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ST_DEGREE_TERM Table . Pennant Student Records Home . Data Warehouse Home

ST_DEGREE_TERM Table - Data Element Index

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Data element Definition

Indexed - no
Format - VARCHAR2 (15)
May be Null? Y

The category of academic program that the student is pursuing.
Academic Program Types include:

  • Certificate and Non-Degree Program
  • Non-Credit Programs and Affiliated Students
  • PhD and Research Masters
  • Professional and Other degree Program
  • Traditional Undergraduate



    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(60)
    May be Null? Y

    Description of the Acad_Prog_Type_Code. Source: SORXREF_DESC


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(8)
    May be Null? Y

    Indicates whether or not the program the student is pursuing will result in a credential. Values are:




    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    A calculated Y/N indicator, based on the values found in the Acad_Prog_Type and Credential_Ind. A 'Y' in this field indicates the student is pursuing a degree.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    Date the record was created or updated. Source field: SORLCUR_ACTIVITY_DATE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(6)
    May be Null? Y

    Source field: SORLCUR_TERM_CODE_ADMIT.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(3)
    May be Null? Y

    Campus associated with the student's curriculum. At Penn, most students are studying at the main campus in Philadelphia, Campus code = 'PHL'. Some executive MBA students are studying at the west coast campus, Campus code = 'SFO'. Students whose programs are entirely online are in Campus code = 'ONL'

    Source field: SORLCUR_CAMP_CODE. Source validation table: STVCAMP. Warehouse validation table: V_CAMPUS.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Campus description. Text describing the value in CAMPUS. Campuses used by the University of Pennsylvania include Philadelphia, San Francisco, or Online.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(6)
    May be Null? Y

    The catalog term for the student's degree. Source field: SORLCUR_TERM_CODE_CTLG


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2)
    May be Null? Y

    Calulated by a Banner function, based on rules that examine the students's successfully completed credit units including transfer credit, and the student's level.
    See also Penn Classification.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Text description of the Classification code


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(4)
    May be Null? Y

    Concentration code, if any, associated with the student's primary Major on this record. Source field: SORLFOS_MAJR_CODE where the LFST code is "CONCENTRATION"


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Text description of the CONCENTRATION code.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(10)
    May be Null? Y

    Coordinated multiple degree cohort code. Identifies the specific coordinated dual/multiple degree. Will only appear if the student is in such a program, and if the student is in such a program, the coordinated multiple degree cohort will appear on all related curriculum records in the term. Source field: SGRCHRT_CHRT_CODE. Source validation table: STVCHRT. Warehouse validation table: V_COHORT. See also ST_COHORT.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Text description of the coordinated multiple degree code.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    Do not use this field to indentify active students.
    This is an internal Banner data element included for administrative data tracking purposes – do not use this field unless working with the source data in Banner. SORLCUR_CURRENT_CDE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Char
    May be Null? Y

    Indicates the student is on leave from this curriculum this term. It is possible for students to go on leave after the term has started and they have enrolled in courses. If they drop all their courses and go on leave mid-semester (before the last day to drop a course), their Curric_On_Leave_This_Term will be 'Y'. If they go on leave at the end of the term, the Curric_On_Leave_This_Term will be set on the subsequent term. Derived from SORLCUR_LEAV_CODE for leave action codes only.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Used to identify the primary program, and one or more additional concurrent programs. Aside from the Primary, the other order numbers should not be interpreted as having any rank or priority ordering. Values: 10, 20, 30, 40, etc. Source field: SORLCUR_PRIORITY_NO


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(60)
    May be Null? Y

    Do not use this field to indentify active students.
    This is an internal Banner data element included for administrative data tracking purposes – do not use this field unless working with the source data in Banner. SORLCUR_CACT_CODE. STVCACT.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(6)
    May be Null? Y

    Degree code on the student's curriculum. Source field: SORLCUR_DEGC_CODE. Source validation table: STVDEGC. Warehouse validation table: V_DEGREE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Degree description. Text describing the value in DEGREE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Source field: SORLCUR_KEY_SEQNO. In Banner this relates to the outcome record in SHRDGMR.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2)
    May be Null? Y

    The level associated with the degree code. Source field: STVDEGC_DLEV_CODE


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Text describing the value in DEGREE_LEVEL. Source field: STVDLEV_DESC


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Derived from the curriculum priority number, this column identifies the primary (1), secondary (2), tertiary (3) etc. for the program order of the curricula.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    internal sequence number of the degree term record, used to join the degree term table to the major table; part of the unique key for this table. Source field: SORLCUR_SEQNO.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2)
    May be Null? Y

    Division code on the student's curriculum. Source field: SORLCUR_COLL_CODE. Source validation table: STVCOLL. Warehouse validation table, that includes the legacy codes for divisions: V_DIVISION. Note that school codes are also stored in the STVCOLL and V_DIVISION tables. Division codes are two-character; school codes are 1 character.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(100)
    May be Null? Y

    Division description. Text describing the value in DIVISION.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Internal number, used only in Penn's Data Warehouse. This is not stored in the source, nor should it be stored in downstream systems. Its sole purpose is to link together the student's degree term rows that all belong to the same curriculum.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(6)
    May be Null? Y

    The term the degree term information on any specific term row went into effect for that student. The Banner tables are term-effective. To facilitate reporting, the data are stored in the warehouse term-by-term. Thus you will see multiple terms in the ST_DEGREE_TERM table where the Effective_Term value is the same across multiple terms. Source field: SORLCUR_TERM_CODE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    Exiting action code for this term. If this field is blank, the student did not exit the curriculum in this term. Leave of absence is one type of exit action. Other types include Drop, Withdraw, etc. Note that graduation is not considered an exit action.

    Source field: SORLCUR_LEAV_CODE. Source validation table: STVLEAV. Warehouse validation table: V_EXIT_ACTION.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    Date the student exited this curriculum. Source field: SORLCUR_LEAV_FROM_DATE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2 (2 Char)
    May be Null? Y

    Code for the reason the student exited. Exit action reason comes from a materialized view: GYVSDED, which is sourced from the Banner table GORSDAV.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2 (30 Char)
    May be Null? Y

    Text description of the Exit Reason code. Source: STVWRSN_DESC. Warehouse validation table: V_EXIT_ACTION_REASON


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(4000)
    May be Null? Y

    Term the student exited this curriculum. Exit term comes from a materialized view: GYVSDED, which is sourced from the Banner table GORSDAV.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    This date identifies when a student's leave is discovered (not the same as when the student starts their leave.) Discovery date comes from a materialized view: GYVSDED, which is sourced from the Banner table GORSDAV.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    Date the student expects to graduate from this curriculum. Source field: SORLCUR_EXP_GRAD_DATE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(4000)
    May be Null? Y

    Term the student expects to graduate from this curriculum. derived from SORLCUR_EXP_GRAD_DATE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    Date the student expects to return to this curriculum (relevant for Leaves only). Source field: SORLCUR_LEAV_TO_DATE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(4000)
    May be Null? Y

    Term the student expects to return to this curriculum (relevant for Leaves only). Derived from SORLCUR_LEAV_TO_DATE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(4)
    May be Null? N

    Primary major from Field of Study records related to the curricula. Source field: SORLFOS_MAJR_CODE where the LFST code is 'MAJOR' for the lowest priority order (primary major). Source validation table: STVMAJR. Warehouse validation table: V_MAJOR_MINOR


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    A count of majors associated with this curriculum. Every degree term row must have at least one major, and can have more than one.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Text description of the MAJOR code.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    A count of minors associated with this curriculum. Degree term records can have zero minors, and they can have multiple minors.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(4)
    May be Null? Y

    Code for the student attribute that indicates a Penn-classification (different from system-calculated classification). Penn-classification is based on the courses a student has taken at Penn, and does not include external transfer credits.
    Source field: SGRSATT_ATTS_CODE
    where sgrsatt_atts_code like 'PC%'


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Text description of the Penn_Classification code.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(9)
    May be Null? Y

    Penn's identity management system identification number. Source field: SPRIDEN_ID.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(4)
    May be Null? Y

    An attribute code that identifies the number of terms a PhD student has been pursuing the PhD.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Text description of the code in PHD_TERM


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Banner's internal identification number for the student. Source field: SORLCUR_PIDM.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(12)
    May be Null? Y

    Academic Program code of the student's curriculum. Source field: SORLCUR_PROGRAM. Source validation table: SMRPRLE. Warehouse validation table: V_PROGRAM.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Text describing the value in PROGRAM.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    Date the warehouse table was last refreshed


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(3)
    May be Null? Y

    School code associated with the division code on the student's curriculum. Derived from the division in the source field SORLCUR_COLL_CODE, with a lookup to the school values in the source validation table: STVDICD. Warehouse validation table, which includes the legacy codes for schools: V_SCHOOL.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    School description. Text describing the value in SCHOOL.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(3)
    May be Null? Y

    Site associated with the student's curriculum. At Penn, Site is used, among other things, to identify the student's college or university location when they are on Study Abroad. Source field: SORLCUR_SITE_CODE. Source validation table: STVSITE. Warehouse validation table: V_SITE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Site description. Text descibing the values in SITE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2)
    May be Null? Y

    Student's level code in this curriculum. The student's level is used to determine courses the student is allowed to take, and is the basis for identifying what academic activity will appear on transcripts. A student who is enrolled in multiple curricula in multiple levels will have multiple transcripts, and courses taken at the same level will appear on the same transcript. Source field: SORLCUR_LEVL_CODE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Text describing the value in STUDENT_LEVEL. Source field: STVLEVL_DESC.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(1)
    May be Null? Y

    Student type associated with the student's curriculum. The student type identifies whether they are a new undergraduate, a new grad student, a new transfer student, a continuing student, a visiting student, etc. Source field: SORLCUR_STYP_CODE. Source validation table: STVSTYP. Warehouse validation table: V_STDNT_TYPE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Student type description. Text describing the value in STUDENT_TYPE.


    Indexed - yes
    Format - Varchar2(126)
    May be Null? N

    internal warehouse primary key, based on SORLCUR_PIDM, SORLCUR_TERM, DWLD_CURRIC_ID and SORLCUR_SEQNO


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(6)
    May be Null? Y

    In Banner, curriculum records are stored as term-effective. In the warehouse, the data are extracted and stored term-by-term, such that there is one row per student per term per curriculum.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This column is the value in the Term_Attempted_Credit_BU column translated into Penn native currency, based on the currency used by the student's school. For the Law school, this is the term attempted credits translated into the corresponding SH value. For the Dental and Veterinary schools, this is the term attempted credits translated into the corresponding CR value. For CU schools, Term_Attempted_Credit and Term_Attempted_Credit_BU will be the same.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Once a student's enrollment record has rolled to Academic History, their attempted and earned credits are calculated. This column is the sum of the credits the student was enrolled for in Penn courses, as of the end of the term when things rolled to Academic History, stored in Banner Units (BU). During the term -- prior to the roll to Academic History -- this field will reflect the courses in which the stuent is enrolled. (note: this is different from the attempted credit found in the ST_DEGREE_PURSUL table.)

    and for the current term: SFRSTCR_CREDIT_HR


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    This column is the value in the Term_Cum_Earned_Credit_BU column translated into Penn native currency, based on the currency used by the student's school. For the Law school, this is the cumulative credits translated into the corresponding SH value. For the Dental and Veterinary schools, this is the cumulative credits translated into the corresponding CR value. For CU schools, Term_Cum_Earned_Credit and Term_Cum_Earned_Credit_BU will be the same.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Once a student's enrollment record has rolled to Academic History, their earned credits are calculated. This column is the sum of the credits the student successfully earned in Penn courses, up to the start of the specified term (everything taken prior to that term), stored in Banner Units (BU).


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Student's overall grade point average, as-of the start of a specified term. For the data warehouse, Term_Cumulative_GPA is stored out to 3 decimal points.
    Source: calculated from the SHRTGPA_QUALITY_POINTS and SHRTGPA_GPA_HOURS.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The cumulative quality points, used to calculate the term GPA, in Banner units.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The value of the total earned credits for this term translated into Penn native currency, based on the currency used by the student's school. For the Law school, this is the term earned credits translated into the corresponding SH value. For the Dental and Veterinary schools, this is the term earned credits translated into the corresponding CR value. For CU schools, Term_Earned_Credit and Term_Earned_Credit_BU will be the same.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The total earned credits for courses taken for Penn institutional credit this term, in Banner Units (BU). Calculated once the enrollment record has rolled to Academic History. Source field: SHRTGPA_HOURS_EARNED where SHRTGPA_GPA_TYPE_IND = 'I'


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2)
    May be Null? Y

    Admit code or entering action for this term. If this is not the student's first term in the curriculum, this code should be like 'C%' Source field: SORLCUR_ADMT_CODE. Source validation table: STVADMT. Warehouse validation table: V_ADMIT_CODE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Student's grade point average this term, calculated once the enrollment record has rolled to Academic History. Source field: SHRTGPA_GPA.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The Term_GPA_Hours translated into Penn native currency, based on the currency used by the student's school. For the Law school, this is translated into the corresponding SH value. For the Dental and Veterinary schools, this is translated into the corresponding CR value. For CU schools, Term_GPA_Hours and Term_GPA_Hours_BU will be the same.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The credit hours, in Banner Units, used to calculate the term GPA.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The total quality points for this term translated so that it can be used in calculations using Penn native currency.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The total quality points for this term, in Banner Units (BU) used to calculate the GPA. Source field: SHRTGPA_QUALITY_POINTS where SHRTGPA_GPA_TYPE_IND = 'I'

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    University of Pennsylvania
    Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania