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The DW_ROLES Table contains information about Data Warehouse database roles which have been granted to Warehouse users.

Common Uses
Finding the data collections to which a Warehouse user has been granted access.

Primary Key Indexed Data Elements Related Tables


  • This table contains information about database roles currently granted to users of the Warehouse. Database roles map roughly to Warehouse data collections. Please refer to the DW_ROLES_DESC table for friendlier names for the various roles.
  • For select data collections (e.g., General Ledger, Salary Managment, Proposals, Faculty), users must be granted both a the database role to view the collection, as well as an ORG range to view data within the collection. Information about ORG ranges to which users have access is available in the USER_ACCESS_LIST table. If a user has been granted a role to access a data collection, but has no ORG access to that data, s/he will only be able to see unsecured information within that collection.
  • DW_ROLES is secured by center, and is available only to Access Administrators, for the center(s) in their area of responsibility. Access Administrators will be able to view data for any individuals whose home school/center is in their area of responsibility.
  • The table is refreshed daily, and contains information only about roles currently granted to users as of the time the table was loaded.
  • The DW_ROLES table is stored in the DWADMIN schema in the Data Warehouse as DW_ROLES_MV.
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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania