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ST_DEGREE_PURSUAL Table . Pennant Student Records Home . Data Warehouse Home

ST_DEGREE_PURSUAL Table - Data Element Index

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Data element Definition

Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(60)
May be Null? Y

The category of academic program that the student is pursuing.
Academic Program Types include:

  • Certificate and Non-Degree Program
  • Non-Credit Programs and Affiliated Students
  • PhD and Research Masters
  • Professional and Other degree Program
  • Traditional Undergraduate



    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(240)
    May be Null? Y

    Description of the Acad_Prog_Type_Code. Source: SORXREF_DESC


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    The latest date the record was updated in the source. Source field: SORLCUR_ACTIVITY_DATE.

    Admit Term

    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(6)
    May be Null? Y

    The earliest admit term for the curriculum. Source field: SORLCUR_TERM_CODE_ADMIT


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(3)
    May be Null? Y

    The code used to identify the source admissions system for the application. Note: App_source will be blank for curriculum created in Banner via conversion. Source field: SARADAP_RECR_CODE. Source validation table: DWNGSS.V_APP_SOURCE.


    Indexed - yes
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    The ID used in the source admissions system for the application. Note: Application_Id will be blank for curriculum created in Banner via conversion. Source field: SARADAP_WEB_CASHIER_USER.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Hours attempted for courses taken internally at Penn, for the specified level of the degree pursual, in native Penn currency. When the credit type = 'CU', the ATTEMPTED_CREDIT will be the same as the ATTEMPTED_CREDIT_BU.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Hours attempted for courses taken internally at Penn, for the specified level of the degree pursual, in Banner Units (BU). Note that ST_DEGREE_PURSUAL only shows the attempted credits that have rolled to academic history. Courses in which the student is actively enrolled in the current term, that have not yet rolled to academic history, are not included in the Attempted Credit BU in the ST_DEGREE_PURSUAL. (Note that this is different from the Term Attempted Credit BU found in the ST_DEGREE_TERM table).
    Source field: SHRLGPA-HOURS_ATTEMPTED where the gpa type in the source = 'I'


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(12)
    May be Null? Y

    Campus code of the curriculum related to the degree being pursued. Source field: SORLCUR_CAMP_CODE. Source validation table: STVCAMP. Warehouse validation table: V_CAMPUS.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(120)
    May be Null? Y

    Text description of the CAMPUS code.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(8)
    May be Null? Y

    The student's latest classification for the level of the degree pursual. Calculated from the student's completed credits, based on classification rules. Uses function: UPENN_ODS.F_CLASS_CODE


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(120)
    May be Null? Y

    Description of the Classification code. Source: SATURN_STVCLAS


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(16)
    May be Null? Y

    First concentration code attached to the primary major (at the most recent term). Source field: SORLFOS_MAJR_CODE where the LFST code is CONCEN for the row associated with the major code in the MAJOR column. For all of the students' majors and concentrations, see the table ST_MAJOR_MINOR.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(120)
    May be Null? Y

    Text description of the first concentration description attached to the primary major (at the most recent term)


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(32)
    May be Null? Y

    Indicates whether the academic program in the degree pursual leads to the awarding of a credential (a credential can be a certificate or a degree). Source: SORXREF_EDI_QLFR


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(8)
    May be Null? Y

    Calculated based on the student's school in this curriculum. Identifies the Penn course currency. All courses in Banner will be stored in Banner units, but Penn recognizes different currencies: CU (credit unit), CR (credits, used by Dental School) and SH (semester hours, used by Law School) 1 CU = 1 Banner unit 6 CR = 1 Banner unit 3 SH = 1 Banner unit


    Indexed - no
    Format - Char
    May be Null? Y

    Indicates whether the student is currently on leave from the curriculum in this degree pursual. Derived from SORLCUR_LEAV_CODE for the most recent term of the degree pursual.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(120)
    May be Null? Y

    Text description of the DEGREE_PURSUED code. Source: STVDEGC_DESC


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(8)
    May be Null? Y

    The level associated with the degree code. Source field: STVDEGC_DLEV_CODE


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(120)
    May be Null? Y

    Text describing the value in DEGREE_LEVEL. Source field: STVDLEV_DESC


    Indexed - yes
    Format - Varchar2(24)
    May be Null? Y

    Code for the degree being pursued. Source field: SORLCUR_DEGC_CODE. Source validation table: STVDEGC. Warehouse validation table: V_DEGREE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Char
    May be Null? Y

    For degree pursuals that will result in the granting of a credential, this field indicates whether that is a Penn degree. Derived from SORXREF_EDI_QLFR and SORXREF_BANNER_VALUE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The number of terms a student has been on dissertation. For Fall,Spring terms based on presence of UNDS attribute. Summer terms require UNDS attribute plus enrollment in a schedule type DIS course-section. Source: Calculated from the SSGRSATT table where SGRSATT_ATTS_CODE = 'UNDS'


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The number of terms a student has been on disseration abroad. Based on presence of UNDA attribute in Fall, Spring terms. Source: Calculated from the SSGRSATT table where SGRSATT_ATTS_CODE = 'UNDA'


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    DO NOT USE. This column is not being calculated and the associated object has been removed from the BusObj Universe.


    Indexed - yes
    Format - Varchar2(8)
    May be Null? Y

    Division code of the curriculum related to the degree being pursued. Source field: SORLCUR_COLL_CODE. Source validation table: STVCOLL. Warehouse validation table: V_DIVISION.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(100)
    May be Null? Y

    Text description of the DIVISION code.


    Indexed - yes
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Data Warehouse internal identifier for a unique curriculum for a student, based on Penn's business rules for the definition of "degree pursual." This field does not exist in the Banner source database, nor should it be used outside of warehouse queries. It is calculated as part of the data load, and can change, so should not ever be used as a static data point.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Hours earned for courses taken internally at Penn, for the specified level of the degree pursual, in native Penn currency. When the credit type = 'CU' the EARNED_CREDIT will be the same as the EARNED_CREDIT_BU.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Hours earned for courses taken internally at Penn, for the specified level of the degree pursual, in Banner Units (BU). Source field: SHRLGPA_HOURS_EARNED where the gpa type in the source = 'I'.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(8)
    May be Null? Y

    The earliest admit code for the specific curriculum. Source field: SORLCUR_ADMT_CODE. Source validation table: STVADMT. Warehouse validation table: V_ADMIT_TYPE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(120)
    May be Null? Y

    Description of the code in Entry_Action. Source: STVADMT_DESC


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(24)
    May be Null? Y

    The earliest term for the curriculum that does not have an exit action of Cancel or Defer. Source field is SORLCUR_TERM_CODE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(4)
    May be Null? Y

    Any exit from the curriculum (leave, withdraw, drop, etc.) that is not a graduation. Source field: SORLCUR_LEAV_CODE. Source validation table: STVLEAV. Warehouse validation table: V_EXIT_ACTION.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(120)
    May be Null? Y

    Description of the code in Exit_Action. Source: STVLEAV_DESC


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    The most recent date the student exited from the curriculum (excluding graduation). Source field: SORLCUR_LEAV_FROM_DATE. Can be null, for some exit actions.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(2 Char)
    May be Null? Y

    Code for the reason the student exited. Exit action reason comes from a materialized view: GYVSDED, which is sourced from the Banner table GORSDAV.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(30 Char)
    May be Null? Y

    Text description of the Exit Reason code. Source: STVWRSN_DESC. Warehouse validation table: V_EXIT_ACTION_REASON


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(24)
    May be Null? Y

    The most recent term the student exited from the curriculum (excluding graduation). Source: derived from SORLCUR_LEAV_FROM_DATE. Can be null, for some exit actions.


    Indexed - no
    May be Null? Y

    This date identifies when a student's leave is discovered (not the same as when the student starts their leave.) Discovery date in the ST_DEGREE_PURSUAL table is for the most recent separation from the university. Discovery date comes from a materialized view: GYVSDED, which is sourced from the Banner table GORSDAV.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    The latest expected graduation date for the division, degree, level, program. Source field: SORLCUR_EXP_GRAD_DATE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(24)
    May be Null? Y

    The term in which the student expects to graduate. Derived from the source field: SORLCUR_EXP_GRAD_DATE


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    The expected return date, if the student has exited. Note: a terminal exit, such as a drop or withdraw, will have a "to" date that is the max date in the source system. Source field: SORLCUR_LEAV_TO_DATE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(24)
    May be Null? Y

    The expected return term, if the student has exited. Source: derived from SORLCUR_LEAV_TO_DATE. Can be null, for some exit actions.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    GPA for the level, for courses taken at Penn. Source field: SHRLGPA_GPA for gpa type 'I'


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Hours earned that are included in the GPA calculation, for courses taken internally at Penn, for the specified level of the degree pursual, in native Penn currency. When the credit type = 'CU' the GPA_HOURS will be the same as the GPA_HOURS_BU.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Hours earned that are included in the GPA calculation, for courses taken internally at Penn, for the specified level of the degree pursual, in Banner Units (BU). Source field: SHRLGPA_HOURS_EARNED where the gpa type in the source = 'I'.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(16)
    May be Null? Y

    The academic year in which the student graduated. Source field: SHRDGMR_ACYR_CODE


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    Date on which the student graduated, derived from SHRDGMR_TERM_CODE_GRAD


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(24)
    May be Null? Y

    The term in which the student graduated. Source field: SHRDGMR_TERM_CODE_GRAD


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(24)
    May be Null? Y

    The last term record for which the student had any activity in the source student curriculum table. Derived from SORLCUR_TERM_CODE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(24)
    May be Null? Y

    The latest term record for the curriculum in which the student is or was enrolled in courses.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(8)
    May be Null? Y

    The enrollment status for the student in their last_enrolled_term


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(120)
    May be Null? Y

    Text description of the Last Enrolled Term Status


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(16)
    May be Null? Y

    Primary Major code for most recent term. Source field: SORLFOS_MAJR_CODE where the LFST code is MAJOR and the record is the lowest priority number for all majors for the student in the term. For all of the students' majors, see the table ST_MAJOR_MINOR.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(120)
    May be Null? Y

    Text description for the MAJOR code. Note: this is the student's primary major.

    Penn Classification

    Indexed - yes
    Format - Varchar2(4)
    May be Null? Y

    The student attribute that identifies an undergraduate student's classification, which can be different from the system-calculated classification. Source: SGRSATT_ATTS_CODE where SGRSATT_ATTS_CODE like 'PC%'

    Penn Classification Desc

    Indexed - yes
    Format - Varchar2(30)
    May be Null? Y

    Description of the code in Penn Classification.


    Indexed - yes
    Format - Varchar2(36)
    May be Null? Y

    Penn's identity management system's identification number. Source field: SPRIDEN_ID.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Count of the number of degree pursual records that a student has, where the degree pursued is a PhD.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Internal sequence number of the research master's degree related to the PHD degree, when the PHD and research masters are in the same division and same major/grad group.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(24)
    May be Null? Y

    Where applicable: the earliest admit term for the research masters program associated with a PHD program, if the masters started first. Derived from the source field: SORLUR_TERM_CODE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    The number of terms a student has the degree of PhD in their curriculum. This number does not include the terms they were pursuing a research masters, and it does not include Summer terms. To get that total including research masters, use the PHD_START_OF_PROGRAM to get a count of terms from that starting point to the current term.


    Indexed - yes
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Internal indentification number. Source field: SORLCUR_PIDM


    Indexed - yes
    Format - Varchar2(48)
    May be Null? Y

    Program code of the curriculum related to the degree being pursued. Source field: SORLCUR_PROGRAM. Source validation table: SMRPRLE. Warehouse validation table: V_PROGRAM.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(120)
    May be Null? Y

    Text description of the PROGRAM code.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(24)
    May be Null? Y

    The term in which the student completed a certificate program, or successfully completed any other program from which there is no degree granted. Source field: SORLCUR_TERM_CODE for exit actions that indicate an end of program.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Quality Points for courses taken internally at Penn, for the level of the degree pursual, in native Penn currency. When the credit type = 'CU' the QUALITY_POINTS will be the same as the QUALITY_POINTS_BU.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Quality Points for courses taken internally at Penn, for the level of the degree pursual, using Banner Units. Source field: SHRLGPA_QUALITY_POINTS where the gpa type in the source = 'I'


    Indexed - no
    Format - Date
    May be Null? Y

    The latest date the record was refreshed in the warehouse


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(4)
    May be Null? Y

    School code of the curriculum related to the degree being pursued. Source field: SORLCUR_DICD_CODE. Source validation table: GTVDICD. Warehouse validation table: V_SCHOOL.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(120)
    May be Null? Y

    Text description of the SCHOOL code.


    Indexed - yes
    Format - Varchar2(8)
    May be Null? Y

    Student's level code in this curriculum. Source field: SORLCUR_LEVL_CODE.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Varchar2(120)
    May be Null? Y

    Description of the code in Student_Level. Source: STVLEVL_DESC


    Indexed - yes
    Format - Varchar2(320)
    May be Null? N

    internal warehouse primary key, based on SORLCUR_PIDM and DWLD_CURRIC_ID


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Hours earned for courses transferred in from an external institution, for the specified level of the degree pursual, in native Penn currency. When the credit type = 'CU', the TRANSFER_CREDIT will be the same as the TRANSFER_CREDIT_BU.


    Indexed - no
    Format - Number
    May be Null? Y

    Hours earned for courses transferred in from an external institution, for the specified level of the degree pursual, in Banner Units (BU). Source field: SHRLGPA_HOURS_EARNED where the gpa type in the source = 'T'.

    ST_DEGREE_PURSUAL Table . Pennant Student Records Home . Data Warehouse Home

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    University of Pennsylvania
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