Penn Computing

University of Pennsylvania
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There is one row in the table per script, containing the script name, job name, group name, and system job name associated with each script.

Common Uses
Finding the script name for a specific data collection, in order to user the DW_LOAD_STATUS table for the desired script.

Primary Key Indexed Data Elements Related Tables


  • The DW_LOAD_STATUS_MAPPING table is stored in the DWADMIN schema in the Data Warehouse. Access is granted automatically to anyone with the Payroll or Student roles in the warehouse and the warehouse technical support team. If you try to access the table and get the message “table or view does not exist”, contact ISC Data Administration.
DW_LOAD_STATUS_MAPIPNG Table - Data Element Index   Tables and Data Elements   Infrastructure Home   Data Warehouse Home

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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania