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University of Pennsylvania
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ST_EMAIL column definitions . Pennant Student Records Home . Data Warehouse Home

ST_EMAIL table



Contains student email addresses. Students can have multiple email addresses of different types, and also multiple email addresses for the same type.

Email addresses have a Status of A (Active) or I (Inactive). Old/obsolete email addresses are generally not deleted; they are maintained with an inactive status.

Only one email address can be assigned a Preferred_Ind = 'Y' at any given time, and it must be an active address. Generally, the source business rules will guarantee that the student's email address be their preferred email, for active students.


The warehouse ST_EMAIL table is refreshed in batch mode from the Operational Data Store (ODS), which gets its data from the Banner database. The ODS source tables are UPENN_ODS.SATURN_SPRIDEN and UPENN_ODS.GENERAL_GOREMAL. In the online Pennant system, the data about students' email addresses can be viewed on the SPAIDEN form.

Common Uses

  • Identify students' preferred email addresses to prepare for a targeted mailing.
  • Find students with a specific type of email address.


Primary Key Indexed Data Elements Related Tables


Cautions and notes

  • Email address was formerly stored in the Person record in the legacy warehouse tables because we had only one address per person in the old SRS source. Now that students can have more than one email address, each identified by an "email type," the email addresses are stored in a separate table.
  • A Status of 'A' means the source system has that email address flagged as Active -- it does not guarantee that the address is still a valid working address.
  • Even though one of the available and valid email types is 'ADM' for the Admissions email address, only matriculated students will have a record in this table. For data about applicants and admits who have not yet matriculated, you will need to query the Admissions Data Collections.
ST_EMAIL column definitions . Pennant Student Records Home . Data Warehouse Home


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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania