality points associated with the Course section, calculated as Quality_points*Earned_credits. Can be used to calculate course section GPA as SUM(Quality Points)/SUM(GPA Hours). Source: SHRGRDE_QUALITY_POINTS |
Refresh_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | The latest date this warehouse table was refreshed. |
Registered_Credit Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | The credit hours for the course section, stored in Penn currency/native units, as determined by credit type. |
Reg_Complete_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | defintion tbd.
Source: SSBSECT_TO_DATE for current registrations, SHRTCKN_REG_COMPLETION_DATE for academic history. |
Reg_Credit_Bu Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | The registered credit hours associated with this course section, stored in Banner units. Source: SFRSTCR_CREDIT_HR for current registrations, SHRTCKG_HOURS_ATTEMPTED for academic history. |
Reg_Seq_Num Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | Internal source key, used to link to other registration and academic history tables. Source field: SFRSTCR_REG_SEQ for current enrollments. SHRTCKN_REG_SEQ for academic history. |
Reg_Start_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | definition tbd.
Source: SSBSECT_FROM_DATE for current registrations, SHRTCKN_REG_START_DATE for academic history. |
Reg_Status Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(2) May be Null? Y | The course section registration's latest status. Note that the status can indicate that student has dropped the course. See the validation table V_REG_STATUS for values, or see the Reg_Status_Desc column. The ST_ENROLLMENT table does not contain the full history of all registration status; it has the latest status. Source: SFRSTCR_RSTS_CODE. Source validation table: STVRSTS. Warehouse validation table: V_REG_STATUS. |
Reg_Status_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | The date associated with the latest course registration status. Source: SFRSTCR_RSTS_DATE |
Reg_Status_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(30) May be Null? Y | The description of the Reg_Status code. Source: STVRSTS_DESC |
Reg_Status_Category Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | A categorization of the registrations status code, this field exists only in the Data Warehouse. Based on the associated value in the status lookup table (STVRSTS_VOICE_TYPE), the registration status category has values of R, D, or W. |
Reg_Status_Category_Desc Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(12)
May be Null? Y | Description of Reg_Status_Category. This field exists only in the Data Warehouse. The valid values and their descriptions are: R = Registered in course, D = Dropped course, W = Withdrew from course. |
Repeat_Course_Ind Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | Used to flag student's enrollment as repeated for inclusion or exclusion in GPA calculation. (I)-include, (E)-exclude or (A)-exclude from earned hours but average into gpa. Will appear only on records from academic history. Source SHRTCKN_REPEAT_COURSE_IND |
Reported_Grade Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(6) May be Null? Y | Reported grade for the Course section. Grade assigned to the section prior to pass/fail or
assigned grade if not pass/fail. Source: SHRTCKG_GRDE_CODE_FINAL |
Schedule_Type Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(3) May be Null? Y | The type of schedule for the course section, for example LEC, LAB, REC, SEM, etc. Source: SSBSECT_SCHD_CODE. Source validation table: STVSCHD. Warehouse validation table: V_SCHED_TYPE. |
Section_Id Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(12) May be Null? Y | The subject, course number, and section number presented together in one field. No extra spaces are added in-between subject, course number, and section number. |
Section_Number Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(3) May be Null? Y | The number (stored as char) for the specific Section. Source field: SSBSECT_SEQ_NUMB for current enrollments, SHRTCKN_SEQ_NUMB for academic history. |
Start_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | The section start date. Course sections are assigned dates based on the part of term in which the section is offered. Note that the full term is also identified as a part of term. Sections offered for the full term will have the term's start date. Sections offered for a part of term that is not the full term will have that specific part of term's start date. Source: SSBSECT_PTRM_START_DATE |
Struct_Req_Detail_Id Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | definition tbd.
Struct_Req_Id Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | defintion tbd.
Stsp_Key_Seqno Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | definition tbd.
Studypath_Seq Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | definition tbd.
Source: SFRSTCR_STSP_KEY_SEQUENCE for current registrations, SHRTCKN_STSP_KEY_SEQUENCE for academic history |
St_Enrollment_Pk Indexed - yes
Format - Varchar2(51) May be Null? N | Internal warehouse primary key: PIDM, TERM_CODE, course CRN |
Subject_Area Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(4) May be Null? Y | Code for the subject area of the course section. Source validation table: STVSUBJ. Warehouse validation table: V_SUBJECT. |
Term Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(6) May be Null? Y | The registration term code. The registration term code. Source field: SFRSTCR_TERM_CODE for current enrollments, SHRTCKN_TERM_CODE for academic history. |
Time_Over_Ind Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(1) May be Null? Y | This field identifies the time conflict override of this CRN. Will only be available for enrollment records in terms greater than or = 202220; terms prior to that do not have registration records, only academic history records. Source: SFRSTCR_TIME_OVER |
Waived_Credits Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | The waived credit hours for the course section, stored in Penn currency/native units, as determined by credit type. For academic history registrations, this field will be null. |
Waived_Credits_Bu Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | The Waived credit hours associated with this course section, stored in Banner units (BU). For academic history registrations, this field will be null. Source: SFRSTCR_WAIV_HR |