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University of Pennsylvania
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OIP_IMMIGRATION STATUS HISTORY Table - Data Element Index . Tables and Data Elements . ISSS Data Home . Data Warehouse Home




This table contains the immigration status (commonly referred to as visa) history for a person. When referring to ‘history’; this table does not maintain a record of multiple statuses for an immigration status but the current state for a particular visa status.


Primary Key

Indexed Data Elements

Related Tables






  • When running reports on a person’s current immigration status; always use Oip_Person_Employee table.
  • If you require a person’s immigration_status_end_date (commonly referred to as visa
  • expiration date) for their current immigration status, there is a view available in the warehouse (available
  • upon request; approval is required).

Common Uses

  • This table allows for searches to be conducted for changes to a person’s immigration status, immigration start or end date, status category and/ or status information.


  • People can have multiple entries on this table.
  • Records may not appear on this table due to the following:
  • Historical record (this data did not exist prior to the new source system)
  • The immigration status information is in ‘Initial’ state and has not progressed to ‘Active.’


OIP_IMMIGRATION STATUS HISTORY Table - Data Element Index . Tables and Data Elements . ISSS Data Home . Data Warehouse Home

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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania