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University of Pennsylvania
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CRSE_SECT_INSTRUCTOR column definitions . Pennant Student Records Home . Data Warehouse Home




Contains information about all of the instructors assigned to a course section, regardless of whether or not they have been assigned a teaching load percentage.


The warehouse CRSE_SECT_INSTRUCTOR table is refreshed in batch mode from the Operational Data Store (ODS), which gets its data from the Banner database. The UPENN_ODS source table is SATURN_SIRASGN.


Primary Key Indexed Data Elements Related Tables
based on term, crn, session indicator, instructor pidm

crn, term


Cautions and notes

  • A course section can have multiple instructors. If you include all instructors in your query results, course sections with more than one instructor will have more than one row return. Only one of the instructors will have the Primary Indicator set. Note that at Penn, the Primary Indicator does not carry any particular meaning, but it is one way to get only one row for each course section when you include instructor in the results.
  • Instructors are assigned a percentage of the teaching load; this value is found in the RESPONSIBILITY_PERCENT column. In many situations, one instructor will have 100% of the load assigned, and the other instructor(s) will have 0%. Note, however, that filtering for the instructor with 100% load is not a good way to try to get only one row for each course section: it may cause some data to disappear from your results because there are courses where the load is split 50/50 (or 30/30/40, etc.).
CRSE_SECT_INSTRUCTOR column definitions . Pennant Student Records Home . Data Warehouse Home

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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania